Amazon Fury 2: R&D VII

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Alekimsior, Jan 12, 2015.

  1. Alekimsior New Player

    Maybe someone will be able to answer a small doubt:

    Will Amazon Fury 2 bring R&D plans VII? Don't recall if new levels were released with each successive dlc.

  2. Ekart Committed Player

    Plans were almost always a 2-3 DLCs thing. So with HOP2 or WoTL3 were are getting new ones.
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  3. randomkeyhits Dedicated Player

    Given that it looks like we are going to have a 4 DLC per tier cycle it would make sense if it followed something like

    DLC 1 - tier plans
    DLC 2 - tier synthetics
    DLC 3 - tier plans expert
    DLC 4 - tier synthetics expert

    That way you get a smooth progression from moving through the tier and something from each DLC.
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  4. chipzes Committed Player

    AF2 is still T6, so no T7 R&D.
    HoP2 will have T7 plans.
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  5. sillhouette Well-Known Player

    That only works if you assume everyone who plays will have every DLC.
  6. HersheyKiss New Player

    The new tier always come round may. T5 and t6 was this way, and with af2 coming round feb 1rst and being the last dlc in t6 then 3 months from that date will be may 1rst. Dlcs are always 3-4 months between release.
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  7. Alekimsior New Player

    Thanks for the answers.