Sorry but if all you do is spam BB, WM & BLOCK your not good in pvp...

Discussion in 'Battle of the Legends (PvP)' started by Nerf Everything, Oct 15, 2014.

  1. Lawlessworlddc New Player

    WM and AM aren't pve specific. Tyvm.
  2. FameYack Committed Player

    Don't die b4 WM,
    It is sad,
    Learn to counter
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  3. Nerf Everything Well-Known Player

    All these PVP wana-be super stars on the forums (lol) just say counter. Counter 2 fliers & 2 people around the perimeter spamming WM & BB???? All this being stunned in 1 place forever.

    Every time I here a response to just counter it proves to me how little people know & actually PVP in this game.
  4. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    With the exception of crowd control issues (going to be fixed) that really isn't that hard.
  5. FameYack Committed Player

    If you are fighting 4 pple at a time, it is not about spamming.
    And yes, best thing you can do is counter.
    You have no idea how much you are underestimating them.
  6. Nerf Everything Well-Known Player

    Are you on PC or PS?
  7. ThunderlesStorm New Player

    Umm I feel like this is the pot calling the kettle black. Just because you have a few good players in your league doesn't mean you know more than anyone else. Also, the simple answer is counter. They're on the perimeter? Lunge one. You get blue for damage immunity to have a couple seconds to move on to the next guy. I would suggest doing what I tend to have to do: have someone on interrupt duty. It is annoying, but necessary.
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  8. Nerf Everything Well-Known Player

    They should remove WM fron pvp. They don't have it in legends so why is it here? Also if SS movement was Nerfed flight should be grounded
  9. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    Because legends involves playing a simulation of an iconic character. Having Lex Luthor or Doctor Fate use a bow and arrow wouldn't make much sense would it? Or Batman using dual pistols?
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  10. ThunderlesStorm New Player

    I agree that WM should either be toned down or removed, but flight is just flight. They have so much trouble kiting, so I see no issue with some noobs abusing the altitude advantage.
  11. Nerf Everything Well-Known Player

    WM should be Removed. DW into explosive shot is not PVP
  12. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    I don't even know what you're attempting to convey there.
  13. FameYack Committed Player

  14. iYaYa_ Well-Known Player

    i agree with you nerf everything fliers should be grounded its hard for a PS player. Like who has the time to look around for a flier all the way in the air. I also agree that WM is hurting both pvp and pve. The pvpers cried about haymaker that is hitting too hard and the pvers cried that hb got nerf no1 is happy. But for them to take out WM they will need to reduce our health. i i dont think that will ever happen
  15. Greenman_x Steadfast Player

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