Help with Forum Account

Discussion in 'PC Account Support' started by Generation EL, May 15, 2014.

  1. Generation EL Active Player

    Ok...well since I don't really post much here I am trying to find out (since I haven't found a tread for this). How can I ......
    A. Change my Name (if possible) on this forum.
    B. or Delete my Profile for this forum?

    If anyone knows please let me know. Since I don't really post much it's a waste to even be on here especially if I can't even change this name.
  2. OnceUponATime Dedicated Player

  3. TSR-AlexS Customer Service

  4. SuLor Son of Superman New Player

    I don't see a pm box to start a pm
  5. hektor New Player

    Then help me AlexS