Free Powers

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Morcra, Mar 24, 2015.

  1. Morcra Committed Player

    No. I am not asking or begging for them to give us free powers because rit now as i see it its pretty fair.

    But the question i dare to ask is how long can they keep up. As of now there are 6 free powers and 6 dlc powers. Soon there will be 6 free powers and 9 DLC powers.

    Not like ive particulary been here long but if anything ive been here long enough to question.

    Can they keep on making new powers that needs to be payed for?

    Say if i just found this game. I see all the amazing designs andmovements. Then i get to the powers. Now this is set some time in the future. Now i, a new player, sees 6 free powers. then i get excited. Then i see 12 0r 15 powers i need to pay for.
    At that point dont u think thats a bit much?

    Not everyone wants to be a legendary member. Not everybody has th money to pay.

    And some people are just stubborn.
    • Like x 1
  2. Brother Allen Loyal Player

    Then they simply don't get to use the Powers they have to pay for. Really nothing to discuss at that point. Game is F2P to bring people in, get them interested, and hopefully entice them enough to spend money on the game.
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  3. DustyAnkh Loyal Player

    Everybody that owns a gaming console that is an adult can afford $10 a month. If somebody is so poor they can't afford $10, then how did they get a console and how do they pay for electricity ? I can understand if somebody doesn't want to pay, but everybody has the capability.

    Heck, sometimes I find $10 in my jacket.
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  4. Forsaken Mentalist Well-Known Player

    I see the point your making. Which isn't a bad one.

    But, that's the point of F2P. A small taste to tempt you to drop some cash. Unfortunately this game needs cash to keep moving forward.
    • Like x 3
  5. Morcra Committed Player

    True very true xD. But adults dont only play this game.

    there is no real excuse for children considering that theyll complain for just about everything they cant get.

    But soom teens cant pay due to their parents restricting them or there lack of allowance.
  6. Radium Devoted Player

    Whos to say that someone has to buy 15 powers?

    You buy a power that you like and you're set.
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  7. Rocky Well-Known Player

    Like my dad always says nothing is free:p
    Luckily DC doesn't follow that logic, most games it would've been 1 weak power that's free and others you'd have to pay for. S you should be grateful that there are 6 powers in this game which are balanced great for going damage, healing, tanking and trolling.
    Also keep in mind that to make powers it costs money, giving out for free would be a waste of DCUO's resources.
  8. Morcra Committed Player

    But how exactly wud u know u like this power. They have to test it out no?

    thus, they have to pay for it. Now to mention choose one from a good amount. I wud be bummed if i bought a power to just not like. Guides nand videos are helpful but first person experiences are best.
  9. RapidRay Committed Player

    Actually, there will NOT be additional DLC powers.

    Powers and DLCs are going to be made as separate purchases in the Marketplace in the near future. So, if you want the power but NOT the expense of an associated DLC, you'll have that option.
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  10. Derio 15000 Post Club

    You argument is flawed. Only reason there are 6 free powers is because those powers are with the original build. Meaning you can play off base install while the rest downloads in the back.

    If they were to consider any powers ever becoming free it will be HL, earth, and electricity. But that might not happen until the PS3 is dropped if at all.
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  11. Sabigya Steadfast Player

    If they release one free power they have to release 3. To make it 3-3-3.
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  12. Forsaken Mentalist Well-Known Player

    [quote="DustyAnkh, post: 3155321, member:

    Heck, sometimes I find $10 in my jacket.[/quote]

    Damn money Gremlins. Keepin in people's jackets leaving 10 dollar bills!
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  13. Makineko Committed Player

    The fact 40% of this game is f2p, the choice of starter powers that gets offered at the start is pretty generous and up to T3 you can do most content is more then some games would usually give you. They didn't even have to put in 6, they could have just put in 1 for each role (Heal, Troll, Tank) and be done.

    They have to monetise the game somehow and powers are a key part to that, giving away any more would be hamstringing themselves more then they do already.
  14. RapidRay Committed Player

    "Can they keep on making new powers that needs to be payed for?"

  15. rawlings42 Well-Known Player

    Hey the answer is "Be Legen............(wait for it)DARY!"
    • Like x 4
  16. Morcra Committed Player

    well i thought one way was after a considerable amount of time they could make the 3 less desirable types(tank, troll, heal) and make em free.
  17. Disatria New Player

    Those are all support role of the powers they can all dps...
  18. RapidRay Committed Player

    I just went into full blown WTF mode....

    Name ONE POWERSET that doesn't include a support role option, or your definition of a "less desirable type".
    Go on, I double dog dare ya.

    Translation of original post..."gimme the flavor of the month power for free."

    Nothing to see here....moving on whilst shaking my head.
  19. Disatria New Player

    Those free power were from the original release before dlcs
  20. Morcra Committed Player


    i meant as in the one thats less bought. that brings in less money o_0. How could i play this game and not know the support roles =/

    Im not asking for any. im just trying to look in the eyes of new players. Whether it happens or not idc. I just wanted to know other peoples thoughts about it.
