Server Downtime - October 7, 2014 - Game Update 41!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Oct 6, 2014.

  1. Torikumu 10000 Post Club

    lol your chances are way off :p
  2. GigglesEUPS New Player

  3. Crzyrazr Well-Known Player

    How bad is this I e-mailed my son, who is at school, and told him when he gets home to start downloading the update so when I get home it should be close to being done. :rolleyes:
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  4. Oligonicella Well-Known Player

    You can pretty much. I have Pippi Longstockings and she looks maybe twelve or thirteen.
  5. AthalwolfCOH Level 30

    it's the new shiny toy mentality, don't Fix anything but throw a new shiny thing out to distract and hope it enough to make them forget. same with all the wasted time and effort for a new fly pose = big whuppy........... fixing things just too much trouble.
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  6. WonderValkyrie New Player

    crap game is up and my dl still has like 20 mins to go ugh
  7. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    EUPC is up.
  8. CrueltyEnraged New Player

    What's the ETA on EUPS?
  9. Infyrneaux23 Dedicated Player

    Looks like USPC is up. Just waiting for patch dl to complete.
  10. CrueltyEnraged New Player

    Servers up now VICTORY!!
  11. Sphlinkx Active Player

    My fire toon had his AM updated..but my hard light and electric toons did not. What gives??
  12. Dezaras Loyal Player

    That's bad...but I'd probably do the same if my son was older lol.
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  13. Crzyrazr Well-Known Player

    I call it a "chore"....yeah....that sounds good it is his "chore" for today. LOL
  14. Dezaras Loyal Player

    Station Cash for pocket money?
  15. AtrocitusOmega Committed Player

    all my marks of valor disappeared when i consumed them and wasn't added to my currency then a message pops up in game saying not to do this smh bad timing.
  16. Crzyrazr Well-Known Player

    LOL maybe little pocket cash after I get me station cash LOL.
  17. xNight Seekerx New Player

    :mad: im outraged by this update for the fact that now there are no role variant armor and all my gear went from healer to dps and i never bought dps , .....2000 MOV for t3 pvp armor is also outragoues
  18. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    It still takes roughly the same number of matches to earn that gear though since you get 200 MoV for a win and 100 MoV for a loss now regardless of your PVP CR.
  19. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    All servers are now online.
  20. Draphin New Player

    1st question, (multiple parts)
    Is Dueling considered PVP content or PVE content? I ask because none of the new PVP rules Apply to Dueling. You can still use orbitals and you can not use the new Infinite Soders. This boils down to the real question should I be dueling in PVP gear or PVE? Is damage reduction based on Defense or Toughness. Right now I have to assume in Dueling it is based on Defense. Please can I get some clarification on this.

    Thank you.

    2nd question
    I am shouting because the devs have not answerd this question In the previous posts on the 1st and 2nd Page. Please don't respond with the quote from what was said on FNL. we all know what was said. What I want to know is was there followthrough.
