Dps for this game changes to much

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by fBomb, Mar 5, 2015.

  1. fBomb New Player

    hard light Damage is trash now. Gadgets range load out is trash ...and I'm comparing to the great quantum and now celestial. Not to much crying I just really don't want to jump on the ban wagon and switch to these 2 power sets to get great dmg I'm running spikes ,inspiration ,weapon mastery snap trap , mini gun repeat .. Cr114 156sp and quantum dps wearing mostly 98gear with 136sp. Can out dps by 2m no problem. What's the problem why can't all powers have same potential dmg. No they do not because like gadgets if you miss that combo from a lag spike every 30secs your dmg will be poor or hard light you can run the combos to death perfect with flex solders and WM and still have no potential to do big dmg ...my gamer jargon isn't up to par But I believe it's burst dmg. Hard light has very little Or maybe someone can help me understand HL better because there are no guides for this game In stores and online to many ppl have different advice so .....do I just switch HL to celestial. And gadgets to quantum is that what suppose to happen I'm lost and not enjoying at all
  2. fBomb New Player

    And supercharge dmg is laughable now comparing a single emp hits for 38k but bunker buster hits less than 25
  3. Tokens210 Well-Known Player

    They call it FOTM (Flavor of the Month) been around since they began reworking powers, its a way for them to make money

    1. Announce power getting reworked
    2. Dumb players buy respecs and change to said power in preparation for it to be OP
    3. Power slowly gets nerfed till its equal to other powers
    4. Next rework announced and it starts over again

    As far as guide for HL I'd say you gotta be searching wrong, took me maybe 30 seconds and google to find Am loadouts for hl after GU43 or whichever it was that added that powers rework

    Hl gets a damage buff but only once your combo passes 9 I believe it is, and your totally vulnerable the entire time so if stunned or anything it has to be higher then 9 again to start getting the buff, this buff is under par compared to other powers, many threads about this around already

    Also Hl you would think is a might based power but its not really, all hl combos use presicion only the first power used in the combo uses might

    My hl characters only at CR 100, but I have him set with hand blaster into bow WM, and his powers set up for the infinite ranged combo AM
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  4. Delta795 New Player

    You are running wrong rotation for HL. Check out HL combo guide in Oracles
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  5. Delta795 New Player

    Its 4 & 2.5 seconds before am Kicks in.
  6. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    Light damage is far from trash.
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  7. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    If you're using the AM then you should not be specced into WM at all. Light AM gets a damage bonus if you don't have WM unlocked.
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  8. Derio 15000 Post Club

    Why are you even specced into WM as a HL user. Have you not learned, have you not heard?

    Dont understand why people change powers for DPS. I change powers for support role, and for some reason I havent changed powers since celestial came out.
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  9. Delta795 New Player

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  10. ChuckLess New Player

    And how is it "dumb" to take advantage of the system? That's how life works man.
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  11. lukelucky Devoted Player

    hard light is way funner IMO. if ur a jump cancel lover we disagree but now HL has a nice mix of ways 2 do damage. the WM form or the snap trap range combo, or the fan long range combo. you can even melee with the chainsaw. tons of fun and i never dpsed. ever i just play support roles. i switched 2 HL for role gear feats and i cant seem to give it up. damage wise i hang and i use synthetics and have blue items. only 2 100 items so other cr113 guys usually got me stat wise and i hang. i have finished 1st in LAB, and HOH and we finished smoothly. i still neglect my trinket and i still almost never use the supply drop to buff myself so i have plenty of room to inflate my numbers.
  12. Trial 1 New Player

    Due to your ignorance and misinformation, you owe two power sets an apology.

    Less villainizing.
    More seeking to understand.
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  13. Mighty Hyperion Committed Player

    Hard Light is fine and has been. Quantum is obviously just stupid in all regards at the moment but HL is more than effective and can compete with even the newly revamped powers. Don't trust every loadout you see on youtube, try stuff out, and realize the situations you are in and what to use in those situations and I bet you will not be so sad about your HL power.

    i have a quantum, a HL and a Celestial toon and HL melts through all solo content much better for me and in raids I find it much more entertaining to use (over the closed eyes button mash of quantum) and the pretty much the same Celestial loadout that now gives back some power.

    But as always the point of these threads are mostly about Stat chasing and feeling like a little child when you don't get #1 on the scoreboard. Get over it and play the power you like best.
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  14. Sectumsempra Dedicated Player

    Quantum is less button mashing and more oh wow, theres literally on optimal effective AM loadout. You can alter it by 1 attack. It'd get less complaints if the space tree got something. IT's easy but also has very little that can be changed.

    HL you have options and can move, it's pretty much always been good.
    Celestial, I believe even has more then one option, not every power is going to range well.
  15. SavingPrincess Well-Known Player

    This is a rookie HL mistake, when people take the 60% base mod over Empowered Channeling...

    With Empowered Channeling, if you run the ST > LB > MG > ST rotation, you're only vulnerable to interrupt during a short time with ST. The rest of the time you have a huge DEF buff and cannot be interrupted.
  16. NikoK24 Well-Known Player

    Is it the same for gadgets?
  17. Deathmike Devoted Player

    You just get the same crit bonus that having WM unlocked provides and they don't stack. Having WM unlocked will not decrease your damage.

    Deathmike out.
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  18. Solmes202 Loyal Player

    Just because Gadgets won't top the board does not make it trash. There is more to playing than posting the highest damage. A gadgets DPS using a ranged attach is moving smooth and quick. He is not particularly vulnerable to interrupt. He can stun with effectiveness, his mobility increases his survivability in a long boss fight. It also makes him more available to do pickups. I'll never switch out from Gadgets just to post numbers on the scoreboard.

    Don't be a slave to the scoreboard and you can play the power you like and have fun.
  19. X-zero Loyal Player

    Neither Quantum or Celestial is unbeatable. HL is one of the top 3 most played powers and has spent most of the time in the game as a top power. It only briefly slip out of that area the time between a lot of its clipping was stopped and its second AM update. There are guides on the forum and the reason you are hearing different thing is it isn't as cookie cutter as some of the other powers AM. You just need to try different things to see what works the best for you and in different situations.

    If you want to continue being HL and compete with others you definitely need to ditch that loadout. If you want a new power based on your play style from that loadout you may want to try sorcery.
  20. The God New Player

    I laugh so hard when I see you people defending HL ;). HL is weak as hell atm.