Anyone else having problems logging in USPS?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Dylan Top5, Feb 19, 2015.

  1. Dylan Top5 New Player

    Been trying to log in for the past 30 min on USPS with my PS4, getting "failed to connect to game server". Just checking to see if the issue is on my end or DC
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  2. Dylan Top5 New Player

    Nobody? I'm going on for about 2 hours with no success logging in. Everything else on PSN is working fine
  3. Dylan Top5 New Player

    Nvm, finally got on... Thanks!
  4. Slykraze Active Player

    having the same issue. character screen comes up I can choose a character but as soon as it goes to load it boots me and says failed to connect. pretty aggravating.
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  5. FaLeX Dedicated Player

    Its probably a combination of kids being off from school this week & "Thrones" raid coming back online...

    causing some strain on the servers...
