Connection issues?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Lecter, Feb 21, 2013.

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  1. Socalrmd New Player

    Right there with you on that one
    • Like x 1
  2. winter13 New Player

  3. Lt Skymaster Dedicated Player

    I hope I can run Laggerynth of Lost souls now :D
  4. Belthazur Dedicated Player

    I was fighting Cerby the Poof
  5. Kyzax New Player

    Just got disconnected during the Hades fight. Hades literally turned around and walked through his Throne and out of the room. Haha
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  6. Ekaterina Committed Player

    I just want to get to 200sp, how long will this log in issue affect my grind?
  7. Sbel Devoted Player

    A lot of lag on the forum too.
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  8. Rurnax Active Player

    Poor timmy got tired from running the server...
    • Like x 6
  9. Lara Kelly Well-Known Player

    me too! at least I know it just not me....
  10. blazeing fire111 Devoted Player

    Wth? Its not letting me or my leaguemates get back on USPC.
  11. Coldzoom Well-Known Player

    The error in the launchpad freaked me out. But everything ok now hopefully
  12. WayneEnthusiast New Player

  13. shildman New Player

    yeap i have the saim
  14. Lord Jareth Steadfast Player

    Yeah i dc'ed like 10 times today its crazy insane.
  15. I LikeSmallForks New Player

    A couple people in my group are back in. I keep getting a disconnect screen (USPC)
  16. GoldenDodge Dedicated Player

    Happened here as well, but I am back on.
  17. Techknowcat New Player

    yep hubby and I both got DC'ed and can't get back in USPC
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  18. ChibiMechaX78 New Player

    If I wasn't aware of the connectivity issues going on right now I would be asking "What the heck are you talking about?"

    Just something I wants to point out.
  19. Mazarati Active Player

  20. timetracker2643 Active Player

    Trying once again to log back in, let's see what happens now.
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