They need to buff support roles in solo modes/areas

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Circe, Oct 9, 2014.

  1. Doctor Nova Devoted Player

    ok. when i solo a CC bounty. I pick Controller role. use PoT ability. change to DPS role, and benefit from PoT for a little while as i dps the bounty to death.
    When i also do lower cr alerts and duos, when not in combat switch roles to use PoT ability and then switch to dps before attacking npcs. (I do not bother switching gear when i switch roles.)
  2. ChuckLess New Player

    Question of the year! LOL

    Circe, I have been reading posts of your for a long time. How do you honestly come up with this stuff?

    If you were a new player, I could understand the question. But... c'mon man :confused:
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  3. Juncari New Player

    I guess I'm in the minority because I think the OP has a valid point.

    To all the people suggesting that the OP switches to a DPS set: people don't magically start off with two full sets of end-game gear. Due to limited time constraints and the inefficiency of mixed gear, most people (that I know of) will maximize one set of gear first and fill up the other set with leftover items. So unless a new player/character has people willing to run him/her through end-game content, it's difficult for support players to have an equally high CR DPS gear as their main set.

    I'm aware that you don't need 100 CR+ DPS items to do 100 CR solo content. But here's the related issue, and more important one: there is little to no incentive to go down the support route first. In the past, the trade-off was that support mains had slower times in solo content compared to DPS, but they were in higher demand for raids. However, with the shift in the meta to one healer and one troller per raid, the demand for supports have been greatly reduced. This issue is further compounded by the addition of armories because now established veterans who do have full two sets of gear can easily swap to a support role further negating the necessity of support mains.

    It's far more efficient now to just have DPS as your primary role and your alternative role as a secondary one whereas in the past there was no clear-cut route.
  4. Kimone Luthor Genetech Clone

    okay, forest and trees time here -

    Has anyone mentioned that, since you're a fresh new 100 CR character, you might have some initial difficulty killing things in the area due to a lack of exposure to enemies this powerful? You're not supposed to hop off the boat and be tossing out beatdowns out of the gate - in a support role OR as a DPS. That's a to-be-expected occurrence. Run the duos, do the Challenges, get yourself some of that 'drops everywhere' level 90 unattuned stuff and then give it a shot again.
  5. Kimone Luthor Genetech Clone

    I know I usually run as a DPS when doing Siege dailies, but that's because I prefer to run DPS - that character's other Role is a fairly well-modded all-93 gear Troll (with a couple pieces of 94 gear that I didn't feel like waiting for a drop from). As THAT Troll? I have little difficulty doing most of the stuff in there. I think 'more stuff', 'some exposure', and 'a lack of insistence that someone that cannot hurt people should be doing as well as someone engendered specifically only to that end in that specific capacity' are in order. You Can Do It!
  6. Furious Wind Well-Known Player

    Oh, it's a Circe thread...
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  7. Tesseract Prime Dedicated Player

    I rarely run in DPS role. It's my off role, so my gear is pretty much going to be a tier behind or largely unmodded. By the point that I have a full set of DPS gear I've already been done with solos for months. I'm not sure why everyone insists DPS is the only role for solo content.

    Honestly most solos are far safer and sometimes easier to run as a controller than as a DPS. Make sure you've got enough dominance to control the adds and you'll be fine. Put a shield or two on your bar, make sure to spec into weapon mastery, and know your CC moves. Cast pot to regen your power, stun anything that can be stunned - if you need to activate something, you don't even need to kill the enemies, just do it whilst their not attacking you! If you need to kill things, kill the ones that breakout of stun first.

