This is why we should have a PS test server...

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Bkellzz, Feb 17, 2015.

  1. TroEL Dedicated Player

    I'll support any thread that encourages more testing; regardless of how many times the topic is brought up.

    I know the devs have addressed this issue many times. I don't think a dedicated PS test server will ever be a reality. What isn't out of the realm of possibility is allowing PS legendary free access to PC test. This, of course, is also road blocked by PSN; I believe Mepps stated that they have trouble getting up to date membership information from them. Something along those lines.

    If they could overcome this hurdle it would be a major step in the way of getting more people to test the game. I'm legendary on the PS4 and would gladly test everything and anything if I didn't have to pay double subs. I actually bought a 1 month PC legendary to try quantum before it's initial release. To say the population during that time was scant is putting it nicely.

    Please devs, find a way to make PSN and PC test play nice. Thanks
  2. Kiddslayer Well-Known Player

    Exactly, tbh clownbox is mostly used to test out if a glitch works or not. People dont really use clownbox for loadouts of any sort. I know its an iconic power and all but seriously they could possibly remove it from us using it and just make it exclusive to the Joker.
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  3. lukelucky Devoted Player

    you have a point with the last second switch on test. your wrong because every bit of content glitches on the ps. gates, fos3,prime,khan,nexus which cost us dueling in instances, and dox. that migh be %60 of em so the problem is simply no ps test server which is of no fault of the devs. testers are not to blame for glitches but you guys let some sissy soft material get out
  4. Mint Stiletto Loyal Player

    My idea is a 2 week "live test" period with limited replays. It would allow the whole player base to be involved with finding and squashing bugs. No need for an actual ps test server but it will give a new DLC a shakedown cruise where hopefully folks will feel more involved in testing and feel proud of their contributions when the unlimited release has been shaped and polished by their efforts.
    I think this will better represent how the majority of us play and provide a much wider range of group make ups.
    I have access to the test server but can do little actual testing that realistically represents how I play on live servers because I don't belong to a static test group and because my live main is fire. Trying to get into a raid on test as a tank and not being an ice tank is almost impossible.
    I'm not saying do away with the test server, I'm saying augment the testing with a "real" world test period.
    "DLC20 Live Test starts tomorrow!"
    "All Access members are invited to play DLC20 beginning tomorrow, premium members may purchase and play DLC20 one week from tomorrow for the remainder of the two week live test.
    The live test is a limited replay period. All four and eight man content is limited to one reset per day.
    We look forward to your feedback and help solving any issues that may arise to prepare DLC20 for it's unlimited release.
    We have put a lot of work into making DLC20 one of our best to date and thank you all in advance for any help polishing it up for the full release."
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  5. HeavyWeapon Dedicated Player

    No we would just have 15 people with all 101 gear and everyone being able to see that on questioning how they got there. The best way to get a glitch fixed in this game has sadly been to make it public and have lots of people doing it, otherwise it's sits in Arkham for months and is never touched by the dev team. It sucks to think that way but it's true.
  6. barnesalmighty2 New Player

    Yes the DEVs have stated that a PS test server is impossible due to sony's in house QA but if you take a minute to head over to the battlelog forums (humor me here) BF4 IS GETTING A PS4 CTE server (community test environment) they have made an arrangement with sony to bypass their in house QA surely DCUO having close ties with sony could pull off a similar feat.
  7. Deepeess New Player

    Ah I remember that glicth, we had a league run and we were missing one dps we lfg'd
    and we got inside the pug we got was doing it before we started I promptly said
    "If you do that we will kick you" and he stopped.

    And you are right those who exploited the elite raid are more likely to use a hack to gain advantages,
    and It's funny seeing people saying there was "no victim" "Don't worry what others do",
    I do worry and want them punished, the victim here is the game and I pay montly to play the game
    so of course I want to play a good game and not one where exploites becomes the rule because
    no punishment is give to those who use it.

    You won't convince people to play the game saying "Oh theres this nice game, you can exploit the hell out of it",
    but you might saying "Oh theres this nice game, the content is very challenging".
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  8. BigAl Devoted Player

    Giving anyone a test server won't stop exploiters. And that's the bottom line, cause Big Al said so.
  9. Celestial Demon Dedicated Player

    I'd be all for removing the ability to treat Clown Box as an object, but there are some players who use it as a utility/offensive power rather than "lets use this to glitch [Beavis and Butthead laugh]"
  10. Slade Wilson Devoted Player

    Thinking of it - depending on the final version, cross play may make an extra test server for PS obsolete. But that is actually very much depending on the final version of cross play and if the glitches result of a wrong server response (no test server needed) or coding of the client software (test server still needed).
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  11. Zeo Committed Player


    You deserved it, I hope the players stop killing each other
  12. randomkeyhits Dedicated Player

    It never going to stop exploiters but it will certainly put a crimp in their plans. If I were in an exploited instance on the test server I'd immediately record and then pass on whatever was done to the test team. If the others asked me to keep it quiet I'd be "sure, of course" while at the same time as hitting send.
  13. BigAl Devoted Player

    Don't you know? The game is in a perpetual test phase.
  14. Radium Devoted Player

    I haven't read anything about it coming to PS, I do know they worked something out with the same deal we would be getting. Linking your PS account to PC and having the option to play it that way.
  15. barnesalmighty2 New Player

    Just trying to point out there clearly are ways around the in house QA from sony, many dice devs have said that CTE is coming for battlefield 4 ps4 within the 2nd quarter of this year (cte is the battlefield equivalent of test here) and if they got around it somehow surely there would be a way for DC to bring test to ps4.
  16. barnesalmighty2 New Player

    I'll root out some info tomorrow and update this with the CTE plans, and Radium is right currently you have to link your psn to origin to access it, but that is set to change there is an interview with a dev on youtube i'll try to find the link.
  17. Greenman_x Steadfast Player

    For several reasons they can't.

    Even if they could, 90% of our feedback would be completely ignored anyway (See: Mental, Fire, 1st HL revamp, Earth, Sorcery, Electric, most legends PVE events, among others).
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  18. just an honest dps New Player

    PS can't have a test server.