Premium needs a cash cap increase

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by GhostsAndMagic, Sep 29, 2014.

  1. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    As soon as they fix the trading UI, I'll agree with you. Having to trade 6 items via 4 slots leads to far too many scams in the game.
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  2. Tazzaxe Dedicated Player

    Naw you can agree with me now, lol USPC villain. My league leader would jack my *** if I ever scammed anyone. I've made plenty of mods for people in and out of my league :p
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  3. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    I have every belief that you can teach your dogs how to push buttons on a calculator.

    I do see your side of the argument. I just don't agree with it as the best option for the longevity of the game.
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  4. John Brawler Committed Player

    possibly you not understanding the part that if a person either won't or can't afford to pay 15 a month for membership then they will not and still can't afford 5 to 10 a week to keep getting escrow tokens.
  5. Minnion Devoted Player

    The question of course is, why can't we pay for all the content we want access to? We want full independent access to crafting, but we can't get full access to crafting without buying something we don't actually want or need to play the game.

    What about the crafting material vendor that we can buy from the marketplace? Why should we have to rent access to self sufficient crafting? Why can't we just buy access to self sufficient crafting? The primary purpose of cash in this game outside of repairs(Which would be unaffected by crafting access) is to buy stuff from the broker. Those are the two things that generate the most meaningful friction in this game.

    What perks would we be able to give legendary players to offset the loss of friction that premium players gaining full access to crafting materials would cause? How about this:

    1. Allow premium players to run the vault daily(and legendary players to run it twice daily)
    2. Replace all the style item drops with blueprint drops for crafting the style items they are replacing.)
    3. Make crafting style items a legendary only perk, as in only ones able to actually able to craft the cosmetic items from the blueprints.(The crafted items are of course trade-able, though the ones meant to be rare are naturally made with rare material drops.)
    4. Allow premium players full access to all crafting items.(The friction lost from this shouldn't matter since now legendary may be able to craft and sell what would likely be an ever growing list of style items that players would want....)
    5. Just to be clear, F2P and Premium players would still be able to find and collect style item blueprints, they're simply locked unless you rent access to them.
    6. The important thing is, nothing that has a direct impact on your gears stats is withheld from you.
    7. I'd also make sure that all of the feat related styles do drop somewhere in the game, even if they are far rarer than the materials for crafting the style token.

    While we are on this tangent, does anyone else wish we could transmute off role gear into a style tokens so we can collect the styles of off role gear? Perhaps something like:
    • Transmuting off role gear into a style token of its style costs premium players replay badges(Legendary can do this for free.)
    • The transmuted style item tokens are of course trade-able so you can sell them for millions on the marketplace.
  6. FESTER665 Devoted Player

    The whole "we don't have access to it" is so wrong yet keeps getting put out there....

    If I were to say I will give a premium player $100 to get online and make a level 6 mod could they do it? Absolutely!

    So you do have access to it, it's just inconvenient to have to farm and trade for it.
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  7. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    This Topic: [IMG]

    Me: [IMG]
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  8. Minnion Devoted Player

    Why farm for stuff to trade for the materials when we can just trade for a finished mod instead? You really don't get it do you? The kind of player that wants to craft their own stuff is the kind of player that wants to be self sufficient... Self sufficient players don't trade for materials to craft mods, they farm them themselves and then trade the finished product for cash to spend on the broker. It's like telling a guy that wants to do their own cooking that they have to barter with a local restaurant for the cooking supplies they need since only the restraint can get the stuff that the person wants to cook.
  9. Foe Evah New Player

    Seems you failed to read my post and understand it on its entirety, as I acknowledge the existence thereof as opposed to most posts one to the likes of you tries to explain "escrows" to. Increasing the cap to 5k, or the suggested $500 per DLC by Fester, does not mean escrows will be no longer desirable or serve their purpose by any means. So what exactly are you trying to explain, Professor? We all get that they're there, that doesn't mean that we all agree the Premium cash cap should stay at 2k, $500 higher than a free player, regardless of how much you spend in game as a Premium member over time. We all get the "a la carte" concept, the cap is still ridiculously low. I went as far as to mention that if this small change would cause them memberships, I rather them review legendary perks because it really shouldn't take that huge an impact. But lets nevermind that too and pretend that what I said is that it is impossible to do anything as a premium player under the current cash cap, and that I have suggested that I feel the current cap is no longer appropriate and should be reviewed.
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  10. FESTER665 Devoted Player

    Just like you're not getting it that the developers intend on you needing members in order to get those things or to use more microtransactions since that's what the non-member tier is based on?

