USPS 5v5 Watchtower Movement Initiative

Discussion in 'Battle of the Legends (PvP)' started by WockaFlockaPhil, Mar 12, 2015.

  1. WockaFlockaPhil Dedicated Player

    Welp, with the map rotations gone for the time being, I think it's time to take advantage and go back to random Queuing 5's like the old days. You may be asking yourself "But Phil, what are the benefits of random queuing as opposed to scrimmaging?" I'm glad you asked my friends.

    Random queuing promotes community growth in that you may find leagues who don't actually KNOW about 5v5 chat. This allows the opportunity for new faces and new teams to come out of nowhere, thus more people to play against!

    "BUT PHIL, I DON'T WANT TO JUST FACEROLL TEAMS AND HOPE I GET A QUEUE". Yes you do, because when ranking are eventually brought into the game, you'll be ranked higher and thus more likely to run into good groups. Furthermore, getting marks are nice as well.

    "I don't know Phil, what if I just want to casually play the game without worry of running into the likes of Dangerous or OverDose?" Well too bad. Just because you die in a videogame, it doesn't mean you die in real life. Deal with it.

    Listed below are ducks and geese of the 5v5 Watchtower.

    One Pieced
    Whatever league Ekat and Alija are currently in
    The Vendettas
    The Replacements
    Discendo Descimus
    Versatile Gaming
    Take Notez
    All of Fight Club (Literally all of them)

    Rager McGee
    Romeo Horse****

    Although I'm going to stay ducking, I encourage the rest of you people to start Queuing so that I have people to duck from. Thanks


    ps. Will update the list as people start Queuing
    • Like x 1
  2. WockaFlockaPhil Dedicated Player

    American Hero is #1
  3. The Enquirer Steadfast Player


    Sorry, I had to :p

    On a side note, hopefully this works out for you guys! I'd love to see the queue times increase and for more maps to be added in at once (though I don't think that's practical).
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  4. WockaFlockaPhil Dedicated Player

    Yeah it'd definitely be cool to get something like this working. I'm sure if I make enough bad threads about the watchtower, people will take notice. Here's to low quality content!
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  5. PillowHands Committed Player

    Thanks for reminding me not to choose the 5s map. I have certain teams on a gg no re status.

    Never Rematch
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  6. Sir-Ivy Dedicated Player

    Can someone please fill me in on the water fowl references? 0.o
  7. Sage-Rapha Steadfast Player

    I shall avoid 5v5 watchtower at all costs in Arenas. Legends, different story
  8. Eminence Dedicated Player

    "Whatever league ekat and alija are in" lmao
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  9. IamZACH Well-Known Player

    I also lol that comment
  10. DonnyDoom New Player

    Rager McGee #1 pug NA.
    i think the future on competive pvp will be in 4v4 safehouse
    or 8v8 watchtower and HoD. could go either way.
  11. iYaYa_ Well-Known Player

    Yea I'm not q uing 5v5 watchtower
    See me in 8v8 legends tho
  12. WockaFlockaPhil Dedicated Player

    The possibilities are endless

    @yaya, you can't hide from eager McGee, don't even effing try..
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  13. WockaFlockaPhil Dedicated Player

    Shut up Donald
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  14. Not RedSkull New Player

    i like your idea but i don't see it sticking because that was the point of the scrimmaging update and add on. to avoid 30-45 minutes of queueing to finally met the team you wanted to fight in the first place. now we shout in 5's send scrim and fight.
  15. Schnoz New Player

    We do need to get the pvp community back it needs to grow by running randoms and not scrims you do meet new people and that does build new leagues or new teams that's what we need. By the way im a USPS Villian I will re-make a toon to be hero if that's the pvp league im looking for but I've been in training I've played the game from release to home turf then I left for training im back now my toon is newer but I want to find a pvp league message me on here please
  16. WockaFlockaPhil Dedicated Player

    Although the PvP community consistently requested a scrimmage option to be put in place for a long time, scrims were only brought in because syncing queues (which I think Mepps said was never their intention) were broken due to the background ranking system. To remedy this issue, they created scrimmages. It made sense and is definitely a great tool to have.

    With that said, the primary issue with scrimmages only in 5v5 chat is that eventually, the community begins to deteriorate as a direct result of segregation. Prior to syncing queues and even before 5v5 chat, people were random queuing. Random queuing made it possible for new leagues to gain more experience under the radar, and ultimately helped raise the bar on PvP as well as literally grow the community so that there were more competitive teams. Nightfall, for instance, is the one rare exception where a league took on the challenge of breaking into 5's scrimmages, and though they're far from the best, they've certainly made great strides in short time.

    I'm almost certain that the queues will be a lot more bearable (in regards to running into a solid premade) in that we won't see nearly as many pugs as we will see premade groups simply because of the condensed population as opposed to 3 years ago. That and the ranking system that was put in place after the fact. In previous years, this was literally what brought new life back into competitive 5's (during slow times) since so many new teams came out the woodwork (or seemed to at least) as a direct result of random queuing. The fact was, some of the people never even heard of 5v5s chat, but just random queued because they liked 5's.

    With all that said, I'm still ducking.
  17. WockaFlockaPhil Dedicated Player

    If you want to find a PvP league, I'd suggest going either

    or you could join my league. My in game name is Black Canadian. Send me in-game mail stating why you want to join, what your CR, SP are, how much you bench press, and your opinion on the why DonnyDoom is a bad person (there's no real wrong answer for this).
    • Like x 3
  18. WockaFlockaPhil Dedicated Player

    I was gonna update the original post to add The Aristocrats to the list, but I can't so RIP.
  19. Schnoz New Player

    USPS Villian or Hero?
  20. PillowHands Committed Player

    Read signature and check YT later
    The fact that currently pvp strategies are all based on NightFall should be enough to let people know we're up there. We're not DQ/1UP but we're more dominant than everyone else.