Any ideas for electric pvp

Discussion in 'Battle of the Legends (PvP)' started by profsmalls, Feb 8, 2015.

  1. profsmalls Active Player

    I'm looking for a decent electric DPs load out for use in pvp
  2. ThunderlesStorm New Player

    I tried it. Couldn't find a useful loadout for dps. I, too, would like to see if anyone has figured anything out.
  3. Absolix Loyal Player

    The most I could fit into a counter is Electrocute>Volataic Bolt, Electroburst>Voltaic Bolt, or Electrogenesis>Voltaic Bolt after using Wired to apply electrified. It wasn't very powerful and splits very badly in 4v4s and up.
  4. ThePhilosophy Loyal Player

    Just go light or nature. There's no point in trying anything else anymore.
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  5. Requake Dedicated Player


    Probably the way of the AM. Try to add a weapon attack in between (Lose the power back, but you won't become interruptable) to hold your dots up including some good prec damage. Electric is probably one of the bottom dps powers in PvP atm.
  6. SrirachaMayn Well-Known Player

    Whenever i do decide to have some fun on the dps side of elec, i use a more "old school" or "generic" loadout. Its usually repulse clipped w/ wired, robot, flux, e-bomb, ionic drain, and tesla ball. This loadout is fine in 1's and 2's but you wont be doin too much dmg in arenas beyond that. I will like to note that tesla ball is very troublesome for fliers in arenas. They pretty much get instantly grounded from its effects. Other than that, everything else is self explanatory.
  7. Surkilo Well-Known Player

    I think I have a video of me playing as a eclectic dps in pvp but ill have to find it
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  8. Surkilo Well-Known Player

    ok guys sadly I could not find a video of my charcter as a eclectic dps in pvp:( but the loadout was

    Electroburst, Electrogenesis , Wired, Arc Lightning ,Electrocute, Circult Breaker. this is what I use in Arena matches

    optional power to use(Voltaic Bolt- Use it to replace Arc Lightning. Static Push- is good when use after WM to get a higher damage

    1.the way I use these power in pvp was that I start of by using Electorburst then Electrogenesis to give my opponent two differnent dot damage and also the fact that Electorburst know your opponent in the air

    2.then ill use Wired to boost my might and criticfal attack chance

    3.then use Arc Lightning, Electrocute.

    the good thing with eclectic power is that you get to use two power in your loadout that will give you back power without showing a vulnerable window but how ever know that if you use, I think at least three power one right after each other for an example(Electroburst then Electrogenesis and then Arc Lightning) it will show a vulnerable window which can cause you to be countered. so if you are trying to use a little of its AM remember to only use two power at a time so you will not get that window above your head and gain some power back in return

    I also notice when someone is blocking if you are fully using your am and it shows a vulnerable icon above your head it, you will end up block breaking your opponent.
  9. Itazuki New Player

    I was using Electricity for a few weeks in PvP, and didn't get topped on charts once with my loadout. Then again, it is all about timing, positioning, and your individual PvP skill. So it may not work for you.

    My loadout was ElectrogenesisArc LightningElectrocuteVoltaic BoltWired → (Your choice of SC)

    I used them in exactly the order I put them above, this gives you use of power back from AM, it stacks a decent short DoT, and Voltaic Bolt will do extra damage when used last as well as a nice stun to protect you from getting interrupted on counter window.

    I would start my fight with the AM, dishing out good damage before they could react, then popped Wired for the crit % bonus and used weapon combos, use the AM when able to and not in danger of getting interrupted.

    The loadout works best in group Arena matches, where you can sneak out of sight and bomb the group with your AM, then use Wired and bomb them with ranged WM combos until cooldown is ready to use AM again. Remember that Voltaic Bolt will also BB when used at the end of the AM, so if possible, aim for that guy holding block when you use it, more damage.

    Again, this is just what I was always doing, and while it doesn't sound that great, it always topped charts, got me kills, and won me games. So, free to give it a try.