Hardware Requirements / requerimientos Harvard

Discussion in 'Game Support' started by gonzalo35, Dec 26, 2014.

  1. gonzalo35 New Player

    What are the Harvard game runs requirements and systems (Windows, Mac and Linux).
    This information is not published on page aprese game "https://www.dcuniverseonline.com/" no information.

    Cuáles son los requerimientos Harvard del juego y que sistemas corre (win, Mac y Linux).
    Esta información no aprese publicada en la página del juego"https://www.dcuniverseonline.com/", no existe información.

  2. LadyLightning Issue Tracker Volunteer

  3. TSR-AlexS Customer Service

    Ms. Lightning's kb article is spot on! It should be able to provide you system specs needed to play and run the game.
  4. LadyLightning Issue Tracker Volunteer

    But the OP is correct that this should be linked on the DCUO website. Maybe put it back into the FAQ or at the bottom of the page?

    I doubt that it is coincidance that so many ask about the system requirements recently...
  5. gonzalo35 New Player

    win 8, win 7y xp ???
  6. LadyLightning Issue Tracker Volunteer

    All Windows versions higher than XP work. The Windows 10 beta causes trouble, but some players got it to run there too.