World Down

Discussion in 'Game Support' started by Eva Andressa, Nov 17, 2014.

  1. Eva Andressa New Player

    When i tried to connect a few minutes ago the "WOLD DOWN" message apperad and i havent saw any announcements about this. Whats happening?
  2. Terri Ashra Committed Player

    Daily server reset. It should be up shortly.
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  3. BattleAngel New Player

    It goes down everyday at 7am (EST) for maintenance, should be back up around 8am (EST).
  4. Eva Andressa New Player

    Ah.. didnt know about that.. thks a lot.
  5. Terri Ashra Committed Player

  6. papaburd666 New Player

    this is wromg time for world to be down after shutdown so wuts going on?
  7. Ice Lord New Player

    it goes down everyone morning at 4am and go up under a hour, but today what going on? the pc is still not up :(
  8. Shadowdragon Devoted Player

    It went down at the usual time, but it's usually up by now.
  9. papaburd666 New Player

    aftter daylight savings it goes down at 5am central, still down 2 hrs later, any explanation?
  10. jose lugo New Player

    so boring i just want to play this game so bad well maybe in the night
  11. papaburd666 New Player

    so who at sony gonna address this and tell us something...
  12. Thunderbolt Dedicated Player

    Still down. The maintenance shutdown today is only supposed to affect the PS network and not the game. What's going on?
  13. Terminatrix Zero New Player

    This is me right now...

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  14. arcosanti New Player

    Could at least have one of the lackeys/stooges/henchman/gophers that are assisting soe staff prolonging routine downtime shoot off a quick post along the lines of "my master says wait indefinitely" or "my master says add an hour for each complaining post"
  15. papaburd666 New Player

    goin on 3 hrs down on uspc servers, can we get a explanation or time frame or a wtf?
  16. Nexus Dragoon New Player

  17. TSR-AlexS Customer Service

    ^ Nexus is right, everything should be good right now so if you still have problems, please create a support ticket.
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