High hp again?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by TheHeartbreakkid, Nov 11, 2014.

  1. Will Power Loyal Player

    The real battle happens when you get beat then you rage out and bring you A game I'm a Tank and I love Meleeing stuff if the battles short I get no joy. I'm CR 107 Fire Tank and when I enter the new Challenge I will be earning my gear after a nice long fight and if it takes 30 mins to an hour and a half that's my time well spent.
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  2. TheHeartbreakkid New Player

    To each their own.
  3. Daishantink New Player

    So they just buffed mob health... no new mechanics? So this DLC is basically the same type of content, with different skins on the mobs? Is anything new or unique? What is the appeal of this DLC? That it is content that we haven't run into the ground YET? I feel like they just take the base coding of the prior DLC's mobs, buff the health, add new skins & animations, and offer that up as something new. I'm supposed to log in and grind this content, for gear that does nothing beyond boost my stats to allow me to have an easier time dealing with the high health adds & bosses? What's the effing point?

    I guess Destiny added some perspective. I've been using the same powers in DC for 2+ years, so it's beyond mundane, and gear is meaningless beyond boosting stats. I get a new piece of armor or weapon in Destiny and it has an actual impact on how I can play. It adds variety. It just seems like DC is manipulating players into grinding without much reward. "Well... new DLC is out... guess I NEED to log in and grind out the content so I can... so I can... hmmm... do it all over again when new DLC comes out?"

    I'm just confused as to how this DLC brings anything new to the table other than new hoops to jump through, and stuff to grind with different skins and animations. HoP brought fighting in your base and some interesting new mechanics to the table, what's this bringing to the table so far?

    Spill it HBK, inquiring minds want to know. I feel like I've lost my smile.
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  4. Rhinosus13 Loyal Player

    Its day one and I doubt your fully geared yet so of course it will seem high for now :rolleyes:
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  5. Greenman_x Steadfast Player

    Id get banned if I typed what I call him in league chat.
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  6. Will Power Loyal Player

    They must have fought harder in the SM?
  7. Petralka Well-Known Player

    I've been feeling the same way ever since War of the light Part I came out and I don't even have a year playing this game :oops:
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  8. Daishantink New Player

    You can always make alts. THAT is what keeps it fresh I suppose. It's kind of a money grab though because to get an alt parallel to your main, you're going to need to lateral your feat point unlocks, which will either eat up loyalty points (if you didn't spend those already) or actual $. Meh. Playing different power sets, or different roles can make it somewhat engaging, but even that wears thin. This game was AWESOME... when it was the only game I was really playing...

    I pay .33 cents a day to keep my sub... to be honest... I'd probably prefer to feed some starving child or homeless animal with that .33 cents at this point.

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  9. LanternLove Well-Known Player

    When you reach CR111 i dont think the health would be too much of a problem.
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  10. Daishantink New Player

    In case y'all weren't aware... check this out... http://www.gamasutra.com/view/feature/3085/behavioral_game_design.php

    Breaks down the science behind all this.

    So RE: Lantern's post... yeah, at CR 111 we'll be beast... until they drop DLC 13 or whatever. Then we'll be squishy again... and this will continue on and on and on... we're their puppets... the new powers and whatnot refresh us, then back to the grind... really quite diabolical.
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  11. FaLeX Dedicated Player

    (I totally agree with your comment)
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  12. CrappyHeals Devoted Player

    Really lol!!! wait till you get some gear and stop complaining.
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  13. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    The health adjustments were across the board, and these NPCs are of a higher level. As always, you will get faster taking them down as you gear up after the first day.
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  14. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    The health of adds is no where near what halls of power and amazon in fury had ... We burned adds very fast the boss wasn't that bad either this was the alert I havent done the op yet ... I'm sure it's no different we did wipe twice tho I will shamefully admit.. I think the akert took us about 20 mins as well
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  15. Black Dawn Steadfast Player

    I didn't think that the health pools were crazy high, we burned through them pretty quickly. And as for getting rid of healers...those adds hit pretty hard.
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  16. DCUController New Player

    what o_O

    am I the only the who thinks the content looks like mogo from A&B and mist/strike? other then the tubes that look like giant glow sticks in the back ground
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  17. ACW37162 Loyal Player

    Well it's day one and healers are the hardest to find on USPS
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  18. Will Power Loyal Player

    Most good Support roles are Leagues playing with them.
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  19. Schimaera Devoted Player

    What the...? High HP? I don't know what you mean. With CR108 everything dies so darn fast, Raid takes max 40 minutes with a decent group that can block and stop attacking when WW has Deflection going on.
    Larfleeze's Shield is a mechanic, Harley and Catwoman don't have high HPpools, Fatality neither, I can't believe this BS with the Health complaints is starting again -.-'

    Gear up and see if they still have this "immense health pools bohoo" when you're CR110+

    Gee guys, there is nothing that doesn't die at least at decent speed when you can perform good rotations...
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  20. Kuno Loyal Player

    What about the mechanics? I think that other user is somehow right, it feels like we are doing always the same with different enemies and maps.
    I miss the old raids, now we only can tell is harder because of the huge HP boss have.
    You guys need to hit the bar with fresher content. Surprise us but do it soon...
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