Alliance for Leagues

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by kryptorules, Nov 14, 2014.

  1. kryptorules Level 30

    Can we get some sort of system that allows people from same faction getting some sort of alliance points for teaming up together for raids,alerts, etc?

    I know people who don't want to leave their group, but play often with the same people.

    Shouldn't that count?
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  2. Kimone Luthor Genetech Clone

    What exactly do you mean by alliance points?
  3. ErnieB Loyal Player

    we got that already, it's called Prestige.
  4. kryptorules Level 30

    so if I am not in that league, when i run with them often we get prestige?
  5. ErnieB Loyal Player

    no, you need to be in a league for it
  6. Kimone Luthor Genetech Clone

    Oh, yeah, if you're talking about 'earning prestige for a league you aren't in' the answer literally = join that league.
  7. kryptorules Level 30

    That is my point about Alliance. :)

    Maybe it is not equal to the same as being in the league, but it would be cool if you got something. :)
  8. kingmasternova Loyal Player

    that's beside the point
  9. Toren Calduris New Player

    I would like the "Alliances" taken a bit further..

    - An Alliance chat channel for all members.
    - When you hit left on the d-pad you go to an Alliance menu that lists all leagues in the alliance. From there you can go into each leagues member list to see who is on, send tells, invites, etc.
  10. Kimone Luthor Genetech Clone

    No, I think that kinda IS the point. This has recently been argued to inconclusiveness. But in a nutshell -

    If you're helping someone get through an instance then you're already directly helping them earn Prestige by helping them complete the instance in question - even if you yourself aren't making any or if what you make is going to a different League. If you want to contribute more, join that League.
  11. AnonymousToughGuy New Player

    Nope, not at all. You want to add prestige to a league? Join that League. The current system is just fine.