An idea to replace 'Vote to Kick' (pics inside)

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by RogerBlack, Mar 13, 2015.

  1. RogerBlack Committed Player

    Here’s a suggestion to replace the ‘Vote to Kick’ option.

    DCUO Gamers who may have full-time jobs, or school, or families to attend to just really just want to enjoy this game during the ‘limited of time’ that we have available (with as few ‘restarts’ as possible, that is).

    And personally, after I get home from working 8-10 hours of ‘filing reports’ at my day job… the VERY LAST thing I want to do is…. ‘file more reports’ about dcuo ‘griefers’. lol. (Just saying)

    I just want to use my spare time to ‘relax’ and enjoy the game.

    So if I encounter just 1 or 2 ‘griefers’ during my limited gametime without having any options available to ‘kick them’… I will have wasted the precious amount of time I have available to play and (after awhile) will likely just play other games instead of dcuo until the issue gets resolved by the Devs.

    “Restarting a Raid” wastes time for players who have very little in the first place.

    “Report player / Ignore player”… well, this is not really an issue for me.

    I can & have done that in the past. But it gets highly irritating after awhile.

    Especially since I have to ’stop everything I’m doing in DCUO’… to visit an external website… then spend EVEN MORE time describing (in detail) exactly how some ‘griefer’ is wasting my time. Then hope an action will be taken in the next 3 business days or so.

    I’d rather turn DCUO off and just play NBA 2K15, or Madden, or Assassin’s Creed, or any OTHER game where I do not have to do ANY of that.

    So there has to be some a better ’middle-ground’ somewhere.


    1 - If the Devs remove the Vote to Kick option… they need to replace it with an (in-game) reporting tool that has some type of consequence for the ‘griefers’. (In the screenshots below, the reporting tool only works when you are in a 'group' with others)

    2 - (THIS IS OPTIONAL) Perhaps the next time a ‘griefer’ logs-in… their HUD is gone and they cannot use any powers, or run any missions for a set period of time (like 1 hour?)… even if they attempt to restart the game.



    3 - But MOST IMPORTANTLY once these griefers ARE able to run missions again, the system should also notify the Entire Group before queing up for a Raid. (ie. the same way it tells everyone who is ‘Loot Locked’ beforehand).

    - [Player2] is Loot Locked for the 1st Boss.
    - [Player1] is Loot Locked for the 2nd Boss.
    - [Player3] is Loot Locked for the 3rd Boss.
    - [Player3] has (x) prior griefing complaints in the past 30 days.

    That way it gives the Group AMPLE opportunity to remove (potentially) ‘troublesome’ players before wasting time with ‘filing reports’, or ‘restarting’ missions after they have already started a raid.


    Don't want to get kicked? Don't worry, you won't be.

    Want to grief everyone else instead & cause problems? Knock yourself out. Have at it.

    But sooner or later, everyone will recognize that you are a troublesome player long before BEFORE they 'cue up' with you... instead of having to 'Ignore' you after you have wasted their time.

    Hopefully this can start a positive discussion, or generate some ideas on improvements or additional suggestions.

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  2. 1ndab0x176 New Player

    i like the idea, but griefers can also use it to cause more grief to non guilty players by placing false reports. but at leasts its a good start to an old problem.
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  3. Rox New Player

    So what happens if a person decides to grief by reporting everyone in their group. Now people will have a grief report for not doing anything wrong an will lead to insane amounts of kicking innocent players.
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  4. RogerBlack Committed Player


    But that might have to be an issue for the Devs to figure out how to solve.

    This was just meant to be a 'starting point'.

    Pretty sure it would be easy for the Devs to 'flag' gamers who are 'abusing' the Reporting Tool.
    Griefers would just be exposing themselves as griefers. So the system would respond 'in kind'.
    • Like x 3
  5. not_again Dedicated Player

    Good Intentions but people will report every little thing and trying to figure out what is legit and what is petty will be way to cumbersome. What if I told you there were people on these forums that report every post they don't agree with. Same type of thing with these reporting systems.
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  6. Grumpy Dedicated Player

    I'd rather have 'vote to kick' back.
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  7. RogerBlack Committed Player

    Pretty sure it would be easy for the Devs to 'flag' gamers who are 'abusing' the Reporting Tool.
    Griefers would just be exposing themselves as griefers. So the system would respond 'in kind'.

