No GU today? :(

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Circe, Dec 9, 2014.

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  1. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    The thing is, what was being asked of them to do for some of it, wasn't even really that complicated. They already have templates done of other finishers that suit what was wanted to actually make it useful. To fix his stealth all they had to do with give it a crit increase chance or something akin to that from powers activated in stealth (and while we're here give the 100% crit chance back to the power used after surprise attack). Then just lower his health a bit.

    Between him and Guy I'm extremely worried about the rest of the legends.
  2. Starblast Well-Known Player

    Also, just so you're not super disappointed when the update does drop; the Legends PVE is just the one South Gotham alert and it is technically just being treated as an Event and not some new mode. It will also only drop maybe a base item and MoL.
  3. DialH New Player


    They should just release the seasonal and shelf everything else till mid-January. This GU is a real mess from the looks of it.
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  4. FiveByFive New Player

    you've totally pre-emptively squashed his next 5 posts.
  5. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    They can release Legends PvE and the seasonal, but that's it. They need to hold off on the power revamps. I really want them to take another look at Deathstroke but that won't happen.
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  6. Hraesvelg Always Right

    Like that'll stop him.
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  7. DialH New Player

    I like new stuff as much as the next person, but half-finished, poorly thought out power changes are not what the game needs.
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  8. BigAl Devoted Player

    IIRC we got all the feats either this year or last year on all Legendary accounts because they were just going to do something new. Looks like you missed the boat.
    I could care less if GU released with the holiday seasonal, just give us the seasonal now.
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  9. Derio 15000 Post Club

    I mean at least the seasonal should have been out by now.
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  10. AuroraDawn New Player

    I really want a new Christmas sweater. :(
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  11. ShadowCyborg92 Loyal Player

    it will be out tomorrow. /Thread
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