Supercharge or robot sidekick?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by NikoK24, Jan 6, 2015.

  1. NikoK24 Well-Known Player

    Hi, i Am a sorcery dps using WM. I use the usual loadout= transmutate, soul Well, weapon of destiny, circle of destruction, shard of life. What should i fill my last spot with? Supercharge the hex one or sidekick? And do u recommend me to try sorcerys AM cause i have heard that it is weak?
  2. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player

    I always recommend Sidekick or if you want a Pet use Guardian as you can still gain WM crits with him out....I prefer Sidekick on all my DPS loadouts due to his constant damage.
  3. CHUD Loyal Player

    Robot Sidekick. Supercharge takes a lot out of you but a robot sidekick is there for extra damage. I've named my robot sidekick "Susan", for it is a manly name.
  4. Dr Blastwave Well-Known Player

    Im not a sorcery expert but if ur playing dps you want somthing that is gonna give dot so I would go with robot sidekick.
  5. NikoK24 Well-Known Player

    I guess ill use sidekick. And in the future i hope sorcery/earths AM Will be better but first quantum AM, breakout/CC bug fix, celestial AM buff and frame skipping fix.
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  6. Random Redshirt Well-Known Player

    I pretty much never take DPS supercharges, because self-heals require supercharge as well, so it makes DPS supercharges...super-situational.

    In this case, if given a choice, I would choose Robot Sidekick over Supercharge.
  7. spack2k Steadfast Player

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  8. WhiteW0lf Devoted Player

    The boy named sue
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  9. Major Penance New Player

    Robot Sidekick is great...until you enter Love & War. You lose quite a bit of DPS in that raid because RS get's killed very easily with the heavy damage in there, then there's the spawn time to consider when you have to stay stationary as you call RS up (and it's EASILY interruptible). On my Earth & Fire toons I use Supercharges...they hit hard. Mental's super charges are on the dookie side of things so there's just no point (same with Quantum unfortunately). I use a supercharge with Nature in my Burst Armory (otherwise it's straight up DoT AM).
  10. Random Redshirt Well-Known Player

    Life Drain
    Closed Loop

    All self-healing Supercharges. Which if you do alot of solo or duo content, are necessary to your loadout.
  11. Akix New Player

    Robot sidekick = useless in t5,t6 content.
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  12. NikoK24 Well-Known Player

    Well right now i Am cr 105 but i guess that other t6 alerts Will kill sidekick fast too
  13. spack2k Steadfast Player

    why would i waste a loadout slot for a self heal supercharge if i can use a soda cola or a supply drop ? hell you dont even need heal for solo content ...
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  14. Random Redshirt Well-Known Player

    I carry sodas too, but ultimately I choose caution over DPS, and all of my builds on all my characters implement at least a solo heal, if not also another defensive power like a bubble or holographic dummy or whatever.

    It's how I prefer to play. To each their own.
  15. Major Penance New Player

    Yeah...Zamaron will definitely kill Sidekicks fast.
  16. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player

    I have played with players that have used the Pets but they require a great troll to be competitive, they were happy I ran with them. The problem with the Pets AM, it got nerfed when it got first released due to PVP. Pets were doing correct damage and made Pet AM compeititve for a very short lived time. I stop being earth DPS simply because Crystal got nerfed so bad it was pointless to use the AM. When it was first updated, Pet AM was competitive against WM, not any more.
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  17. spack2k Steadfast Player

    on test dummies robot sidekick does good dmg but in real neo-venom is stronger... i would stick to a supercharge and crit it only with a supplybuff + wm.
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  18. Phil Miller Committed Player

    "JUST SAY NO" to all Iconic Powers. End of conversation.
  19. BumblingB I got better.

    As someone pointed out, pets tend to die in high end content you are at level with, because of this, re summoning them actually hurts your damage. This is why pet classes were at a disadvantage, but they did do a change to a few of them. (I don't think RS was included.) They survive now.

    Where am I getting at? Oh yeah, RS is really just useful if you really don't have anything to put in your loadout. With WM, you are basically using one to two powers for the big hit and using dots in the background. So a shorter list makes it easier to stick with. Clipping powers with a power helps a lot. I would probably just use RS and not an SC myself.
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  20. Random Redshirt Well-Known Player

    I would say "unless you want them specifically for flavor." For example my Jokester uses the clown box, my Superman-esque Mister Extraordinary uses the heat vision, my Citizen Liberty uses the Amazon Deflection.

    But, I don't use these iconics on the builds I use for Alerts or Operations.