HL new Combo AM ¿GUIDE?

Discussion in 'Oracle’s Database (Guides)' started by Lantern Jild, Dec 10, 2014.

  1. Green Lantern Fadi Loyal Player

    The OP rotation is not effective as my loadout . I tested both and mine won :) I'll post a Video both
  2. Lantern Jild New Player

    Keep MG and LB up till last tick (6)
  3. Lantern Jild New Player

    Great, please post the video and tell us what rotation are you using, i will try it and edit OP to add it
  4. Darkhawk Well-Known Player

    yes please! Very eager to see your rotation.
  5. CdnAtheist Well-Known Player

    Darn, I've been doing it wrong. I've been getting out of both as quickly as possible. Lol.

    So far I've only kept them up longer if I have to move.
  6. ×FlareEUPS Active Player

    Constructs completely precision based and affected by our weapon. Does that mean that we can swap out the mods with the power crit magnitude and chance affinities with pure precision since our only might based powers would be chompers/SQ and in my loadout ST. + 70 precision could make a difference (75/x vs 110 pure = 35 precision difference per mod with power crit magnitude and chance affinities => 70 precision)

    "Affected by power buff preceding" (English is not my mother language by the way) does that mean the power magnitude and chance affinities actually DO affect constructs
    EDIT: or do you mean by power buff the damage modifier?

  7. Lantern Jild New Player

    • Like x 1
  8. Rokyn Dedicated Player

    It depends on your play style. Do you find yourself using the AM combo only or do you at times use WM as well or a clipping rotation? Keep in mind as well that your initial power tick will be Might based and you always want to make sure you get crits because that's what produces the big numbers regardless if you only use it a few times. But in your case if you want more precision because you find yourself using only combos then maybe it could make a difference. It's up to you.
    If you use a SC remember that those ticks are might based as well.
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  9. Lantern Jild New Player

    Indeed, as Rokyn said, if you are going for a full combo AM kind of fight maybe it could make a difference...

    Please try it and let us know
  10. Phobeo New Player

  11. Delta795 New Player

    Good place to start...
    I don't spec into Inspiration or SC, Instead I go for Iconic robot (free damage) and Snaptrap for single target rotation.
    Usually WM>Chompers for PI -WM>Ram cFan cImpact cLB cMG range combo on groups,
    When just going single target I prefer Impact cLB (end early) cMG cST

    Since it's only 2.5 seconds to get back to "combo frenzy" when already in a fight, I don't find having Insp or SC that beneficial. Instead thats when I trinket, drop Orbital, call out henchmen etc...

    May not be the best overall, but it works for me
    • Like x 2
  12. Lantern Jild New Player

  13. jr1nc Dedicated Player

    neck socket RP
    hand socket MD

    this rotation works and can be done in 10-12 sec its my rotation and it works!
    now i find it rough to keep up with other powerset if you dont mess up the rotation!
    ill make a video after the holidays

    if you decide to use only and i mean only AM you will lose damage! reason is because the rotations are slower compare to burst damage with WM! another thing is the AM damage is never consistent with damage as we all know the damage in AM is high low doesnt make sense to me! hopefully they will fix that!
  14. theacehood New Player

    I'm a CR 51, would appreciate some opinions. I role with

    Assault: Light Claw, MG, CHompers, Fan, Ram, Strafing Run
    Support: Boxing, entrap, light barrier, impact, grasping hands, light blast
    Iconics: 10% crit damage boost, neo venom, and robot sidekick

    Here’s my loadout:
    Chompers, Neo Venom Boost, Mini Gun, Fan, Light Barrier, Robot Sidekick

    I'm not the most experienced combatant yet, and sometimes need the light barrier to remove CC or prevent death.

    At the moment I don't have weapon mastery as I'm filling in all the crit chance innates in all the weapon trees at the moment. Only have two handed left to fill.

    1. Chompers clipped with Neo Venom Boost,
    2. Fan > Impact > Light Blast > Minigun > Ram > Fan (keep repeating until neo-venom boost is available

    General opinions on any adjustments I may want to consider, as I'm not as experienced as some of the legends posting in here.

    Please try and limit, the " in the end it's what you like and how you play responses" :) THanks
  15. Blazing Marauder Active Player

    Personally, ive been running with Chompers, Recharge, NVB, Robot Sidekick, Strafing Run and Fan.

    Recharge is there for the minuscule prec buff and to clip chompers for those times when the AM isnt viable, e.g. trash mobs burn

    Im still debating with myself over not having inspiration, at times you wont have time to get up to that increased damage of the AM and on top of that it could possibly help another 3 dps in the group produce higher damage which in turn could be faster run times ;)
  16. Darkhawk Well-Known Player

    For single target, would it be better to start with grasping hand, or even handclap into grasping hand?
  17. Drifting Dreamer Steadfast Player

    I have not had a chance to play my HL since the update and I have a question.
    Some things I've read makes it seem like it no longer costs power to combo constructs.
    Is this the case, or has a broad power back mechanic been added? Thanks all!
    Happy Smashing
  18. jr1nc Dedicated Player

    the way its set up, its to get your PI and buff up going into AM and getting RP buff the last few sec should hit hard with HC thats if you have your PI, inspiration, RP active to use HC for max damage! yes single and aoe but mainly single target! the burst damage from fan is greater for damage compare to GH so fan is the better option! burst damage HC is better then GH this is why use these rotations if it makes sense
  19. Darkhawk Well-Known Player

    Thanks for the reply! Guess i'll stick to Fan then.
    See you around in game.
  20. jr1nc Dedicated Player

    cool cool