Let's get real with these tank powers

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by May24, Mar 14, 2015.

  1. May24 New Player

    actually at cr 114 im hitting 40k health. its just not enough. once i let go of block to pull ads, either i get overwhelmed and die instantly or i can almost save myself by juggling what adds i can juggle.
  2. Master Play Committed Player

    People don't realize that control effects have been wonky since GU 41 not just for PvP, but for PvE as well. These effects have made tanking much more difficult since that update, I don't see any tank power successfully tanking an Elite Throne without at least one control-freeing power on his or her loadout bar. These effects weigh most on powers like fire, where you heavily rely on juggles and heals.

    Another thing people don't realize is that tanking is not just popping a power, pulling, and blocking. A lot of tanks fail because they do not understand the concept behind counters and immunity. Tanks should ALWAYS be looking to counter adds for that blue immunity, that immunity can be the difference between you dying and wiping the raid or surviving to pop another power and get some heals. Whenever my shielding/healing effect is about to go down, I make sure I get an immunity to shield myself a bit before popping my shield/healing effect again.

    My preferred weapon for tanking is the handblasters or the shield. Handblaster for their AoE counters, shield for it's quick unmatched lunge.
  3. Latif New Player

    Tank the adds in elite first boss using solo heal and solo troll.

    Ice and Rage can. So Fire and Earth should also, right?
  4. Master Play Committed Player

    Normal throne is a piece of cake, especially with 2 healers.

    The usual Elite Throne runs are 1 healer 1 troll.
  5. Cirocband New Player

    Oh well 40k buffed. Not base...slow moment. Lol
    But what load out do you use and do you have any other juggling moves in your load out beside backdraft? Me personally I use enflame to help juggle the ads. But I was thinking about using immolation instead of enflame cause I wanted to use flashpoint to help juggle the ads and set them on fire. It's good for juggling but flashpoint would've taken place of a heal move, which I didn't think was worth it, especially in throne.
  6. spack2k Steadfast Player

    my hp is abit over 40k as firetank
  7. May24 New Player

    keep bumpin this
  8. Derio 15000 Post Club

    I think devs get the point.
  9. May24 New Player

  10. C3alix Committed Player

    So we can all agree that CURRENTLY fire tanks can't tank the adds unless there's 2 healers?
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  11. Kharhaz Committed Player

    OK, but show me any group who has beaten elite first.....
  12. Kharhaz Committed Player

    For me, the problem isn't the tanks.

    Our league regularly do this raid, with me as a tank (earth), and our fellow league member (fire) with no problem.

    We even carried a member through who has not even done the raid before.

    The problem is Hades. The luck based events that take place have us knackered.

    The banishing. Bugs are still present, all 8 of us were banished at one point!

    Healers. We played with 2 healers, one was banished, one was shaded 5 TIMES IN A ROW while the other was banished!

    The problem with this raid is not the tanks, its the RNG mechanics. And the bugs.

    If you are in a group with people who have a grasp on what to do, then no one player can be blamed. As things stand, the mechanics for hades last fight are seriously flawed.
  13. iTzKCO Well-Known Player

    The day I can finally go back to fire will be the day. Until then, I gotta stay rage. It's much easier and I don't want to have to try hard in every content because my power is lacking in certain areas. To all the day 1 fires still dpsn and tanking, major shout out to you guys. I gave up as soon as rage came out.
  14. SirMuttonChops New Player

    Fire tanking has been a topic of discussion for a lot of people i know. I think everyone keeps giving suggestions that wouldn't really solve full problems - fire elemental mode would be a supercharge so it wouldn't only work a few times, and not save you the rest of the time you're about to die;
  15. May24 New Player

    There just need to be viable options to upgrade fire in pve content and to keep it balanced enough to not be ridiculously over powered in pvp
  16. SirMuttonChops New Player

    Burning NPC's should do less damage to a Fire tank while Immolation is active or something like that. Don't let it apply to player characters and move forward from there. They've already established that they can separate the two.
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  17. Ultimate BioHazard Well-Known Player

    Exactly this. As Ragetank i got hits from 20k up to 183k (twice in a row) WHILE BLOCKING and nobody did damage on the punisher!
    Sorry for caps but its frustrating to die that way and tell the group " have fun guys, 20 adds incl 2 punishers are chasing after you..."!

    For real: as i know the punisher saves player damage inside his field, multiplicate it and shoot it in one burst attack (kinda like timebomb), right?

    If thats the point, it means punishers in Elite are bugged! Am i wrong?
  18. 00beaner New Player

    if the punisher is what kills you then its not fire tanking its the horrible troll/group. your telling me someone preferably a troll cant pull that add outta there so he can be burnt down? gadgets laso was a pot and the actual laso is available to every t6 guy so he should not be killing anyhing.
    do you use immolation as a fire tank? maybe low pressure kills you but you gotta be able to pop something. i know moves draw aggro even if we dont pull the ads. so hit a move and trust they come to you. do you use personal dampening fields? also if the ads are getting to high in numbers its the dps not fire tanking. i cant see how the tank takes the hit for bad players. insanely high health is the perk of the risk of rage tanks, but you put the rage with a poor solo troll against a solo hard hitting boss and suddenly they are the worst.

    i know the best players i run with all give me crap because i stopped tanking again and all have beat the content with fire. yes a group with fire and earth have beaten throne. no rage no ice yet a win. can you do everything a rage or ice can? apparently not but as i said rage has its ideal and not so good spots just like fire. ice is.................... i hate powers that everyone can use. ice takes zero talent but i am not saying all ice tanks are bad.

    my only problem with fire is the grief the community gives fire tanks
  19. Cirocband New Player

    There's people who've beaten elite and people who are 116 cr already
  20. SirMuttonChops New Player

    Not legitimately. They farm the first 2 bosses for gear.