whats the purpose of skill points anymore

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by lordtritan0722, Mar 7, 2015.

  1. WhiteW0lf Devoted Player

    Lol you don't get it. Paying to have an extra chance is not pay to win. Spending money to buy OP gear from the marketplace would be pay to win.

    Even with replay badges, you still have to beat the content and get the drop fair and square. It's just not the same thing.
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  2. spack2k Steadfast Player

    well we do it everyday and we have even gadget dps which isnt using power back ...lol , besides those might based players all use power back mechanic ...not much left for the troll to restore there anyway.
  3. spack2k Steadfast Player

    u need pvp skills lol ...but tanking the adds(elite) is harder than anything else ...
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  4. Biester New Player

    Rage got nerfed because of pvp compaints and it was slightly op without Berserk and highly op with Berserk. It received its am update because it was the only powerset not to receive a proper am. Earth and fire will both be tweeked in future updates since they are not performing as well as other ams. What was your question again?
  5. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    Lmao yea, but one boss in one raid don't rate the entire role. Dps is the easiest role to do, but the hardest to master. Now if you wanna rank it by powers, that's a point.
  6. Ghostof91 New Player

    This, I think a few a people get the meaning of pay 2 win mixed up.
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  7. JReel New Player

    Rage can be might based, no power back mechanic. Gadgets has a power back AM, Battle Display. Does not regen enough power to avoid the assistance of trolls. I could go on but there is no need to. My point is finding a solo troll for the new content (keeping enough power to all high CR players) is a dime a dozen.
  8. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    I never tanked the adds in elite, but seeing how most groups shout for rage tanks it can be looked at that way.
  9. iTzKCO Well-Known Player

    Your comment deserves 1k likes.
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  10. Biester New Player

    You're right about that. I was just simply pointing out that tanking Ares and all of his adds in normal Throne takes way more skill than any dps am that i have tried. In fact, ams have dumbed down dpsing so much that it doesn't take much skill at all to be competitive anymore. When i think of skill in terms of dpsing, i think of hard light pre-GU 36. My fingers have developed arthritis from those days.
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  11. Green Lantern Fadi Loyal Player

    The game is way unbalanced now like for real this time
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  12. JReel New Player

    Rage got nerfed because they wanted it that way. Berserk's cooldown time was already extended prior to the PvP nerf and damage decrease. The only issue in PvP was the fact us Rage users at that time were able to heal 100% damage taken once we prevented rage crash. That is it. Yet they nerfed it in both PvP and PvE as well.

    Earth and Fire users have had their mechanics broken for a long time now. Still no adjustments to their mechanics that warrants a legit fix.
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  13. The God New Player

    Tanking adds in elite is one of the most difficult things I had to do in this game so far. As ice it seemed to be so difficult, that it was barely possible(Haven't finished it as ice, but we got ares down to 50%), I don't know how skillful tank would you have to be to pull it off. As Rage it's very difficult, but definitely doable(as a lot of people prove.). But even though rage is great tanking power, tanking one boss as a rage, is way more stressful and difficult, than it is with ice. So i'd say that they are nicely balanced. But earth and fire seem to be lacking something.
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  14. Biester New Player

    I remember at least a dozen threads complaining how Rage players were ko'ing entire teams with Berserk so a self-healing rage player wasn't the only compaint in pvp.

    I was referring to the duration nerf of Berserk, not the cooldown. I'm not sure how a cooldown nerf makes any difference seeing as it is a supercharge and can't be used like other powers.

    Once upon a time fire was very op and not just for a short while, we're talking a matter of a few years. Earth, I'll agree, has pretty much had the shaft from the beginning. That being said, both powersets have been worked on in an ATTEMPT to bring them in line with all other powersets. The attempt was all for not though and will have to be reworked in an upcoming update. There's no dev intent to destroy these powersets if that is what you are trying to get at.
  15. Kzinti Committed Player

  16. HeirToThaThrone Committed Player

    What game are you playing? I switch to support when I feel like being lazy or watching a movie while playing.
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  17. JReel New Player

    Lol, I accidently mixed up berserk when I meant bloodlust. Bloodlust was adjusted too. Berserk was a little OP but I am not referring to that.

    Fire and Earth's revamp is way overdue regardless of the past. There is no excuse for ninja nerfing Rage and giving it it's AM revamp (GU46) all before Fire and Earth is touched.
  18. DrTyme Well-Known Player

    Here's the thing many will disagree with me but quantum and celestial really aren't all that op. Honestly non of the fotm powers are. All people see is that power that they forget what the others are capable of. I still see electric, gadgets, even in rare instances earth able to be the top power. Some I'll agree are easier to do the top damage but ultimately it relies on the skill of the player not the skill points or that they paid 10 dollars to switch their power. Now before people jump down my throat yes some powers still need some work specifically rage earth and sorcery. For the others they are balanced which if the community would stop trying to get rid of support roles like trolls they'd realize the AMs work better when paired with other moves and powers not associated with it.
    So I personally hope the Devs keep up the good work
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  19. RoxyStormbringer Dedicated Player

    Skill points give you a slight edge over those that lack them. The more SP the better your overall stats and crit % will be.
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  20. Biester New Player

    I'm failing to understand your statements about earth and fire. Both earth and fire have been recently "touched". Each powerset received their own update individually (i think a few powersets were combined in a single update) except for rage which is receiving its update as we speak. Even though earth and fire's am isnt up to par, it doesnt mean that dev attention wasnt given to them. They both will be worked on AGAIN to ensure that their ams are comparible to others' ams.
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