Pug Welching

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by TrueArchon, Feb 7, 2015.

  1. TrueArchon Dedicated Player

    "xXSumYunGuy001Xx">111 HL DPS/TROLL for new T6 150sp 4300VIT

    How often we see posts like this while looking for a troll (or healer, or tank)...
    So we bring him/her into the group to run the raid.
    Then THIS happens:

    Us: "Hey xXSumYunGuy001Xx can you troll? We already have two DPS roles."

    xXSumYunGuy001Xx says "I was trying to DPS can one of the other DPS troll instead?"

    We say: No (or some variation of)

    xXSumYunGuy001Xx says: (nothing. he just leaves.)
    OR he/she will say "One of them has to troll or I'm leaving."
    OR he/she just leaves without a word.

    THEN throws the same post back up on LFG.

    NOW FOR THE QUESTION: Why in the name of anything that held as holy; would a player post for a support role that he/she has no intention of playing, or will try any/everything in the way of weaseling out of playing the support role he/she shouted as?
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  2. TrueArchon Dedicated Player

    And while on this...why do people even care anymore? Gear is un-attuned. Want to gear your DPS? Fine. Be a troll/healer/tank, and attune your gear as a DPS.
    This is NOT rocket science.
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  3. Rhinosus13 Loyal Player

    Because their mad az DPS skills are off the chart and they would hate to see themselves not at the top spot on the irrelevant scorecard
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  4. X-zero Loyal Player

    Everyone need a troll so that makes him stand out in the sea of DPS shout out. Then plan on getting a dps slot since those tend to fell up the fastest. A little shady but I bet it has worked at least once.
  5. ChuckLess New Player

    PS server?
  6. Omega Boy Committed Player

    My only confusion is why you saw him say it in LFG again. He would've been on my ignore list before that.
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  7. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    its no different then people queuing up as dps/tank and then not tanking if the role is needed.

    I've wrote those ppls name down in a little black note book under a list labeled "none team players", I have roughly 150 ppl on USPS villain side on this list already between leveling up 3 T6 characters and now my 4th.

    theres other categories as well but I wont go into that :p

    IMO I think ignore should block the ability to get paired with that person ever again in a alert if you solo queue. would make my life alot easier I know that much.

    here's another example:

    I was putting a group together 1 day for breach, TD, and crime. I had a healer troll and I was DPSing, so I was looking for tank.

    guy sent me a tell saying he'd tank, when he got into the group he was in DPS stance. So I figured he'd switch upon getting into the alert. Nope once we got in he stayed in DPS stance, I asked him "thought you said you were going to tank?" he replied with "this alert doesn't require a tank AND healer".

    I told him "doesn't matter I asked you to tank, you said you were so tank plz" gave him til I could kick him from the alert to switch. Asked again, he still didnt switch so I kicked him. And found someone who would tank.

    Yea its only TD and everyone was CR108/CR109 doesnt matter if I ask for a role dont say you'd do it then not do it. Im a firm believer in a balance set up regardless if the content calls for it. It makes for a smoother run IMO.
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  8. Sbel Devoted Player

    Is this a common problem on USPS? I've never seen it outside of the forums.
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  9. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    its not common but it happens far to often IMO, theres just way to many stupid ppl that you can run into IMO.

    the ratio of stupid to smart are like the ratio of hero's to villains no joke.
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  10. TrueArchon Dedicated Player

    EXTREMELY common...not overwhelmingly...but once everyone (more or less) has run the missions for the week, THESE pugs come out to make sure nobody starts to like inviting pugs.
  11. TrueArchon Dedicated Player

    I will say this much. I work nights, so the mayhem of the day winds down, making it unbelievably difficult to pug into a group to run new content and have a snowball's chance in hell of actually beating it. My day off for the week coincided with Throne's "fix", and I found myself pugging into 109-to-110 groups trying to single tank it later that night.
    So if you see me shouting for a group as a DPS / TROLL, you'll be getting someone who is just grateful to be running the content at all, and will troll or dps as needed. Unless you are too undergeared. I'll excuse myself...
    Or just walk out and swallow the deserter penalty if a group tries to hold me hostage.
  12. Wanderica New Player

    I've never seen it thrown up in LFG, but at least once a day, I'll see the DPS that queued as tank for a fast queue and refuses to tank.
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  13. TrueArchon Dedicated Player

    Just imagine what that ratio is going to look like if DCUO goes to X-box.
    Just add 14 billion foul-mouthed 12 year olds to the stupid-pool. The five or 6 intellectuals on X-box won't count for much.
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  14. Ghaladh Dedicated Player

    I know that since I started going DpS (always been a troller) to have fun with the new Quantum AM, everyone asks ME to troll, even when I queue only as DpS. And they kick me when I say "no", event though I am always the top DpS XD. So, to me, it's the other way around: people want to force me to play a role that I don't want to play at the moment!
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  15. Derio 15000 Post Club

    Its very common. I do it too, but Since my primary is a healer, it doesnt bother me.
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  16. Solmes202 Loyal Player

    People should play the role they shout for in LFG , period. Far too many selfish players out there.
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  17. winter13 New Player

    I just put up "dps/healer" in LFG now, because the majority of the time the group.needs a healer. I would rather dps, but when you are living the pug life, you need to be able to do both roles equally well. Othetwise, Circe's example is often the end result.

    "We asked this guy to heal at the beginning , but now we want him to dps. Wait....what....you aren't a good dps? Sorry...you gots to go". Sadly enough, that is all too common a practice in this game.
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  18. toast Well-Known Player

    For the same reason people queue up as a support role for alerts while in dps and refuse to switch to support once in, to get in content faster. when unfortunately grouped with these people, politely ask them to switch to what they queued for and if they dont kick.
  19. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    yea I know thats my point. The stupid out number everyone else :oops: