Fire tank goes God mode !

Discussion in 'Old Arkham (Bug Archive)' started by YetAnotherFireTank, Nov 13, 2014.

  1. YetAnotherFireTank New Player

    This is not releated to a specific alert (but both tested were new t6's).

    When Tank gets crowded by ordes of adds, eventually none of them gets to hit the tank.

    In the first picture, my whole team whiped by AOE's and rejoined the fight while I was simply standing in the middle. (btw, isnt it time to give fire tanks a decent shield?)


    In this picture you can see pretty much the same thing: no red numbers or whatsoever

  2. Vyltran Loyal Player

    Fire tanks don't need a shield, its what make fire tanks "unique"..
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  3. MoreAwesomeMechanic New Player

    I think this is a glitch because my group last night had an odd issue where the adds and bosses where just flickering around the room and not really doing any damage yet all 4 of us were perfectly fine and weren't lagging at all. Seems to be an issue with the dlc not a normal occurence. Also you think fire is god in the grounp try rage. I had my health in the 300k last night when I was pulling entire rooms of adds to me. Didnt even need to go into rage mode.
  4. Korlick Loyal Player

    • Like x 8
  5. VariableFire Loyal Player

    I wouldn't mind the ability to do pickups and hit switches. I don't mind taking damage while doing so but it'd be nice to be able to flick a switch or do a pick-up without being disrupted by the equivalent of gnats flying around.
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  6. MoreAwesomeMechanic New Player

    You can just ask the healer to give you a shield lol.
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  7. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    not having something makes something unique and fine WOW just WOW!!
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  8. VariableFire Loyal Player

    Assuming the healer has a shield and hasn't already used it. Assuming there's even a healer to begin with. Assuming the healer even understands why the need for a shield if not taking major damage (and I can't blame them for not giving a shield for that either).

    If Burning Determination worked even close to what the original description was, you could pop that and do a pick up but no, it doesn't.
  9. MoreAwesomeMechanic New Player

    I don't use a shield on my rage tank and as Earth I never uused their shield as a pick up so it's obviously not as needed as you think. Quit trying to be ice but have fire. If you want a shield go Ice. If your tank is having to pop a shield to pick up then you have more problems than a fire tank not having a shield. Need I remind you that there is a HL shield as well you can grab........
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  10. YetAnotherFireTank New Player

    What make us "unique" is that we need to understand perfectly concepts like power rotations, scripted attacks and when to use a weapon, even when to debuff the group. I dont want to be an ice tank, I just want a shield.
  11. MoreAwesomeMechanic New Player

    HL shield isn't good enough for you?
  12. YetAnotherFireTank New Player

    You just don't get it, ¿do you ?
  13. blazeing fire111 Devoted Player

    Fire does not need a shield. Even if they gave us a shield, it would be pointless. The shield would break before you could get back into block in high tier content. No shield,no,no,no,NO! Fires mechanic is high health plus crappy healing out. FIRE DOES NOT NEED A SHIELD!
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  14. Korlick Loyal Player

    Thats the thing. Most of the fire people asking for a shield does not understand how shields works and why it would not be benefitial to fire tank.
    The sad part is, with all these people asking for it, the Devs might put a shield in a future revamp...and what are we going to hear after that? "BUFF FIRE SHIELD IS TOO WEAK!!!"
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  15. YetAnotherFireTank New Player

    Oh no.. the apocalypse !

    The "sad part" is that you think the only power that could not get any benefit from shield is fire, but somehow devs made it work for the other powers....

    ... so sad :(
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  16. MoreAwesomeMechanic New Player

    Apparently not your asking for a shield when one is already available. I'm not the one that is "not getting it"
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  17. Korlick Loyal Player

    See? This is you not understanding why it wouldnt be beneficial.
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  18. blazeing fire111 Devoted Player

    Those other powers are not the tank besides Ice. Fire works differently from ice. I do not know exactly how ice works but i do know their shields last longer then a fire shield would. A shield for fire is pointless.
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  19. YetAnotherFireTank New Player

    ¿Is it a Fire power-based shield , or is it a shield available for everyone ?
  20. MoreAwesomeMechanic New Player

    Does it matter? You asked for a shield. Why does it matter that every one has access to it?