DC,s Dead heres why

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Op argillite, Dec 26, 2014.

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  1. Drifting Dreamer Steadfast Player

    A good League makes all the difference! With out a doubt! :)
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  2. Biester New Player

    Get gear and feats from latest dlc, wait til next dlc to drop so you can increase your cr by 2 or 3, grab a few more unneeded sp, and play new raids that you can complete wearing gear from the last dlc. This is pretty much the formula for dcuo right now. Would you say it is a formula to keep a game going for another 3-4 years?
  3. DivineSire Dedicated Player

    1. What negative effect?? And why is everyone so convinced that things will become magically better if PS3 gets eliminated??

    2. Why don't you play on PC?? Problem solved.

    3. Majority rules..........A. recycled content that arrives faster or B. new content that takes alot longer. The majority says A is the way to go at the moment. Would you like to see DLC's done away with and have instances released in singles like their gonna do with powers and such??
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  4. LucidDreams New Player

    So let me see if I understand what you posted...
    1. no PlayStation test servers
    2. console players
    3. Old material being used for new ideas.

    So in your opinion, DCUO is dead because you don't have access to test severs and devs use old content for new material.

    Did I get that right?
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  5. Derio 15000 Post Club

    Getting rid of the PS3 wont help, it will make things worse. If the devs did plan on getting rid of the PS3 it would take them 1 or 2 years to establish the things possible to fix, enhace, and make the game better. FFXIV had 3 years to fix their game from its terrible launch and with a larger staff than DCUO.

    If DCUO staff was going to fix DCUO now, they would need 3 years to plan fixes, enhancements, new powers, etc.

    What Devs need now are new content ideas and new raid mechanic ideas.

    Devs are using old content for new ideas in the wrong ways.
    If devs went with the relic weapon idea it could respark peoples thought of reusing old content.

    PS3 isnt the problem, the content is.
  6. WildPegasusrs Dedicated Player

  7. Fightingbudha New Player

    The problem with this post is it is phrased as if this were a fact instead of your opinion. Maybe ask around for others opinion, but to phrase this as if it is dying and this is concrete proof is ridiculous. This game admittedly is not for everyone. Many have come and gone since its original launch and the game is still thriving. While I don't agree with your OPINION I do understand your points. Sure the test server would be nice for playstation and who wouldn't love more deals, but they aren't there. If this is what is pushing you from the game I would argue you are missing all the good things about the game as many of our fellow gamers have expressed already.

    Furthermore, if the game is dying so what. I think the vast majority of us realize that one day DCUO will not be around and more importantly we know we will survive. I'll enjoy whatever time I have with the game whether it dies in 4 weeks or 4 years. I am not sure what you are looking for with this post, but if it is to merely to say the end is coming to DCUO I can safely say we know it's just not as imminent as you are making it sound.
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  8. SilverwingsZOE New Player

    As it was said in that "clamped seasonal do sucks threads"

    Nerfing OP players will not help lowbies to learn their own roles.

    State of EUPC server right now is a mess,I barely see shouts for T2 content other than for quick style runs,not even people needing roles for T2 raids,I made a newer toon to see how far things goes south while doing tiered content with a proper tier,as the devs were so kind to render mental illusion tree useless I made a sorcery toon not going to heal anything as if the dps sucks I don't want to waste hours in it.

    T0 alerts,wait time from half an hour to one hour

    T1 alerts pretty much the same even duos are taking their own long time.

    Tried BC2 novice one hour ago,two tanks,two heals,one controller,troller switched straight to dps no mana,said something to him till I noted a "latino" tag,laughed outside cried from the inside as I wasted time typing something useful

    ARC happens,one tank gone,troller/dps gone,healer gone
    ARC resets
    The three guys outside started to vote kick against each other...latino heat baby!
    ARC loses half of his health bar before resetting again
    ARC once again loses half of his health
    ARC out of spite rages instead of calling additional security
    Said something again to them,no answers
    Excuse myself as they indeed know how to vote yes or no
    Nope you staying cause big dps,not only dps as I was tanking the ARC while dealing some damage here and there
    Need one more CR point to see how bad and long are T2 queues and how much time it will take me to form a proper group


    Partially the devs
    Partially the carrier base
    Partially the language barrier
    Partially because there are no hints nor training missions to learn your role properly

    If people can't get past T2 they will leave or try till they grow tired of it and leave.

