Avarice Impurity Bug

Discussion in 'Old Arkham (Bug Archive)' started by XR3N0X, Nov 21, 2014.

  1. Kaiya Redd New Player

    Ahh dunno if he made it or not. But I will keep an eye out next time I try. Thanks
  2. Enickma Dedicated Player

    I really want this bug to be fixed.
  3. Alekimsior New Player

    In almost every run I've seen people do this glitch, I myself instigated it once. To be honest, I don't think that posts like this help the matter. I didn't know about this bug, until it was posted with such level of detail in the forums, and makes me wonder how many more players found about it in the same venue. That said, I had already completed this Alert without the glitch and yesterday, I was in a party where the healer and the dps stayed back, because they wanted to reproduce the glitch. The tank went gung-ho and I was the only one that followed (controller). The tank did a marvelous job, and I wasn't too shabby... The adds weren't a problem at all, and we managed to get Larfleeze to half-health before I died, and couldn't bust out the tank from the honeycomb prison. So, I do think the glitch simply makes the Alert even easier.
  4. Little Sister New Player

    It's coming soon. I reported this exploit, as well as another one in Impurity, to Quixotic and he already has fixes on the way.
    • Like x 3
  5. Gale Reaper Dedicated Player

    This is an issue in villains' Rage Impurity as well, although from my experience, villains abuse it far far less.
  6. TrueArchon Dedicated Player

    We don't use the 'g'-word in this game. We call it an "Unintended Tactical Advantage". LOLOLOLOL
  7. TrueArchon Dedicated Player

    Villains use it less, eh?
    I'm willing to bet that this is not due so much to player choice, as it is to the Law of Probability and Averages, given that as a whole; there are less villains playing than there are heroes at any given time. Just sayin'.
  8. Veritech Loyal Player

    Lol, every run villain side is not far less.

    Funny thing is it's not even that hard of a fight to warrant needing to do it.
  9. Gale Reaper Dedicated Player

    I did say it was from MY experience.

    Are you trying to say that there is a smaller chance of abuse because the population is smaller? I don't see where you're coming from.
  10. TrueArchon Dedicated Player

    ...this ^ is unreal at it's finest
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  11. Little Sister New Player

    LOL someone down-voted my post about the fix. It's funny when players blatantly show how bad they are at the game. :p
    • Like x 3
  12. Korlick Loyal Player

    Its fixed now.
  13. apocalypsegodx Loyal Player

    Lol when some plp,not all but some.get there gear from a uta first thing they do is come here and expose said uta it's kinda funny
  14. oasenhoheit Loyal Player

    Ah, so THAT is what a pug-member was up to, when we were doing the alerts some days ago.
    We all went in, he stayed outside, told us to come out. He didn't say why, I told him to explain himself, but he just said "You will see", so I thought it must be some Kind of glitching, that he wanted to do.

    We said we don't glitch and he finally joined us. I put him on ignore afterwards.
  15. XR3N0X Level 30

    thank goodness.
  16. TrueArchon Dedicated Player

    Some guy has been down voting all the requests to fix the bugs...I hope you read this, Mr. Down-voter. I feel really really really bad for you. I am truly sorry that you seem to need to rely on cheating to finish an instance, and just plainly aren't good enough as a player to be able to play through what I can only describe as the mild annoyance of having to complete the cleansing task that this bug/glitch had made unnecessary. I am sorry. These instances must be total hell for you now that they fixed them. I hope you get MUCH better in the near future, and that is about as positive as I have to be to get my meaning across, without getting banned.
  17. XR3N0X Level 30

    Great choice on wording it out.