"Zone unavailable" error In The Last Part Of Solo

Discussion in 'Old Arkham (Bug Archive)' started by Dene, Feb 27, 2015.

  1. Dene Devoted Player

    Hey Guys

    Anyone else experiencing this error and being kicked from the game when trying to enter the last part of the solo ?
  2. madaoturles Active Player

    Had this happen on one toon on my account. When I was finally able to log back in I was falling through the map.
  3. LazyGuy New Player

    Just happened to me when group was about to do return of nexus (whatever it's called)
  4. StopPerving Dedicated Player

    Happening in lots of places. Spark of Parallax solo gives me Player declined the instance, searching for a new group, and got zone unavailable when I tried to warp to base.
  5. Denilson New Player

    It is also happening in the vault and in the seasonal instance... Someone please buy my legendary account and help me get rid of this game.
  6. Asta New Player

    This also occur when we zoning for walk in teleporter(Nexus of Reality and Paradox Wave), Duo instances and seasonal instance
    My friend also get Zoning unavailable when zoning from his base to Metro Battlezone. I, myself didn't have problem when regular zoning only what I said above.