Dps Meter

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by The God, May 16, 2014.

  1. Malachyte Devoted Player

    Other then creating even more fake competition between DPS in PVE content, what would be the real benefit of having a DPS Meter ??
  2. BigBabyGeezuz Dedicated Player

    If DCUO allowed add-ons it would be pretty easy to have a DPS meter. That's a whole can of worms they probably don't want to open though. They would have to build one into the game itself. There's a new UI coming out, maybe it will have some sort of more detailed dps meter.
  3. LadyLightning Issue Tracker Volunteer

    We need an improved scorecard. It should show in a much different way than right now:

    Total damage, damage per second, power-damage efficiency, damage in and k.o.s, players picked up....
    total healing out, healing per second, power-healing efficiency....
    total power out, power out per second, number of enemies controlled, average control effect time...
    total damage in, damage mitigated by defense, damage mitigated by counter immunity, healing out, power usage per second...

    and preferably not only as plain numbers, but as graphs....
  4. Sore Steadfast Player

  5. Trial 1 New Player

    It seems that many in people in this thread are ignorant to what DPS is and how a DPS meter works.
    The scorecard is not a DPS meter in any way.

    Regarding your proposal, I'd have to vote no.
    If anything I'd prefer they got rid of the scoreboard leaving those few of us left that actually know how to properly track DPS... analyzer.

    • Like x 1
  6. Trial 1 New Player

    It doesn't.
    If you don't understand what DPS is or how it's properly tracked and care to know about it, simply ask.
  7. Skinjured New Player

    I wouldn't mind a pot timer to make hitting those double ticks easier.
    • Like x 1
  8. DG-MOD-04 New Player

    Friendly reminder to stay on-topic and appropriate, thank you!

  9. The God New Player

    And can you tell me why? I really don't see a point.
  10. BigBabyGeezuz Dedicated Player

    The problem with the scorecard is that it shows total damage for the raid. In most MMOs people only look at boss fight damage and the DPS meter add-ons split up the fights to reflect this. Popping trinkets and supply drops in hallways to boost damage on the scorecard don't mean a lot, although it does make the raids go faster.
  11. Trial 1 New Player

    The vast majority of this community wouldn't use the tool properly. A DPS meter at this point would only serve as a detriment.

    No offense to you or your idea. On the contrary, I too wish I could support a DPS meter. I used to support the addition but, now after getting to know this "community"... nope.

    It'd be putting a light saber in a kid's back pack and sending them to school. A great tool but, in the wrong hands.
  12. Cable Committed Player

    It'd be nice, but it actually wouldn't solve the problem of dps ignoring everything around them to squeeze in extra damage. This is because of how dps is recorded, if they're in combat mode (which they would be), stopping to do anything will also bring down their effective dps until they are out of combat mode. This can be observed by going to the three targets hitting them once, waiting 30 seconds and then killing them. Without using the sliders on the analyzer to pick a specific point in the fight, the entirety of it will be used to calculate dps...so that 30 seconds of doing nothing drops it significantly.
  13. TawneeStone New Player

    This would be awesome!
  14. DEMONIZER1 Loyal Player

    hehe...is that better?

    I wish you would show me how to "DPS"...cuz, I ain't never did that b4


    By the way....this thread was started in May 2014, just a heads up!

  15. SiiCK1 New Player

    I agree 100%! I wish everyone could see this post.
  16. Sore Steadfast Player

    I certainly agree with that. But I appreciate it because that's what makes DPS challenging. It's balancing the need to keep your damage up while also keeping your situational awareness active. The goal of the content designers in the game is to make that hard. That's why scripted attacks, environmental hazards and interactions exist, it's to make sure the fights aren't just tank-and-spank. I love the fact that it's possible to struggle with that. It's part of what makes DCUO's combat so visceral.
  17. Trial 1 New Player

    1. Damage per second (DPS) is a term used with computer games to describe the average rate of damage inflicted over time. The term is especially common in massively multiplayer online role-playing games (MMORPG) and is a key aspect of theorycraft.

    The scoreboard you chastised the OP about is not a DPS meter. We don't have a DPS meter. We've never had a (in game) DPS meter.
    The scoreboard tracks overall damage done from the beginning of the instance to the end... period. That is not DPS.

    The term I think you're stuck on is one that turns DPS into a verb.

    "Look at me, I'm DPSing. Get rekt".

    That's not what we're talking about here and while it's widely accepted, it's an improper use of the acronym. When people use it this way they're literally saying...

    "Look at me, I'm using my abilities to apply damage over a particular period of time that this game doesn't track. I call myself a DPS but, I actually have no in game way to track my DPS. Not even the scoreboard. Get obliterated!"

    This OP is requesting a change to the scoreboard to track actual DPS or perhaps in some fantasy land allow one of us to create the addon of which, I'd GLADLY do for just about any other game except this one. The community overall lacks the maturity to properly use the tool.
  18. the solowing Unwavering Player

  19. The God New Player

    I'm loving it :D. Although that was not my point. I want dps meter so it'd be easier to make optimal loadouts and rotations, without using any external programs.
  20. Page Doesn't Exist New Player

    This isn't a bad idea. Quite frankly, I think the scoreboard should be different for all roles. A DPS should not see a power out unless this is a category they just like seeing. Healers and trolls really should not see damage out. Tanks should not see power out. For each role they should have their own scoreboard with role related columns. Or, we should have the option to set certain columns we see via the options. I know that would be hectic of an update; but it can fix a lot of issues people have playing this game.