Whats wrong with dcuo's community

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by amazingmanll, Mar 14, 2015.

  1. amazingmanll New Player

    First off i ain't bashing just asking objectively why dcuo's community is so bad. (Kicking alone) this will be talked about years from now. Kicking abused gets removed, grievers sabotage stuff kicking gets brought back WILL get abused AGAIN nothing is accomplished.

    Dcuo is suppose to be balanced YET if your not cr over 9000 !?! you get kicked, if your not DPS you get kicked, if your breathing you get kicked, if your not completely carrying a DPS as a support role you get kicked, if that one guy who Isn't #1 on score board you get kicked

    But its not just kicking trade channel is not trade its...well rated R adult XXX explicitly vulgar beyond comprehension. Enter trade at your own risk. I know you know what i'm talking about. how many time have we ate popcorn watching arguments over pvp gear or who thinks the know more about dcuo than others.

    I FORCE myself to play dcuo because its turning into old Detroit (ROBOCOP) theres just no law sometimes, in spytles words "VOTE KICKING BASTARDS" so why is dcuo's community so bad, how DO we make it better
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  2. RTHERMITE Well-Known Player

    I feel this way sometimes too, there are days that I would rather eat nails and gravel then log on, playing alts usually helps ease the pain of trying to progress my main toon with the new dlc.
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  3. Lord Jareth Steadfast Player

    i agree with all these terms as far as Dcuo community how to make it better i have answer a lot of question this is a question i don't know how to answer congrats now i need to go eat dinner this is a question that can't be beat.
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  4. Stamen Dedicated Player

    It's not THAT bad of a community, but I feel you. You have some extremes - for example, people getting on the forums complaining about getting kicked after trying to run a TOTD with a CR111 and 120 skill points. Not saying they can't finish, but why should anyone carry a person that hasn't even bothered to gear up from the solos at WEEK SIX of the DLC's release?

    Then there's the goof-balls that just can't do anything right in a raid. Maybe they are slow (mentally), or maybe they are 12 years old and never run content before. Maybe they just haven't had a league take them in and teach them to play. Either way, can you blame anyone for not wanting them in the group?

    Some people in this community just need to face the music: You aren't that good and worse, you aren't getting any better.

    On the other side of things, you have morons who for whatever reason got group lead. They are a total drag on the group, but somehow think it's everyone else. I've run with two tanks in this community who put together their own PuG's and honest to God are about the worst I've ever seen. When things go south, they start saying things like "Don't be stupid, people." Then after a few more wipes, they started kicking. Complete tools. Seriously.

    As to the raunchy chat talk in Trade, I don't get it. Some people are just server attention hounds who can't help themselves. Busting up trade chat with nasty talk is just rude to the rest of the community. I have a 13 year old son that plays this game and I promise you there are a couple of names that if I ever saw in person would have a serious sit down (or knock-down) with me just for the conversations I've had to have since he started playing reading some of the shizzle put out there.

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  5. denverweise Well-Known Player

    In some raids 1 weak link will hold back the whole group. Grab a league to help get your toon up to par and strong enough to handle those beefy raids. People can't expect to be carried the entire time they play this game.
  6. Gargamond Dedicated Player

    The majority of DCUO players are from east coast United States, and this is a f2p game. You're playing with future prisoners. Game on, gamer. Server's up.
  7. HeirToThaThrone Committed Player

    I agree that the community is bad, but I think you're over exaggerating a bit much, too. If you are really going through that many problems, part of the reason might be you. In groups I'm in, people barely ever get kicked, even that dps that has only 90% more damage than the troll. My biggest gripe is how badly skilled people are in this game...not so much getting kicked.
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  8. Davis New Player

    Theres no perfect community, this is an mmo im not sure what youre expecting here. In fact as far as mmo's go this community is actually one of the better ones. We just have to live with the few people who dont play this game right. We just except it and play the best we can. If your someone who is oversensitive to stuff like getting kicked then maybe mmo's arent for you.
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  9. That_Guy New Player

    The community would be great......if it weren't for all the people
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  10. Quanflux New Player

    Biggest problem is that bad players complain too much and get everything nerfed which makes good players leave and makes the horrible state of average player skill in this game plummet and more and more fail runs happen all the time so everybody is hostile at each other cuz they are sick of all the bad players in the community.
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  11. Kill Shot Well-Known Player

    I have thought a lot about this and I think a lot of people run in a League and only LFG in between.

    So LFG is a mix of normal people in between league runs and jerks that get kicked from leagues and people that haven't figured out they need a good league so they can stop swimming in the jerk pool so much.

    I hope you find a good league bro.
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  12. Duragon Committed Player

    Yea, so.... #1) get a good league. By good, I mean some down to earth people that like to play the game and don't expect you to get a divorce or quit your job so you can get the VI mod instead of that V expert mod since that's "obviously the reason you're wiping the raid".... what a joke. #2) realize that after all, it is an MMO, and most MMO's that are free, have some percent of rift raft. I just ignore them, and don't pay them any mind, literally because #3) IT'S A GAME. If you feel like you're forcing yourself to play, go play something else. Trust me. It works. Kinda like when you don't like hanging with your wife everyday and then you go on a business trip and come back and **** her in every room leading up to the bed room. Thank God all 3 kids are in school this year.
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  13. MARK2099 New Player

    Ironically some of these are regular customers which are funding the game, with no FOTM players this game could be in danger long ago, remember the merge of servers? lack of players, game went f2p probably because were not getting enough money from subbers, some people claim premiums spend no money, but it's impossible at this point reach to end game content spending just 5 usd, players are force to get atleast 2 dlc per tier since t5, not mention some spend money in mp items, etc.

    Back to topic, learn to deal with them, ignore players is the simple way, there are every type of players in the game, enjoy your time playing, rather than waste your time looking the behavior of others.
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  14. Sbel Devoted Player

    What exactly are you implying about the east coast of the US?
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  15. Rockhound665 Steadfast Player

    It's John Gabriel's Internet <butt>wad Theory taken to the extreme. It's easy to act like an idiot when you don't have to look anyone in the face.
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  16. That_Guy New Player

    Actually I do just that now, I no longer play alerts or raids, just solo's and duo's and my enjoyment of the game has skyrocketed
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  17. Ikyotojin Dedicated Player

    Mu main is best at DPS, But I geared it up to troll, and if there isn't a troll, or less than there should be, I toll.... and anyone who doesn't like it can pucker up. THAT'S how I deal with the issue of "do it my way or get kicked".

    Go ahead and do it without me. I can find another group... I pug a lot.
  18. Dr. Quantro Well-Known Player

  19. Sectumsempra Dedicated Player

    Nothing about he east coast in particular, what you've got here is a not so closet racist.

    East coast was his version of a 'pc' way of saying black/latino people,

    Like i'd love to see the backpeddling here, but omg lol.
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  20. Sbel Devoted Player

    Yeah, that's what I figured.

    If you ask me what's wrong with the dcuo community, it's too many bigots.
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