    You want to be self sufficient then you need to become a member or buy marketplace options.
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  11. FESTER665 Devoted Player

    In any case, I'm leaving this topic. I wouldn't mind the devs giving a slight boost per DLC or allowing repair costs to come out of escrow to make life a little easier on the non-member, especially for repairing gear. I just think the R&D issue is definitely working how they intend for it to.....

    Enjoy the thread everyone!
  12. Luckyme92781 Well-Known Player

    Stop interrupting people with your facts and logic :p
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  13. JonnyD New Player

    1. I don't think Premium cap should be increased to where they can be 100% self-sufficient with the money they have access without escrows. That would devalue one of the biggest advantages of being legendary, the huge convenience of not having to trade back and forth for sodas, having someone else craft items for you, having to re-sell sodas for repair money, etc. etc.

    2. I don't think the Premium cash cap should stay as it is. It is not that different from Freemium, basic items in line with T5/T6 cost marginally more than the cap (e.g. whoever pointed out Turbo soders cost MoT + $2100 cash), and I can still see people who want to be self sufficient and create their own mods and soders at a high tier needing to do major trading or use escrow.

    3. I don't think the cap should increased per DLC purchase, or #2 may cease to be true with a few DLCs along the road. I do think they need to make the cap something between 4K or 6k or some number low that allow for some basic items like turbo soders and game gear and things like that to be purchased, but still require escrow for things attached to R&D and such.

    I think this is a good compromise. And being how things cost now, if escrows worked back when they were introduced, I don't see how after 1.5 or 2 years it would stop working so long you keep some items out of reach. Costs went up, cap could use an upgrade, but keep the same level of need as back then. I don't think the OP should be able to make limes out of pocket, but he should be able to buy Turbos AT THE VERY LEAST (hell, this would even give said soders some use, as I can't really tell anyone in their right mind who feed off Turbos unless they dropped off some mission). Hope this makes sense before someone comes tell me to play candy crush or teach me calculus.

    TLDR: Cash cap is outdated and needs to be reviewed.
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  14. Minnion Devoted Player

    Which is something I consider a mistake on their part... They have a good thing going true, but at this point I am of the opinion that the current restrictions on crafting and the cash cap are outdated and will hurt the game in the long run if it hasn't already. Saying that it's working as intended isn't going to convince me that the current system is a good thing in the long run. It certainly isn't going to convince me that the current escrow tokens are worth the money.

    Look up the Extra Credits episode on micro-transactions, it does a good job summing up what I hope SoE will do eventually... It's key point were:
    • Players are content: As in the game company running the MMO should want as many players running content as they can get.(Loosing a player because he couldn't afford a sub for a month or two and found the restrictions unbearable is something that should never happen ever.)
    • Never sell power(Selling control over the access to mixed mods strikes me as an example of this mistake.)
    • Sell convenience(In this case I'd say they got it right mostly, the lair amenities, the teliporter, the armories... Great convenience items, ditto on bank space and broker slots... ect.)
    • Sell vanity items: They are beginning to pick up on this again, though it would be nice to see some new style items....
    • Don't divide the community: Simply put they probably screwed this one up, as evidenced by the responses in this thead...(Lets put it this way, if the player base wasn't divided why would anyone not working for SoE be saying no to the request for a higher cash cap? it's not like a cash cap increase would be impossible to monetize, and there really isn't any evidence that there would be a lasting dip in subscriptions as some seem to fear.(Not that I don't think there could be a dip, I'm just not convinced that a dip in subscription numbers would necessarily translate into a dip in overall sales.)
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  15. Forced Penance New Player

    tbh, i care less for more players to play with, and more for more money going in to support the game and keep it running
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  16. Forced Penance New Player

    So the fact that dcuo ALREADY gives free players access to the first three tiers of content free isn't giving away enough?!? If it was my decision, they wouldn't have access past T1
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  17. Forced Penance New Player

    nope, you can hit tier and perform quite adequately with synthetics. You do not need VI's to be be superior yes, but not to perform.
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  18. Forced Penance New Player

    you do have access to the content you pay for

    R&D is not included in a DLC
    R&D is available to all
    IF you wish to use it, tap your escrow and use it
    IF you wish to use marks for your progression, use synthetics
    Limes are frequently put on the vendor (USPC) individually for 1500 or less.

    You have your options, because you choose not to utilize them is not the game's fault, it is yours.
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  19. Forced Penance New Player

    by your same logic, they will pay or subscribe to overcome the hurdle of endgame modding as well
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  20. Forced Penance New Player

    and this is working as intended
    You have your options: use synthetics
    if you don't want to use synthetics (mark based), then use your precious microtransactions to open your escrow
    if you don't want to use your escrow, and don't want to use snythetics, you are just SoL.
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