What's with constantly making the HERO missions easier?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Circe, Feb 26, 2013.

  1. Circe New Player

    Server Hotfix 02.26.13

    Stryker's Island:
    Solitary Riot
    • Increased the delay before the camera starts to give players more time to heal.
    • Intergang members no longer show up during the Heat Wave version of the fight. This also fixes fire-user NPCs (Magma Leader, Intergang Enforcer) from showing up during the Parasite version.
    • The final wave leaders or enforcers in the first room will now correctly be the same after every wipe. This is to help message which NPC you are going to fight next.
    • Prison Guard, who gives you a clue as to which boss you will fight, will now repeat himself. Just ask him again.
    Game Update 23
    • Ace Chemicals:
      • Bridge to Nowhere: Reduced number of mobs and friendly NPCs which will spawn when less players are around on the bridge to make the content more palatable for solo players
      • Infiltrating Ace: Reworked the instance to make it fairer for solo players playing in a role.
      • Infiltrating Ace: Having been continuously exposed to hazardous chemicals, the bosses in Ace Chemicals are more susceptible to block breaks and counter attacks.
      • Infiltrating Ace: Fixed an issue where at the end of the instance players could get attacked when they had successfully made it to the teleporter which had powered up. Now players will be safe in the teleporter room once they've helped Steel escape.
      • Random Sample: The biologist should be available more quickly after completing each stage of the mission. He should also be more willing to accept help from multiple players at the same time.
      • Weird Science: Increased the minimap dimensions displaying where you can defeat the 3 types of Chemoids to better reflect where they can be found.
  2. Rabbit New Player

    It's because they hate you. You, specifically. Just you.
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  3. Circe New Player

    For real though, they made Solitary Riot and Infiltrating Ace Ace Chemicals WAY easier. Meanwhile, villains still have the uber hard Breaking Steel and Arkham Fight Club.
  4. Abstrakt Loyal Player

    Ive not had a problem with them but apparently lots of crybabies on the hero side.
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  5. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    its because everyone was crying that they are too hard which for me is what made them fun and challenging. so what if you died a few times go back in there and figure out a stradgy that works I say.
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  6. MetalMario Loyal Player

    I'm glad that they haven't nerfed the villain missions, but it is annoying how easy the hero ones are. I did a mission as the hazmat guy outside of ace chemicals and I could use a bunker buster at almost no supercharge cost. It was a complete joke. I'm having absolutely no trouble completing these things with mostly unmodded t3 alert/duo gear.
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  7. WonderValkyrie New Player

    yeah it stinks they were made a lil easier, but the rewards were not worth it anyway for that amount of difficulty.
  8. PKMN12 New Player

    one thing i have noticed lately is that some players complain about how the game is too easy, but the moment that they make something difficult they start crying to nerf it and this is a perfect example
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  9. Abstrakt Loyal Player

    i saw some one calling for a cr 65+ kandaq i laughed for what seems like 20 min its crazy how easy people want it. If they cant steamroll over it with spinchop then its too hard god forbid they use any kind of tactics to complete a raid or alert. Fos 2 is too hard we dont run that give us novice mode....and they did.
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  10. JEEBIE Steadfast Player

    Nothing uber hard about them. especially arkham, that's pretty darn easy.
  11. Alitain1 Well-Known Player

    Well it makes sense, Circe is a villain so isn't it a perogative to frustrate the bad guys and foil their plans, haha!

    But I'm pretty sure they're also tweaking Steelworks as well. And why is it such a bad thing to make stuff a little more viable for solo players? Or maybe just correcting issues where it's clear it might be unbalanced. Let me say though I'm not high enough to do any of these, so I don't have first hand experience with it.

    But Strykers seems just that they're fixing problems with mobs appearing when they shouldn't, or in the wrong fight. And who's to say how long the camera has been extended? Also people could probably handle healing themselves well enough, or with a team if they're grouping, but a little boost at probably seems like only one point in the mission I don't think necessary constitutes handing heroes a silver platter.

    As for Ace, the Bridge to Nowhere sounds like they're making it adjust to a scale so the more players will be mean more mobs, which effectively means the content is just being balanced against the number of heroes present, not really made easier.
    With Infilitrating Ace, well the only two roles I've played aside from DPS in the game are Tank and Troller. Troller has been fine, my toon has been in troller mode since she hit lv 10. My tank I switched after getting to lv 30 and found that even though he has a full T1 set(not modded), the T2 challenges kick his butt more often than not. So just from that little experience I don't see much of an issue making things a little more fair for people in different roles especially if they're working on soloing the content.
    With the block breaking and such, eh I find that whole mess an unnecessary headache upon the game since now bosses just tend to constantly block so at best you get one or two hits in before being blocked and knocked down. So making the enemies more susceptible seems perfectly fine with me.
  12. NexGen New Player

    Strykers isn't changing in difficulty, but is fixing bugs and making sure the right type of adds spawn for the correct end boss. If you don't know the instance, the notes make it sound like there will be less adds in strykers.

    Ace has mainly bug fixes also, but a minor tweak is to make it easier with less adds in spots.
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  13. Alpha Well-Known Player

    Have u considered that ur doing it wrong? I have no problem on my villian or hero. Some of the stuff u wrote down r actually fixes to the content. Don't worry soon enough they'll make it easier for you as well you sardine swillni villian. @-@
  14. Ankh_Legacy Devoted Player

    This is the result of 2 things. People asking for help with every little thing while leveling, and having been in those same groups without any challenges to learn how to cope.
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  15. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    I totaly agree everyone over gears everything now they never had to run the raids and alerts with t1 and t2 gear when that all there was and you had to use your brains and not just beastmode everything
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  16. Outs01 New Player

    Yup, they got rid of the soda cola machine at the entrance. Or was my instance just bugged out?
  17. Remander Steadfast Player

    Villains are bad, plain and simple. :D
  18. Lokkii Committed Player

    those are far, FAR from uber hard smh
  19. X-zero Loyal Player

    Yeah they did I am guessing because none of the other inside missions have them and someone complained. Even though Steelworks is the only one that doesn't have an alert right next to it that people could walk in to repair.
  20. Circe New Player

    Really? Giving more time to heal, having the Prison Guard repeat himself are fixing bugs?

    I don't think so.

    They are clearly making things easier for the heroes while completely leaving villains out of the loop!