Energized Insect Gear Drops

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Twincam, Oct 27, 2014.

  1. Twincam Well-Known Player

    Anyone know exactly in which raid the Energized Insect Shoulders and the Energized Insect Chest Drops?

    I have seen that the Energized Insect Chest drops in LD. Does it drop in any other raid?

    Does all the Energized Insect gear drop in all the raids or are some specific to certain raids?

    Sorry if this is a dumb question.

    I need the Shoulders and Chest. If you can remember where yours dropped, please post in this thread.
  2. Sbel Devoted Player

    I've heard that all three raids can drop all of the loot.
  3. 1ndab0x176 New Player

    everyone that has the chest in my league got it in lockdown. i got the rest from the other 2 raids
  4. Elusian Crowd Control

    There is loot that is tied to a raid and the other part can be found in all of them. I cant recall where I got the shoulders on my toons from exactly. It was either Necro or Artifacts. Chest however ... Lockdown, yes.
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  5. FrostCrescent Well-Known Player

    The chest drops from lockdown last boss (got it 5 times) and the shoulders drop from arti 2nd boss (got it 3 times). You could just buy the style since the 94 gear will be obsolete soon.
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  6. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    I can confirm that the chest definitely drops in Lockdown. I logged into the game right after reading this thread and LFG'd into a group...just beat it and got me the chest:D (I was jealous of the tank though...he got the 94 neck AND the Neck of Omnipotence:eek::( ).
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  7. Twincam Well-Known Player

    Once I finish that bloody raid again, I hope I get that chest. 6th complete wipe tonight. Which artifact did you do? Wonder if the artifact has a impact on the loot tables.
  8. Twincam Well-Known Player

    I probably will eventually. That is what I did with the Vestments of Rage chest when I needed it as the last item.
  9. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    We had the ice artifact....but we wiped a few times ourselves. I don't think a specific artifact makes a difference, but what do I know.
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  10. Twincam Well-Known Player

    Well if you got it with ice that awesome. Il be only doing Ice from now on. Sick of wiping because people are not boss and area aware.
  11. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    Laser is EASY if people actually take command of the group they form and get things organized. I did it with a PUG once, the group leader had us all get the Fortified Block Neck Mod and told us to Zoom out our view. Certain people would call out "BLOCK" whenever the artifact laser shot out, which kept pick ups out to a minimum and worked out rather well. But as I mentioned, it takes communication. Lockdown is most definitely not Necro, where you can fall asleep and still get through it...I know, cause I have fallen asleep on a few occasions (was super tired and the raid is painfully dull...the only thing that suffered was my damage out...third place, no wipes:D).
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