    In Gotham Under Siege there's very few bosses that can't be stunned. Bring colas/supercharge/home turf supplies and you could fight them as long as you like without dying.
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  8. Dark Horus Dedicated Player

    I do about half the damage of a average dps , when running solos if your having problem use back up and the other home turf trinkets .
    As a troll you can do a lot of damage if you know what you are doing
  9. Zpred Dedicated Player

    Welcome back Circe... How I've missed you and your great threads :)
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  10. Little Sister New Player

    I had a feeling someone would comment like that. There's no way you did it as fast and easy as you would in Damage role. So you're just wasting time in my opinion.
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  11. Sage-Rapha Steadfast Player

    Was slightly longer but still did the job. Healers are quite versatile now. It wasn't that hard either.
    And everyone has an opinion just like everyone has a butthole. :)
    I do it my way. You do it your way. It still got the job done. So what's the issue?
    Quite frankly it's that kind of thinking that just makes me laugh.
  12. Little Sister New Player

    The issue is, of course some people do it as healers. Good for them. Nobody cares. That really doesn't help the OP, who is not very good at the game. The OP should run his solos in Damage role.
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  13. Sage-Rapha Steadfast Player

    Lol. It's a Circe thread.
    no one cares if you do it damage role either lol
    Ok. I got my laugh out.
    I see where you're coming from.
    Yeah pew pew. Die die. Yey.
    Tbh he should improve in both roles.
  14. Circe New Player

    I'm pretty sure I am. Popping my shield, controlling the adds, doing everything I can. And I still had a difficult time.

    My damage out is always awful in newer instances. People are always out damaging me. But I think that's okay considering I'm here to SUPPORT the team, not do the most damage (tho other support roles do outdamage me as well).

    So put in a 1 player situation I struggle.

    I have many things going against me:
    -no home turf mods
    -CR 85 weapon
    -no melee weapon mastery (so hard damaging the amazons - elites and big mobs especially with ranged when they're constantly using melee on you)

    I imagine a lot of people are like me, and are struggling.

    I'm not bad at the game - I just don't shine in certain areas.
  15. Circe New Player

    Never done the T6 duos...the T6 I've done are the iconic solos, the Themyscira alert (once - forgot its name), and the Gotham Under Siege. I'm great at the solos because I'm experienced with the characters and Legends, however the alert I really struggled in. My dominance wasn't enough to control the adds, and everyone outdamaged me greatly. I feel like I was only there to give power - but that's okay with me I guess.

    Going by this info, do you think I could do the duos?
  16. Circe New Player

  17. Sapphire Melody Well-Known Player

    I disagree. I run content both as Troll and DPS, depending on my mood, and I gotta say: I feel way more squishy as DPS. I don't know if it's because I'm a mediocre DPS or because I'm so used to good shields and CCs, but either way, where I survive as troll, I'd be long gone as DPS.
    In this light, I wouldn't say 'Switch to DPS' is a valid option for the OP. Yes, it's faster. But it's not safer and that what appears to be the problem to me.
    (Also it's not always about the speed but more about having fun...)
  18. Sapphire Melody Well-Known Player

    This content is designed for weapon mastery. No wonder it takes ages for you to go through the content.
    My advice: Get WM (with 113 SP you just have enough to get it on 2 weapons, so your main and the one you master into and still be able to get the troll critical innates) and learn to use it in combination with your CC moves.
    On the other side, your stats aren't really high (I remember being ~2800vita when t6 came out), so ofc you'll struggle more than other.
  19. Unknown Legend Active Player

    OP I would advise you to run the content with a leaguemate/friend. Shouting for someone to run with you is always a good option as well. But you should really consider running solo instances as a dps to save you some time... Read up on weapon mastery as well.
  20. FourSyte93 Well-Known Player

    The content can be completed in both damage and support roles.Been there done that and struggled at minimum like many others.No one is going to dominate the next level of content at the minimum alone.That's why you run the iconic solos and duos to get unattained drops and better survivability.Same principle as wanting to jump into dox at full Norseman.Not gonna happen,head to the grind like everyone else.Grab some drops,farm raven and buy yourself a shiny piece of gear and try again.

    There's so many other factors to weigh in here too.Are you using weapon combos?What's your build?How are you specced?What kind of loadout and weapon are you using so you can get some pointers?How are you approaching this and have you tried doing anything different to finish the mission?Are you using supply drops and/or soders?Have you tried picking off adds?How do you perform your role?Are you at least near full green geared (amazon soldier or w.e. it's called the name escapes me atm)So many factors and because you can't finish it or are struggling when you have options up the yin yang the game has to get ruined further for everyone else?

    Try doing things different or asking for help.You're going to struggle,there is always going to be a struggle point as you progress but I don't think it's really fair that content should be nerfed or simplified because one person can't complete it.