Heartshard Rare Style Vendor

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Infinite Onefunk, Mar 25, 2015.

  1. Infinite Onefunk Active Player

    Why is the Heartshard style not available in the rare style vendor?
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  2. Nekron 99 Loyal Player

    Heartshard? That's rare? I don't ever remember having an issue completing it.

    It was primarily a Tank style back in the day so maybe it's rare for players that weren't Tanks.
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  3. Snix Dedicated Player

    They need to add some old styles to the new dlc
  4. Shadowdragon Devoted Player

    Although I completed this on all toons, I agree it should be added. Heartshard drops are much like Sharpshooter & Mayan. All but one part typically get completed quickly. You get stuck on that one piece for months to a year. Of my healers, one got stuck on the head and the other on the belt.
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  5. Gunny New Player

    Heartshard, Aerial Defender, and Rapture are not included in the vendors.

    All were role-specific styles, until Aerial Defender and Rapture began dropping for 2 out of the 3 roles, while Rapture now drops in a DPS set.

    These mostly drop in raids, though their counterparts can drop in some Alerts and weekly alert reward boxes. These are probably the only styles that:

    - Do not drop in DPS role
    - Have a feat attached
    - Not sold in a vendor
    - Not available in the rare vendor
  6. not_again Dedicated Player

    Don't forget Kryptonian Style
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  7. Laz523 Well-Known Player

    I only seen two pieces drop for my tank role, all other pieces I get are for healer role
  8. DCFanatical Dedicated Player

    Honestly, I would prefer all the raid styles (yes even the early ones) be in the rare vendor. Raids are very hard, especially in the early stages, to get into groups and that often turns people off of them. Add on the weekly lockout and it can really be difficult to get styles that only drop in raids. I would rather continue on my game and work on my character then have to run the same raid over and over every week to get that last style piece I need.
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  9. RoxyStormbringer Dedicated Player

    Role specific styles shouldn't be put into the Rare Style Vendor, because there are already ways to get them either through running content or Respec Tokens. Many people spent real money or monthly SC/LP to finish this and similar styles, so by doing this they would not only lose money, but players would feel ripped off as well. I agree Heartshard sucks for Healers, because 2 pieces drop from Weekly Boxes only. However, you could save the Tank pieces from this and other styles then switch to tank to put them on and complete the feats.
  10. RoxyStormbringer Dedicated Player

    T6 players can easily solo T2-T4 Raids, the only exceptions are Khandaq, FoS2 (The bridge stinks because of the breakout nerf), and Inner, but it's not hard to ask 2 or 3 friends/league mates to run those with you. However, Role Specific Styles shouldn't be put in the vendor, because of my previous post.
  11. Infinite Onefunk Active Player

    There is a healer drop for Heartshard. How is that role specific?
  12. Gunny New Player

    As I said, they WERE role specific.

    In fact, they still are because Heartshard does not drop for a controller. Nor is it available in DPS.
    Kryptonian omits the healer role I think, that one I'm not too sure of (thanks for bringing that style up btw not_again)
    Aerial Defender im' pretty sure omits the Healer role.
    Rapture omitted tanks until it was released in DPS role in Trigon DLC.
  13. Yui Loyal Player

    It's considered role specific since Heartshard style doesn't drop in one or more roles (Controller and DPS).
  14. Blackz Star Level 30

    Yeah I still haven't completed the Heartshard style. All i need is like 1 or 2 pieces to complete it.
  15. Infinite Onefunk Active Player

    Just need the head. Maybe it's not worth it. It's been said skill points don't make that much difference past a certain point. I'm a healer/dps with 163p. Keep running East End Regal and keep spending replay badges. It's certainly not worth the money.
  16. DarkSyde79 Loyal Player

    Heartshard (T2 raid Tank/T3 solo Healer) and Seraph (T1 alert Healer/T2 solo Tank) are the only styles remaining in-game that haven’t been made available to people who haven’t changed their roles at least once.

    Before making these styles available from the Rare Style Vender, if would be nice if they would make these styles available to all characters like every other previously role specific style sans the T3 Iconic vender armor.

    Of course this would’ve been done previously via a tier content balancing GU but since I don’t see this happening anytime soon, I would hope that one of the future DLCs would introduce one, if not both, of these armors as the throwaway styles like they have in the Trigon duos or AF2 solo.
  17. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player

    Certain older styles are Tank / Controller - Viking or Healer / Controller - Alien Tech or Tank / Healer - Hartshard styles. If any of these styles are included in a new update I would be surprised. I state this as the only way to complete the sytles is to switch to one of the roles. If you collect all 3 you get 75 feats points; if you did not finish the Medival, Shaman, or Eng. Tech styles you can when switch powers doing the Battle for earth duos. That would provide another 75 point feats. Add to this the 100 feat points from collecting the superman styles set for each role.

    By switching to all 3 roles you can gain at minimum 2.5 skill points, plus any other feats from being X role at level 30...

    I say no as these items result in power respect tokens being bought just for the 2.5+ SP that a player can get from swapping powers.
  18. Skeptikraze Well-Known Player

    I've been hunting the Heartshard back piece for tank for over a year (another 1.5 years before that before my break from the game). Still no luck.

    I agree, if rare and role-specific drops are as much of a jackpot as winning the lotto, might as well throw at least the extremely hard-to-hunt pieces into the rare style vendor.
  19. DarkSyde79 Loyal Player

    While I understand why the OP wants Heartshard added to the Rare Vender, that is simply not an adequate solution.

    It is well past time that the launch styles that are only available to two of the three support roles be made available to that third role or made available for DPS.