Gotham Otisburg Expert Aerial Movement Challenge

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Rockhound665, Mar 5, 2015.

  1. Rockhound665 Steadfast Player

    Please move this race. Getting platinum is nearly impossible to get because once you get to Ace Chemicals you get attacked immediately slowing you down. There are other races that since launch now run through hot zones where you get ganked. A really silly one is the one by Gotham U. Why you put obelisks with magents outside the action zone where if you tried to go in zombie form you will get transformed back. This needs to be addressed.
  2. Rasta Committed Player

    That is the race that ends with you flying through the ACE Chemicals sign right?

    What are you getting attacked by? I remember when I switched to skimming I ran through that race with no problem
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  3. Rockhound665 Steadfast Player

    This is the one. 3 times in a row when you have to dip below the rafters where the baddies are, all 3 times I got attacked forcing my guy to move at a snails pace causing me to not get platinum. Only on the 4th run was I able to get it.
  4. TheWildcat New Player

    I've had similar problems, except instead of being slowed down I get turned into a sludge monster as I fly by. Has happened on two attempts so far. Then I have to restart the race and stand around until the effect resets and I return to normal. It feels really out of place.

    In my latest attempt I was attacked and nearly killed. Slowed me down enough for silver. I got platinum after six or seven tries like this. It's a frustrating experiance.