Which feats do you buy for your Alts?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by TKMcClone, Dec 5, 2014.

  1. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

    Seriously...? You would spend $30-$40 on a level 35 toon... even before you started grinding for CR & Gear?
  2. FESTER665 Devoted Player

    Sure. I just recently had a CR6 157SP toon... Still working on him, I think I have home in the mid 80CR now with 175sp
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  3. ACW37162 Loyal Player

    Or you have 18,000 replays from three iterations of booster bundles I think I spent more then $60.
  4. ACW37162 Loyal Player

    its money I've already spent on booster bundles so yes not a problem
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  5. TheHeartbreakkid New Player

    Read mine again.
  6. Snix Dedicated Player

    I bought them all since I deleted all my toons and came back last month.
  7. Twenty New Player

    Just replay the feats you don't feel like getting over again.
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  8. ErnieB Loyal Player

    first raid feats, then styles and last pvp, the rest i buy later on when it gets to T4 or so, but by then i have all the solo, races and posters feats, so it's mostly the faction and maybe a couple of alerts fests.
  9. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    Only feats I really buy are seasonals. I also bought PvP feats recently since I don't really plan on doing PvP again anytime soon. The seasonals are a must, though. Either spend the replay badges on the feats from another character, or spend them when the seasonal comes around and run the seasonal more. I'd much rather spend less badges to transition the feats than more to earn them again.
  10. ErnieB Loyal Player

    this is DCUO, grinding for gear and CR is the last thing you do here.
  11. Chewy Stuff Well-Known Player

    Off the top of my head... the ones I make sure to buy are:
    - Hands of Fate: Clown Feat, Ancient Armor feat
    - Central City: Reaper feats and bounties
    - OC solos, bots and combination feat
    - PVP feats like 250 Lair battles, shutout
    - If you don't have $1 Billion then the collection and collection style feats... Also base items
    - Happy Hippolyta
    - Wake dead and accidental perfection
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  12. Criminal Matrix New Player

    Go for 1 and 3 star feats... it averages to 1 replay per 10 feat points.... meaning 10 replays per SP.... so much cheaper than using 2 star feats which are 3 replays each which make it cost 12 replay badges for 1 SP
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  13. SomebodyGiveMeAName New Player

    Any of the grindy ones like Toyman and do x amount of bounties/duos/alerts...etc. I'll grab some that are more luck based too such as win a duel by the skin of your teeth and win x PvP matches in a row. Other than that it would just be the mentor specific ones. Generally the only ones I would never consider unlocking are speed feats and styles.
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  14. Crimson Jonni New Player

    the ones that were pains to get. Basically, anything overtly grindy or requiring intricate detail
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  15. rival exe New Player

  16. MsJonzz Well-Known Player

    Ok, I must be the weird one. I grind all my alts and I think I have purchased 2 feats. My newest alt I bought the Lions Cub feat and my main I bought the PVP healing a kajillion feat....

    My alts are there to try and fill a spot where the league needs it or try a new power so I don't mind grinding them.
  17. cravex15 Dedicated Player

    I unlock them all but I do a natural progression.
    Firstly I unlock all the general feats ..."Use the breakout ability, break open restoration barrels, open 100 chests"....things like that.
    Then I unlock all the exploration and race feats.
    All that suff is a given. I mean I know how to fly use breakout and I know Gotham and Metro like the back of my hand.
    Then all the other feats that are tied to missions and alerts, solos, duos and raids and stuff like that, I just unlock them as I cross those paths.
    Being that I have two characters that are T6 with SP in the 140-150's range on both the hero and villain side it's easy to unlock most any feat as I'm leveling them up.
    That's how I do it. I don't necessarily unlock all the feats on at once. I do like to at least put some effort into trying to level them up.
    Ya know, spread it out.
  18. VintageWine Dedicated Player

    You can buy 5k reaper feat? :confused:o_O
  19. Sbel Devoted Player

    If you've already done it on another character. Of course, you have to get/buy all of the earlier reaper feats first.
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  20. VintageWine Dedicated Player

    Ooooooh, yeah! I forgot.

    Thanks! :D
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