Weapon Mastery has nothing to do in PvP !!

Discussion in 'Battle of the Legends (PvP)' started by Kya, Jan 27, 2015.

  1. Kya New Player

    All is in the title.
    Weapon Mastery has nothing to do in arenas , this is a crap , it kills the gameplay and you can do more dmg if you spam WM in the air than if you fight normally .

    Seriously who like it in arenas ?
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  2. Saami Loyal Player

    Amen. Wm killed my interest to arena pvp.
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  3. OP BUNNY AHHAHA New Player

    Yea wm is very bad for pvp kill gameplay in arenas:eek:
  4. Dark Wáne Active Player

    Well my point of view never liked wm i know that many people left because of this system and yeah for pve i would say no problem but in arenas i dont really like it look at the legends its the old system none is complaining about because its fun to play but in arenas with wm its totally useless and not having fun with it.
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  5. Ljubinka Well-Known Player

    Arenas are just one side of the problem. Imo WM has nothing to do in this game.
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  6. Kya New Player

    IN arenas it's worse than in Pve .
  7. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    Right now there's a few solutions floating around to deal with the WM issue.
    • Remove it entirely
    • Add additional counter damage for when you counter an enemy using a WM attack that is equal to a set % of what the WM attack would have hit for.
    • Reduce it's damage
    If it's going to stay a damage reduction is needed. Even in PvE actually in order to help make melee WM more viable. Even right now there are reasons you only see certain weapons. That's most likely what's going to happen, then, as they've done in the past, they'll lower the health of NPC's slightly.

    EDIT: Also you gotta love all the new members who've made accounts today just to comment on this one thread. Real community effort here :rolleyes:
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  8. ThePlop New Player

    PLOP i'm the plop.
    i'm agree :O let's remove this WM of pvp arena. it's not pvp anymore with that system.
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  9. TYREAL® New Player

    They only made it easier for the unskilled.
    It was better before I agree!
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  10. Leveilleur Well-Known Player

    +1 too many people just hang back or fly in air doing nothing but spam wm bb its ridiculous
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  11. DARAIN® New Player

    agreed lets remove wm from pvp
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  12. Ljubinka Well-Known Player

    Im just wondering are these options crossing the minds of the devs or its just an idea given by comunity for which (mentioned options) they dont care for. If u have some info pls feel free to say.
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  13. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    I haven't heard anything regarding adjusting ranged weapon mastery as of yet. The idea of damage reduction has almost certainly crossed their minds because of how basic it is. Whether it was something they dwelled on or it was just a fleeting thought I can't say. All this stuff is just confirmed as community ideas.
  14. ThunderlesStorm New Player

    Yes, I am a little tired of WM myself.

    Admittedly, WM does make any power somewhat viable as a dps power because dw 5 tap 2 hold hits so hard, but that also takes away from the skill level needed to succeed with a power.

    I think it hides the imbalance among powers. Whether that is a good thing or not, I don't know.
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  15. Banished Anaconda Level 30

    Idk how WM in pvp is atm , i was on a break from dcuo for a while.

    Personally i always disliked WM in pvp due the fact that it does massive dmg( yes its blockable on reaction and stuff but still)

    I enjoyed pvp much more before wm came into it ,
    using ur loadout/power + ur weap efficiently for max counter dmg was just great and i felt even a bit creative making my own pvp loadout based on power + weap and not just on wm or the am
    The older gameplay gave me an overall faster paced gameplay feeling which i didnt get from any other game before dcuo tbh..

    I felt "free" if that makes any sense for some of you :D but yeah, there is a clear reason why i prefer legends over arenas ( even tho i was an arena/duell player before) and its mainly due WM.

    The last 2 days on EUPC atleast i just encountered people who mindlessly try to pull off a long wm combo(ranged/melee doesnt matter) or spamm AM of nature/hl etc
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  16. Gale Reaper Dedicated Player

    I actually don't have anything against WM in arenas.

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  17. FearsomeScarecrow Well-Known Player

    Well there are many things wrong in arenas:
    1) Like you said WM. OP & my PvPers do get ranged spam from flyers mysself. COWARDS!

    2) AM's. Great introducing to PvE although boring at times, but in arenas... they're just lethal. Ik most mechanics of AM's but if not countered 10-12k off *snaps* just like that.

    3) HTF does PvP cr 0 able to survive against PvP cr99+? Penalties should exist, like before, where if you're not geared for PvP, you get.

    I hate arenas now. The buffing of newbs & nerfing of vets was BS. Devs 100% dropped the ball for PvPers.
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  18. Ghaladh Dedicated Player

    Sorry, but i don't get what's wrong with weapon mastery. Care to enlighten me? I'm honestly confused by the disappointment regarding WM... it's just a way to use your weapons and it's pretty easy to counter.
  19. Absolix Loyal Player

    As much as I agree there are a few ranged WM combos that hit too hard, ie too much reward for the risk, it does serve some purpose for arenas.

    GU 41 increased power costs, mostly to force Dps to employ ways of fighting that exposed themselves to the counter system rather than spamming powers.

    Trols and healers also couldn't avoid the counter system either. In order to insure they would have enough power reserved to respond in an emergency they are forced to use WM combos to reduce the cost of their steady healing or power out, and are forced to use the counter system as well

    Its far from perfect, having a few notable imbalances, but it does a decent job at focusing players on a skill based aspect of the game.
  20. Ljubinka Well-Known Player

    + some powers have blockbreaking effect, i rly dont know what were devs thinking.
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