[USPC] Helix Enterprise Calls!

Discussion in 'League Recruitment Center' started by Darkhawk, Sep 24, 2014.

  1. ??? Well-Known Player

    Is it named after the TV Show?
    • Like x 1
  2. Darkhawk Well-Known Player

    Hey question mark question mark que... Nice name!

    I've watched the show, however I cant say that's where I got it from.

    Fun show though.
  3. Darkhawk Well-Known Player

  4. Murteza New Player

    Can I join?
    name: AGENT DEATH
    CR: 52
    PVP CR:5
  5. Darkhawk Well-Known Player

    I'll contact you ingame :)
  6. Darkhawk Well-Known Player

    Another bump for good merit!
  7. Dem New Player

    hey everyone Dementirea here reminding you that Helix Enterprise recruits members of all lvls and CR. and willing to help with whatever your ingame need are. and remember to always have fun, thats the only way to play :D
    • Like x 1
  8. TheDarkCelestial New Player

    I am interested in joining your league. Please find my info below:

    *In-game name: TheDarkCelestial
    *Faction: Hero
    *Server: USPC
    *Combat Rating/Skill Points: 69/64
    *Power: Fire
    *Role: Tank/DPS
    *Do you have a mic: Yes
    *Membership: FTP Have most DLCs Will purchase more as needed
    *Time Zone: US Eastern
    *Age: Adult
    *About yourself: Got into MMOs about a year ago now I'm hooked
    *What are you looking for in a league and why: Just looking for a league that loves to have fun and do weekly events
    *How To Contact: Use whatever method you usually do for recruits or just friend me in-game so I may receive invite
  9. Darkhawk Well-Known Player

    Got your info and will love to have you with us! Expect an invite this morning if you're on.

    Edit: Looks like an update is hitting us today so I'll shoot you an invite after.
  10. Darkhawk Well-Known Player

    Haven't seen you on in the past few days. Been away or have I incorrectly added you somehow?
  11. Darkhawk Well-Known Player

  12. Darkhawk Well-Known Player

    We now have a league hall!
  13. Darkhawk Well-Known Player

    Time for another bump!
  14. Darkhawk Well-Known Player

  15. Darkhawk Well-Known Player

    Time for a good night bump.
  16. Darkhawk Well-Known Player

    A big welcome to our newest member that found his way to us via the forums!

    Welcome Qalaxys!
  17. Darkhawk Well-Known Player

    We now have an alliance with another great league :)
  18. Darkhawk Well-Known Player

  19. Winbit New Player

    Can I join? Oh wait I'm in the original Helix :cool:
  20. Darkhawk Well-Known Player

    Good for you?
    I had no idea there was a league by that name.
    Thanks for the bump... I think? Not really sure what your post implys.