Server Downtime - December 10, 2014 - Game Update 43!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Dec 9, 2014.

  1. TheBlackBatOfSteel New Player

    How insulting destiny is lame yo it's a remake of freekin halo for gods sake
  2. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    It expires after 60 days.
  3. zZzTorrOzZz Committed Player

    Oh man....
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  4. GRANDPAZIG New Player

    I would like to know this game will be running like all update without problem lol lol problem are here before the start Please will be nice to have run on time .
  5. True Lasombra Well-Known Player

    Oh my smurf, the hell is that?
  6. Weapon Sonic New Player

    I know. They are always updating on my days off. I never see a credit on my bill for the days they upgrade or an extra day extended for my payment for the day I miss playing. Sure as poop they charge me each month on the same day without a problem. Wish I could have my payment server down that day.
  7. TheBlackBatOfSteel New Player

    Ugh need more coffee too early for this
  8. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    The tokens in your inventory will expire, too. You need to consume them within 60 days.
  9. VaudVillian New Player

    Well at least the load screen I'm at is Zatanna instead of Power Girl. Now for those two and a half ish ours left.
  10. Tygerfyre Committed Player


    Knowing how much of a mess this was the last time they tried to up the mark limit, it really should have been tested to death before it even went out to the Test server for user testing.

    Aside from that, why stop at 175,000 MoT? Once the next tier rolls around, I can see people having 100 Marks of Fury, converted at 3125 each (someone correct me if I did the math wrong on the exchange rate), into 312500 Marks of Triumph. With this seemingly arbitrary limit, you're setting yourselves up for this same problem to recur in the future.
  11. XR3N0X Level 30

    Thank you for Clearifying that. So far is that the only "bug"?
  12. Brendan727 New Player

    I gotta say, im disabled with a painful and debilitating condition and DCUO is the perfect escape for me. I hate down time as much if not more than others (cause my entertainment and activity options are severely limited) but I DO so enjoy reading the threads when the servers do go down!... very entertaining...entertaining indeed
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  13. TheBlackBatOfSteel New Player

    Lol idk man HA!! Nah trying to find members for HellsForge we have a lot. 111 cr 110 109 108 just a fun league ya know hit me up lets play dcuo hang in a group I'm 110 rage dps named. BalisticCann1bal
  14. Ramonater New Player

    i guess ill just play some battle tanks until DCUO is back
  15. IcyBar Level 30

    With no disrespect to everyone the PST timezone applies to.
    But the planned update times are ******** for all europeans. They always starts at 05:30 PST = 13:30 GMT.
    And now the servers will remain offline till probably around 13:30 PST = 21:30 GMT.

    You see, people that go by the PST still have their whole daytime to play. But us Europeans have nothing :D.

    I know you can't keep comply with both timezones. But you could easily starts the updates at 02:30 PST = 10:30 GMT instead.

    So even if a new problem occurs, we'll still have our evenings guaranteed.
    • Like x 3
  16. yagamison New Player

    Got it,

    Thank you...
  17. FearsomeScarecrow Well-Known Player

    Mhmm, I feel you are wrong about Mental AM being weaker than WM. If anything it is even, which it isn't since i never crit 29-39k on each target w/ WM and that's not even including 3 amplifiers attacks. Trying same loadout i had on test on Live and I'm tearing stuff up. I gave my loadout on earlier comment. I don't wish to debate against you lol, partly because I don't take dps output to a science. All i tried to tell you was my AM loadout and tried to explain to community through your comment that Mental dps is NOT broken nor needs a buff of ANY kind. If you use the AM you'll like your damage output. Obviously you don't like change too much lol. Anyways ty for replying. And YT can be very useful w/ big changes like GU43 is. If it didn't/won't help you it may help someone who has questions and has been following our convo. No need to be aggressive as you are making my comments to be lol. This is MY opinion and you are free to have your own :) #<3Murica
    Note to Devs: Only complaint i have towards Mental is Mass Hysteria. Why is it 100% SC now? lol. Plz know i NEVER used it in my WM Mental dps pre-GU43 BUT if similar powers like Ice/Nature/Gadgets have 50% sc then Mental should have same thing for a more "balanced" game. I really don't care for any SC myself besides Earths meteor shower but i do believe this is one of those times where advantages/disadvantages COULD arise.
  18. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    Again, today's issue is not related to the MoT cap.
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  19. TheBlackBatOfSteel New Player

    Bored -.-" maybe I'll go run to the store get some nachos
  20. Lord Jareth Steadfast Player

    My question is this mepps do we get anything for waiting longer to get online?