    But that's a problem for the Devs to figure out.
    Or maybe you could post a suggestion in this thread to help solve that?
  8. RogerBlack Committed Player

    Pretty sure it would be easy for the Devs to 'flag' gamers who are 'abusing' the Reporting Tool.
    Griefers would just be exposing themselves as griefers. So the system would respond 'in kind'.

    But that's a problem for the Devs to figure out.
    Or maybe you could post a suggestion in this thread to help solve that?
  9. Rox New Player

    The dev team got cut in half, they are way behind in support tickets, the have to work on updates, and it would be too troublesome to go through thousands i not hundreds of thousands of people using this as a griefing tool.
  10. ncgreenlantern Loyal Player

    Just put the vote to kick back the games over 4yrs old it's a little to late to be doing stuff like this.
  11. RogerBlack Committed Player

    But it's not too late to create new Powersets, or new DLCs every 3 months, huh?

    I highly disagree.
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  12. RogerBlack Committed Player

    They wouldn't have to 'monitor it' individually.

    It's not that hard for the Devs to code it so that anyone who is using the Reporting Tool more than (x) number of times (in a given week) is probably using to 'grief' other players.

    This idea is just the 'starting point'.
    Not the fully fleshed-out solution that solves ALL issues.
    I do not work for DCUO. Their Developers get paid to 'go the extra mile'. Not me.
  13. ncgreenlantern Loyal Player

    Well the dlc/powers make money so there's time for that because it keeps the game going and since they just had to put off the changes to the UI they've been working on for over a year because of the cuts in staff I don't think they have the money or manpower to check in to thousands upon thousands of tickets and respond to all of them .
  14. Derio 15000 Post Club

    Nice I like it, I would like to have both but this will do.
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  15. RogerBlack Committed Player

    This is very true.

    But also consider that 'Quality of Life' improvements for the gameplay community will help ensure that DCUO has 'repeat business' and keeps the game going also.

    Since too many 'griefers' can eventually hurt the sales of DLCs and Powersets over the long run.

    Because if said 'griefers' run amok (completely unchecked)... then some folks might get highly annoyed & stop playing for a period of time... which definitely cuts into the sales of DLCs and other Marketplace items.

    It wouldn't happen overnight, but if the Devs think it's a 'good idea' and are willing to 'flesh it out'... they will make time for it with the manpower they have available.

    At the end of the day, they would not have to 'manually' check thousands of tickets individually.
    Not if they coded it to be an 'automated' process.

    It's not that hard for the Devs to code it so that anyone who is using the Reporting Tool more than (x) number of times (in a given week) is most likely using to 'grief' other players... so the system should respond 'in kind'... and 'flag' them as a 'griefer' also.
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  16. ncgreenlantern Loyal Player

    The devs can make all the time in the world to do that but do you honestly think the community is going to be ok with 6 or 7 months working to fix a problem we didn't even have last week because we had a kick option.
  17. Sectumsempra Dedicated Player

    Bad idea, grief reporting because that dps isn't doing enough damage
    they insulted my layout
    they said mean things to me

    No loot for 30 days?
    The subscription period?
    So the person unsubscribes lol.

    It's barely been 48 hours but you'd think this was some rampant problem plaguing every player
  18. RogerBlack Committed Player

    Pure speculation.

    Neither of us know 'how long' it would actually take for the Devs to implement this idea.
    Unless you write code for DCUO, that is.
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  19. RogerBlack Committed Player

    That's true.

    But if someone keeps abusing the reporting tool in that fashion... they should probably get 'flagged' as 'a griefer' themselves.

    Plus I never said anything about 'not getting loot' for 30 days.

    All I suggested was that it should tell the other group members that [Player x] is a 'griefer' (or someone who abuses the Reporting Tool in a 'griefing' fashion) the same way it tells everyone who is 'loot locked'.

    The choice would be completely up to YOU (individually) to decide if you want to take a chance & run a mission with someone who is (potentially) either going to grief the raid themselves... or ABUSE the Reporting Tool, (if they decide to report you unfairly) as you just pointed out.
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  20. Erin Arror Dedicated Player

    An interesting proposal to a very tough nut to crack. Personally, I'm seeing more people getting kicked for the smallest things.

    For a game of micro-transactions, it's ironic how 'free' kicking is ;). If a kick costs 1000 market cash, people wouldn't be doing it so willy-nilly. A 'justified' or 'unfair' kicker will have to feel very strongly about it. :D and be supporting the game. :D
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