Top 3 DPSing Powers ATM?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Bolt z, Nov 22, 2014.

  1. Bolt z Well-Known Player

    Post your opinions down below.
  2. WhiteW0lf Devoted Player

    Before the game update, probably gadgets, rage, and nature. Not necessarily in that order.

    After the update, probably gadgets, light, and ice, not necessarily in that order.
  3. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    You should post yours too..
  4. Anti Bezz New Player

    Electric, ice n gadget
  5. La Shark Dedicated Player

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  6. FuegoKiller Well-Known Player

    Rage quantum and gadgets
  7. Bolt z Well-Known Player

    is Quantum good?
  8. Veritech Loyal Player

    Skilled player, average player, noob player - in that order.
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  9. FuegoKiller Well-Known Player

    If you got a good rotation with it you can do some mighty damage bro
  10. Bolt z Well-Known Player

    im trying to figure out a power that i can stick with because i am a Sorcery DPS/HEALS and it's not doing so well on the DPS side. I'm trying to decide if i should go nature.
  11. Invalid Opinion New Player

    If you can't do good damage with sorc then I don't think switching powers will help :cool:
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  12. FuegoKiller Well-Known Player

    Healing powers are that great to DPS with, a controller power is more like it like quantum or gadgets. Ice and rage are good for tank dsping too
  13. RandJ New Player

    Sorcery is so damn OP imo
    Rage, Ice, Quantum, HL, Gadget, Electricity, Fire is fine at the moment
    Nature is good/beast under certain circumstances
    Mental is a little bit underpowered but that will change in the next update
    Celestial is ... well it's hard to keep up with others with Celestial
  14. Little Sister New Player

    Nature is still top in my opinion.
  15. Trinidad James Loyal Player

    Weapon Mastery/Weapon Mastery/Weapon Mastery...

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  16. ACW37162 Loyal Player

    With the exception of celestial, quantum, and maybe mental (although mental players on test are having a breakdown over mass terror)all the powers are clumped do close together DPS wise the list of people's three best DPS powers comes down to who they know who plays those powers and that persons skill, skill points, weapon choice, and gear.

    There is no holy grail top three anymore.


    Hand blaster solar flare to explosive shot
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  17. Rhinosus13 Loyal Player

    Gadgets, Electricity, Sorcery, Ice, Mental
    Earth, Nature, Fire, Rage, Light


  18. ermike Committed Player

    All but celestial and quantum.. mental and earth are probably next lowest.. after that the other powers all work well
  19. Bendmetal Dedicated Player

    You need to have a good rotation, and it has to be almost perfectly executed. I have momentarily stopped using my character because I am frustrated with Quantum (its frustrating to keep a perfect rotation multiple times a day, but when quantum is updated and actually deals major damage with less work I will return.
    EDIT: Also, have home turf mods to boost your damage
  20. Torikumu 10000 Post Club

    After glancing at the replies to this thread, it appears all powers are strong except Celestial. That suggests to me we're closer to balance than ever before.

    If you asked me what I thought the worst power to DPS with was, I'd have said Quantum. Then a Quantum DPS smoked my entire Necropolis by a large margin. So bang goes that theory.

    In the right hands, any power is the best DPS power. So this is the only real answer to your question:

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