Advanced looking for group feature

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Helios Xenon, Nov 23, 2014.

  1. RoxyStormbringer Dedicated Player

    This could be a very useful tool to form groups efficiently and reduce all of the clutter in LFG. It would be extremely helpful in setting up T1 to T4 content, seeing no one LFG chats for it anymore, at least on USPS. I know I'd make good use of it on my Main as well as my 5 Alts.
  2. GregDawe New Player

    +1, especially seeing how this new DLC story arc has gone...the duo, 1 alert and the raid are all the same across both factions.

    Even if they leave 1 instance per DLC exclusive just to remind you.
    But most of the content that they have planned seems like it is Earth Vs the threat as opposed to heroes vs villains.
    Unsure about the Superman trilogy, but I can't imagine Luthor staying loyal to you after you help him or Doomsday necessarily saying "thank you" to you villains out there.
  3. That guy New Player

    Yes, that's why I want something like this. The villain side is neglected and we could fill it up a bit more with this, I would make a villain in a heartbeat, too. :p
  4. Helios Xenon New Player

    i ran a villain to level 30. its cool the missions like u mess everything up and heros fix it
  5. Helios Xenon New Player

    how get green name?
  6. Remander Steadfast Player

    Are they even working today? You can always PM Mepps to draw his attention to it. He's pretty good about at least giving ideas like this a look.
  7. Ice Lantern New Player

    Would have been a good feature a long time ago. But now, it's too little too late.
  8. Shadowwyvern Committed Player

    +1 I approve.
  9. Lord Raiden Dedicated Player

    Hmmm I'm a fan. +1
  10. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player

    This would make playing a villain easier....wait time would be reduced....
  11. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player

    When forming groups now you will get to see the person CR by role or gear equipped. I think the way the game is going is improvement above where it was a year ago..this idea will only add to it...making it easier to form groups....

    For instance, I qued yesterday for LW...I bet I would of been picked up by a better group given my CR...

    Now it would be nice if SP was made visible. I am no 200 SP player, got a ways to go, but making SP visible is another step in the right direction...
  12. Helios Xenon New Player

    so LFG pretty much works like this now a days:
    X run needs X player
    player sends tell
    group searches player
    player gets invited
  13. Chewy Stuff Well-Known Player


    I fully support this. LFG is crazy on busy days.
  14. kawe Loyal Player

    If I form groups I never ask for CRs and SPs. My comment was rather mocking those that think they need to rub their cr111 into ppls faces, asked or not (and then ending up doing **** damage). xD

    Seeing CR is a nice feature, but I am more concerned about having a feature that doesn't need me to read up everything that's thrown onto LFG and find the ppl that have OP4 on their list of what they'd be up for.
    What I want is a LFG feature that offers more visibility and functionality.
  15. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player

    Mine is more of mockery as well...If you read many of the post I have written, I make it through content just fine with lower geared players...Usually I have more issues with the higher geared players due to them not taking accountability and putting the blame on one person who than gets kicked....

    I am all for easier way to que up...CR/SP mean little to me...if you know how to play your reole...
  16. Helios Xenon New Player

  17. Helios Xenon New Player