PVP... An ulterior motive

Discussion in 'Battle of the Legends (PvP)' started by White Falcon, Mar 20, 2015.

  1. White Falcon New Player

    Whenever a new pvp season comes out, combatants take to the arena, duke it out to get their new gear, mod it, then twiddle their thumbs in anticipation of the next season. I propose giving pvp fanatics something new to work towards. My suggestion is this:

    Allow players to spend marks of Valor on styles from the rare style vendor. Complaints have been made before on how long it takes to earn 70 marks of Fury for just one style, and while not everyone has a problem with it, those that do still matter. Players should be able to choose between spending the entire 70 marks of Fury on the item (for those not interested in pvp), or splitting the purchase between 40 marks of fury and 10 wins worth of pvp marks (however much that will be in season 4). Not necessarily those prices, but hopefully you get the idea.

    This solution should address the pvp community who feel like once they get their gear there is nothing to work for, and it should also allow players who don't enjoy spamming pve content to acquire the rare styles from the vendor in a way they enjoy. It also still allow players who enjoy pve content exclusively to continue getting the rare styles. I don't really see a downside, but feedback on this suggestion would be much appreciated.

    If anyone has any other ideas on how to give pvp players more to do, other than just grinding for gear, then please leave comments below :)
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  2. MetaMax75 Devoted Player

    I like it.
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  3. Talve Dedicated Player

    Yes, you are right. There really is no real reason to queue for PvP after you get your gear.

    I don't mind style idea, but what i would still prefer the idea of open rankings and leaderboard.
    Right now they just hide your ranking, use it in their matchmaking.
    Make it open and create leaderboards and there is already a reason to continue PvPing.

    Heck, they would not even have to create leaderboards themselves. As long as numbers are available via API, someone will bake a leaderboard together.
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  4. Requake Dedicated Player

    You can always do scrims you know, for prestige!
  5. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    Wait, scrims count for prestige? I never paid attention to that.
  6. Requake Dedicated Player

    ... Not actual league prestige. Who would care about such a thing.
    I mean actual prestige amongst players, renown!
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  7. White Falcon New Player

    Yeah there is that, but some players (like myself) aren't really interested in prestige, and want something more tangible to work towards. Of course for those who are interested in prestige in the community, there are always scrims.
  8. Requake Dedicated Player

    Sometimes in life or in game, you should do something to actually enjoy it, instead of the rewards.
  9. White Falcon New Player

    I enjoy rewards :)

    I hear you about the scrims and prestige. This suggestion is just so that there is something for everyone in this game.
  10. Kroye Loyal Player

    I see what you did there :p

    I think it's a great idea, but the costs (in Valor) might need to be re-evaluated. ( I think they should cost a bit more since you can farm unlimited Valor without replay badges and get rewarded even losing.)
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  11. LoArlequin Well-Known Player

    Or... PLEASE!

    Let me buy cross-faction gear with IDK... let's say 10k marks of valor per piece.
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  12. White Falcon New Player

    Yeah I'm not adamant on the amount of Marks of Valor required per style piece. It was just an example. You're totally right about the fact that there are people who only do PVE for the feats (myself included).
  13. Grand Shaw Loyal Player

    Lol I was gonna say Enquirer and I would've gotten a bunch of prestige from how much we scrim. :p
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  14. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    I was just wondering because I never bothered to check for rewards from scrims what with all the marks and drops not being in them. But yea, we need to start recording our scrims.

    #ShawSoundsLikeEeyore :p though I listened to some stuff, your voice isn't raspy enough to sound like him.
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  15. Brother Allen Loyal Player

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  16. Grand Shaw Loyal Player

    Enquirer, don't be surprised if I sit back and watch Venge and Brice destroy you next scrimmage. :mad:

    But on a serious note, I'd like MOL to be increased to 4 and 2. Even if it were 5 per win, that's 17 wins for an 85 mark character. Ain't nobody got time for dat. :p
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  17. Brother Allen Loyal Player

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  18. Grand Shaw Loyal Player

    That's 3 pics this month that have actually made me laugh. 1 more you get Grams. :p
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  19. Chungweishan New Player

    And then what after you get all those styles? You're basically farting around again.

    I thought perhaps "exobytes" as everyone usually always needs exobytes. But like styles, it is no longer needed after you Modded your armor.

    For me, the ulterior goals should be three things:
    1. Figuring out a way that everyone enjoys the pure competition of PvP.
    Not everyone is a "tournament player." But certainly everyone wants to be matched fairly with the opportunity to win. I'd like to see Ranked Leaderboards. So a Hero has to check a "Be Ranked" box before a match, same with a Villain. They will only be ranked if both hero/villain checks the box. Simple as that. You can only be ranked versus the same "enemy" per day. So you won't get rank-farmers.

    2. Being on a team and networking with others.
    So whatever I do in Arenas reflects on other areas in the game (besides Skillpoints). Perhaps if I team up with a certain player all the time, we get a bonus for being on the same team in Arenas, Legends, PvE, and Open World.

    3. Repopulate Open World.
    Not exactly sure how to do this since it's a gear-discrepancy nightmare.

    Doesn't really matter if they do it or not. I haven't played the game in months.
  20. Agent Ahri Well-Known Player

    I used to have 8 hour pvp sessions for the sake of fighting another player, so this concept of needing material goods to pvp is quite foreign to me. I like your idea btw.