Bottled buildings discussion

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by ashtin1979, Oct 6, 2014.

  1. ashtin1979 Well-Known Player

    Do you ever think they'll remove the bottles from the buildings and restore the cities completely now that the main game content has moved on? Let me explain and the best explanation I can use is World of Warcraft so I apologize.

    When Burning Crusade came out things in the actual game world changed in the old content world highlighting the arrival of the expansion and when the Wrath of the Lich King expansion was released it happened again. The same thing happened when Arthas was finally defeated. The developers changed the game's story content so that Arthas's defeat was reflected in the game's story content.

    Translate that to Dc Online. Do you think now that Braniac has been mostly defeated that the developers will remove the bottles in a future dlc so that the cities will be restored and we can go into such landmark buildings as The Daily Planet or the Iceberg Lounge and interact with NPCs or something of that nature?

    I hope you understand where I'm going with this.

    Discuss. Let's see what everyone thinks of this idea, because I know I'm not the only person who'd like to see this happen.
  2. WalterlightOmega Committed Player

    the said they would if they could with tech limitations
  3. undrline Issue Tracker Volunteer

    Wow, it's been a long time since I've seen this topic.

    They have stated they will not unbottle the buildings in the open world or instances through T4. The people levelling up are still coming off the Brainiac ship and experiencing the Brainiac threat anew. In fact, you can face his avatars, and beat him down on the Prime Battleground every week, and there will be no end. They have said that content that takes place further in the story arc, such as in alternate Metropolis and Gotham, will not have the buildings bottled.

    The Brainiac incursion is not a one time event to be cleared away from the cities and replaced with another threat. It's the basis for the game, and the explanation for where you get your exo-enhanced abilities and armor.
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  4. Magnificent Loyal Player

    Well stated!

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  5. undrline Issue Tracker Volunteer

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  6. Dcon34DCUO Loyal Player

    I'll also add that based on the 3 iconic enemies that Jens announced we'll face in Amazon Fury Part 2 at SOE Live 2014, Brainiac may have been defeated by us, but he is far from destroyed. He's still trying to access the Nexus.
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  7. EPICQ New Player

    When ps3 no longer has its powerful hold on ps4, ps4 will rise and everything we knew about dcuo for three years will change.
  8. Tskales Well-Known Player

    They would, but PS3.
  9. Malachyte Devoted Player

    I agree with Undrline, in that for new players that still will experience the Brainic Incursion storyline, however I just wish they would remove the bottles, at least from Metro as there is nothing in open world Metro that has anything to do with the buildings being bottled up. The Battle for Earth content is all based in Gotham.
    It just would be nice to actually see the Daily Planet, Iceberg Lounge as well as the other landmark buildings in Metro and Gotham now.
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  10. tukuan Devoted Player

    To be clear this was the reason why they won't remove them in the prime Gotham/Metropolis instances. During the livestream for WoLT 1, they had said that they explored the idea of removing them in Alt Metro (and presumably Alt Gotham) but as stated above the resource cost was too high since they are essentially re-using the same map.

    So it could be a possibility down the road if they found a way to optimize a new map or something else along the lines of toggling the bottles for a given object in two instances of the same map.
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  11. ashtin1979 Well-Known Player

    Well I guess what I mean is...even in original World of Warcraft you had the original stuff that stayed the same for the core game for a long time and then when the Cataclysm expansion came out all of the core areas were completely changed around for the new expansion. So everything was radically different. So if they came out with say a new DLC; let's just call it Braniac the final conclusion or something like that.

    We of course would still have our exobyte powers that would now be provided to us instead by coming off of the Braniac ship, but instead we'd start out at the Watchtower speaking to our chosen mentor for example. Then our chosen mentor would send us on assigned missions to locations throughout the various cities. Depending on your faction that is where you would be getting your Exobyte based abilities from to fight the "opposing factions."

    A better example would be I suppose would go like this. I have Batman as my mentor. Instead of Watchtower I could start off in the Batcave waking up in a stasis chamber talking directly with Batman or Robin and they explain that in order to fight Lex Luthor and his team of Exobyte villains who are trying to take over the world, we've been drafted and infused with Exobytes left over from the braniac invasion. Of course the heroes and villains have found a way to keep reproducing the Exobytes to continue the fight with one another for battle over the earth.

    For Superman mentor's you'd start off in the Fortess of Solitude, Wonder Woman of course you'd be on Paradise Island. And last but not least Joker mentor's would start off at either Arkham Asylum or Amusement mile an instanced version. You get the idea.

    I know some people will probably think my ideas sound silly but it's just a suggestion.

    However, I do understand what people are saying about the bottles.
  12. Ikyotojin Dedicated Player

    All those buildings and not one toilet...
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  13. ashtin1979 Well-Known Player

    I know, it's a real shame.
  14. nogimmick New Player

    robinson park has plenty of trees and not a whole lot of people around....

    just sayin'.
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  15. Drifting Dreamer Steadfast Player

    While I am not opposed to the removal of the bottles for future content, ie - DLC, alt Metro, alt Gotham, I am opposed to the WoW formula of complete reconstructions.
    This would require an entire rework of the game from Level 1 until Origin Crisis. And, what seemed 'easy' in WoW, really took them a few years of work. Blizzard, like SOE, just doesn't say, 'Hey, guess what we just started working on that you won't see for at least a year and a half??"
    And I do get what you're saying, but this MMO isn't structured like most other MMOs.
    Normally there is no 'set story line.' There is in DCUO. Its as if we're all getting off the ship at the same time, "Day 01." It just so happens your Day 01 might come eight months after mine. But, in the compressed naritive of DCUO it is still 'the same day.'
    Another way to think about it is the progression of the game and the DLC.
    Each DLC extends the current narrative sequentially. Each of these can be thought of as ... say "Month 02, 03, 04, 05" and so on.
    The way I understand WoW, it had an overarching mythos, world, and timeframe, but didn't have a build in "This happens on day 01, then this on Day 02 ..." Rather it's more of how you adventure within that World, rather than you playing your part in a predetermined story. This is what DCUO is.

    But, again, would love the bottles to disappear in the WoL and AF content.
    Cheers All
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  16. Tooter Tots New Player

    I HATE that the most iconic buildings in the DCU are all bottled. You never truly feel like you are in Metro or Gotham. Who thought bottling The daily planet and the the GCPD's main HQ was a good idea?
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  17. L T Devoted Player

    could at least remove them from the metropolis battleground in WOL. Can't remember if there are any in GUS.
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  18. Tazzaxe Dedicated Player

    Can they wait? I've still got 220 runs to do for my feat.
  19. Alpha XXX New Player

    I confess I don't really understand why a bottled building is less demanding on resources than another non bottled one.

    The disappointment for me was the bottled buildings remain even in areas we can't enter in Gotham Under siege and War of Light Metro...surely in restricting our travel the ability to present a clean cityscape backdrop (not to mention open the likes of the Daily Planet building) is possible?
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  20. ashtin1979 Well-Known Player

    Well in all fairness, in the comics the Daily Planet was bottled by Braniac. I believe during the new 52 because I buying the Superman 52 and action comics 52 digitally for a time until I moved to New England and could no longer afford them because of other things like rent and stuff. The rent up here is astronomical compared to where I was.