Usps make it to where we can buy in game cash with real money

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Apexpredator2470, Mar 14, 2015.

  1. Apexpredator2470 New Player

    Hey development if you made it possible for ppl to buy in game cash with real money like 10 million is 10 real dollars and so on and so forth i know there would be alot of people happy about it just make it to where you still got to be legendary to access above 2000 in your cash and people would still pay for legendary to be able to get access to there cash they bought
  2. SkullGang Devoted Player

    That will break the ******* game. Are you crazy ?
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  3. Harlequin Devoted Player

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  4. Apexpredator2470 New Player

    Yes lol
  5. Black Dawn Steadfast Player

    This would really ruin the game...
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  6. Nebula153 Well-Known Player

    People do this in trade chat already, getting 10 million for a $20 PSN card, which is absurd.
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  7. Breathcore New Player

    They've already done that though. They made it so you can reset peoples raids.

    I mean, it's not set up to be done safely or legitimately, but, hint hint.
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  8. Grumpy Dedicated Player

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  9. GJGBlackDragon Dedicated Player

    No. Not only that will broke the DCUO economy even more, it don't take in consideration the different currencies the players have.

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  10. RoxyStormbringer Dedicated Player

    This would definitely cause in game issues. If you want in game cash then all you need to do is farm Exobits and Collections. Seriously, I have a character that has 5 million and she only started with money from her missions to list stuff in the Broker.
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  11. Apexpredator2470 New Player

    Okay okay i see all of you make a valid point but what if it was a once a year thing of a every six months thing where you was aloud to buy in game cash with real world currency kinda like the booster gold pack is ppl Wouldn't be able to do it all the time this way it would not hurt the game i do not think
  12. David Ivanenko Committed Player

    Broker prices would go up, and people not wanting to use real currency for in game cash wouldn't be able to afford anything.
    Well, you could buy some punctuation with that money instead of in game cash. :p
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  13. Apexpredator2470 New Player

    This is a good idea development plz listen to this and take this idea into consideration
  14. Twilight Avenged Dedicated Player

    What is it you need $10 million for?
  15. Apexpredator2470 New Player

    Lol i Don't need 10 million for anything but thinks for asking :) how ever i am just trying to obtain something in the broker for 50 million and i am along way away from haveing it so i just thought man i wished there was a easier way to get money other then having to grind for it so thats why i suggested this idea i thought of but alot of people seem to think it's not a good one oh well perhaps it is not but sure seemed to me it was lol
  16. evil keebler elf Well-Known Player

    Because its not a good idea. Idk what is worse, ppl that shout in chat for buying/selling cash for real money or this idea of yours.
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  17. Dcon34DCUO Loyal Player

    The game's economy would still be hurt even if this was a "once in a while" thing. Unless spent on Vendors or to keep your base powered, all that in-game cash doesn't just disappear. It just continues to change hands between players forever.

    And to compensate for that over abundance of cash, prices will be raised so the economy can be put back into some semblance of order. It's basic economics. If you can "print" infinite money, that money will devalue if too much is in circulation at one time. The "cost" of goods won't change, but the money will be worth less so you'll need more of it to meet the item's cost.

    There was a money glitch in DCUO twice, USPS3 had it early on and there was one recently that I didn't pay attention to the server, but as a result of that glitch players gained billions in cash, some even hid some of it away in the mailbox. The economy of USPS3 was ruined and still has over inflated prices because of it, compared to USPC. The devs took away trillions of dollars of in game cash from players to help stabilize the market.

    Being able to "buy" money is not a good idea. As much as many of us don't like the prices for goods on the broker, and the rich get richer because of these prices, being able to buy in-game cash wouldn't solve anything. If you want a lot of money in game, there are options to be able to "earn" it through gameplay as stated above.

    So as much as I can imagine what may have brought this idea upon you, I can't rightly support it.
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  18. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    It's not a good idea. The more money there is, the less value it holds. All it would do is drive prices up to adjust for the influx of new cash. If it was as easy as just printing more money don't you think that governments all over the world would do it in real life so everyone could be rich? If they did it would de-value the currency.
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  19. Torikumu 10000 Post Club

    I wish they would :'( Torikumu needs dem £s

    But yeah, like Jafin says, not a good idea and for the exact reasons, too.

    Looking at the game for evidence, EUPS prices sky rocketed when players were able to effectively "print their own money" via a glitch about a year and a half ago. That's what happens when there's too much money in circulation. People charge ridiculous prices for things and players have the money so they pay for them.

    I remember the night the glitch happened. Someone was selling a single Soder Cola Extreme on the Broker for $999,999,999 (which I think is the max). That means they had a fee of $50,000,000 just to list that one item...

    By the way, Jafin, I hope you're looking forward to your economy becoming dark and evil if the cross play merge happens >=D Stock up on them auras, now :X
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  20. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    Oh don't you worry, ever since cross play was announced I've been keeping all my high priced items and laughing at the people who didn't think to keep them to sell for more $$$ when the time comes. ^^
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