About rage am

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by PhantomLore, Mar 5, 2015.

  1. PhantomLore New Player

    In kinda annoyed and wondering why people keep complaning about rage not having a lot of range powers. It's mostly a melee power. Maybe while in savage state you can increase the heals we recieve? Maybe this is just me since I melee all content *accept throne* and rarely die. Maybe someone could post this in test thread for me?
  2. damagedealr New Player

    because melee dps is dead increasing healing would do nothing because bosses/adds in new raids will overkill you.
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  3. ChuckLess New Player

    Because end game content is designed for range attacks?
  4. BroadSt Bully Well-Known Player

    Because a lot of people just prefer playing at range, and rage is the only power that seems to have very limited options to do that.
  5. PhantomLore New Player

    Well maybe they could have a am for both melee and range. If people want to range go to another power
  6. BroadSt Bully Well-Known Player

    They could, but I don't think they should be forced to play another power to be ranged. Just make it so that there are options for both play styles like a lot of other powers have.
  7. damagedealr New Player

    "Go to another power" great solution... Im never taking my main away from rage ive been rage on that toon since the power got released, i will agree that spord should put in a range a.m.
  8. PhantomLore New Player

    Well I'm just saying it's defiantly possible to melee I do it all the time. I just thought it would much more fun to have it like it use to be but I see no one agrees...
  9. PhantomLore New Player

    Also you all say you will die at melee range but wasn't the point of the power to have risk reward?
  10. damagedealr New Player

    prove that you can melee the whole of lab/hoh or throne then. While maintaining high dps output with rage. And i dont mean doing the mid range loadout with d blast and your dots im talking using the outrage loadout or evis chain where your face to face with adds and bosses.
  11. damagedealr New Player

    Theres way more risk than reward in current content
  12. Biester New Player

    I love the melee side of Rage too but there is always one raid in a dlc in which meleeing is suicide. Increased healing doesn't help with one shots but I like where you're going with the idea. Maybe increased defense instead of healing but then again, non-rage players would be infuriated with a mechanic like this and rightfully so. I would just like frenzy to be replaced with a ranged combo power. No one really uses it so melee'ers would still have all of their hard hitters while giving ranged players something to add to their loadout for raids that aren't melee-suggested.

    Plus, if you are meleeing with rage then you are most likely using Relentless Anger, a healing received buff does no good when you are already healing back all damage taken.
  13. HersheyKiss New Player

    Exactly. I dont believe anyone is meleeing LOL or HoH and not dying a ton. Even if they are careful their still gonna die way more then people at range. The risk vs reward isnt even there so idky anyone chooses to melee in end game, mind boggling.
    • Like x 1
  14. PhantomLore New Player

    ugh I suppose you have a point even though im really upset with this but I consider everyone who is rage a brother if this is what you all want I'll try to accept it :/