Please fix the lag....getting ridiculous

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by drkhrt1, Feb 14, 2015.

  1. drkhrt1 Well-Known Player

    As the title states please continue to work on the lag issues. Getting tired of trying to play on the weekend and lag is so bad it isn't worth it.

    I am on a PS4 so that isn't the issue.

    USPS server at 11:00 pm Central time. In L&W raid, and as to how I know it is lag: I am attacking, throwing out heals, seeing nothing like screen is frozen, then about 5 to 10 seconds later screen goes into fast forward mode.
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  2. Morsy808 Committed Player

    I've had this happen quite a lot on weekends too. I'll be attacking enemies and the health bar doesn't go down, then the screen just comes alive with red and green hit/heal points and on a couple of occasions have suddenly died (health full to zero) because I've obviously not seen the enemy attack me and couldn't react.

    I know for a fact it isn't my internet connections as I hardwire everything with CAT3 and no other game lags at all.
  3. Morsy808 Committed Player

    Also when doing alerts where keeping an eye on where team mates aare on the map, I often find that I'll be almost next to them, looking around for them, only to see their marker on the minimap jump from one point to another in a second. I know one of the movement styles is that of the flash, but it isn't that fast.
  4. RamsesVIIX New Player

    It was lagging so hard this morning I saw many people complaining about it, but c'mon it's still lagging that bad!?
  5. Morsy808 Committed Player

    It wasn't so bad this evening, but last night was poor. So poor I had to stop playing. I was playing the Soul Alchemy alert with a friend and just finished the bit where you have to get the scientists soul. The audio prompt came up where you're told to meet him at the boss fight arena and the waypoint didn't change.

    The area I was in still had the orange colour around it and all the team mate markers were offscreen somewhere. Was running around trying to remember where the building was, telling my friend to come meet me as i was lost. Then after a minute or two of us looking for one another, and the other two players (who were already there and waiting) asking where we were on the chatbox, it suddenly popped up on the map.

    Thats happened a few times.