    Are those T6 players the fault?
    They don't need anything other than feats,are they supposed to run BC2 novice "clamped" to help non existent tanks?Are they supposed to replace/kick controllers cause they don't give mana?If so for them being a T6 player or T1 it doesn't matter,they will steamroll said content by forming their own groups while kicking and ignore the others,this ofc if they still need/have to run lower content
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  9. Nirvana 93 Well-Known Player

    After the hyperbolic thread title and your statement after 1. I can't take you seriously in any way.
  10. Raijin1999 Loyal Player

    Wouldn't matter. Even if you got rid of the PS3 client, the amount of devs available to work on the game's continued expansions are on the very low end. We wouldn't see twice the amount of content releases in the same release schedule, though the small amount of content we do get would look nicer.

    SOE created a plethora of problems when, after launch, they downsized the dev team to miniscule numbers. That was possibly done as an effect to the feedback from the initial DLC, with the business factoring in the game's survivability based on that, or, more realistically, it was done as a part of SOE continuing to reel from the company's shortcomings, including financial losses from the like of The Agency, which got canned literally a few months before DCUO launched.

    In any event, DCUO has been sidelined since then. It's remaining team has had to struggle to not only make the game functional, but profitable and relevant. While it has a harder time of doing this on PC, what with much more competition, that venture into console territory saved its bacon. Hopefully that interest will give back handsomely as further SOE titles reach the console market. In any event, if SOE finds itself in a position to create another MMO on the consoles, they have enough of the formula to work on a new IP entirely of their own design, not bound by license restrictions and costs, and will have a better standing to make it successful. Now this i'd very much like to see some day.
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  11. Derio 15000 Post Club

    LOL are you serious. Read the powersets and tell me which sounds better, the powers that tell you what you get from being a dps, or the one that tells you what you get from being a support role.

    AM pretty much tell young players to be a dps and they will get powerback, damage bonuses, advanced interactions. Hell, who doesnt want to be a dps with all those benefits they are selling the crowd.

    PS. It would take the devs 2 years to develop content specified for the PS4 and PC if they dropped PS3 and that is with a dev team like FFXIV which our dev team has like 10% of their staff numbers. It would take our devs 4 years to make the changes, 4 years that this game doesnt have. So the PS3 is staying my friend.
  12. Sage-Rapha Steadfast Player

  13. HunterThe1st Well-Known Player

  14. Abstrakt Loyal Player

  15. DCVillain New Player

    lmao seriously? DCUO is faaaar from dying

    just because ur jelly of PC ppl and test servers means nothing, and sure re-used content gets hella old but it is what it is.

    who cares if SOE is behind DCUO? sure their record of flopped games is there but what game company hasnt had flopped games lmao

  16. DCVillain New Player

    further more didnt you come from PS3?

    so why the hell you knocking ps3 just b/c you made the $450 jump to PS4 now?

    yea it runs smoother and everything, who cares? you don't know ppls situations. Only yours.
  17. DCVillain New Player

    do I have a PS3? ya damn straight
    do I have a PS4? ya damn straight

    have I made 1 of these topics? nope
  18. Derio 15000 Post Club

    Getting rid of PS3 solves nothing. It still would take devs years even after they dropped it for it to live up to its potential. 2018 would be the estimated date for PS3 servers to be shutdown, and by then if the dev team doesnt grow, we wont have all the amazing things we hoped.
  19. PolishEagle Dedicated Player

    I remember when fos2 came out, I was pulling the single add the first weekend with my taser pull. I probably had 85 sp at this point which was considered high, so I may have had a higher dom than most. Not sure on sp...I know I was at a hundred before fos 3 came out. But point is, I was equipping my grapple line right off the get go. Shortly thereafter I also was using my boxing glove to debuff the first two bosses, as when I played my other toons, I would get annoyed at trolls who didnt.
  20. Rockhound665 Steadfast Player

    I don't see SOE lopping off the PS3 any time soon. Reason being is several fold. For starters, I know a lot of PS3 owners who are holding out on getting PS4 because there aren't enough games for PS4 to warrant mothballing their PS3 not to mention that you can't play PS4 games on the 4(same with my friends who own XBOX 360 are holding out on getting XBOX One). 2nd, as you said, if SOE did that, my guess is that the population would drop near 80% give or take. That would essentially kill the game.
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