Treasure Hunting (Need Likes)

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by thefrogshateme, Sep 27, 2014.

  1. thefrogshateme New Player

    You are asking alot for the last treasure hunting feat. I understand alot of guys have got it, but this is insane amount.
    I find myself re queing over and over again for battle for earth duo's and backing out just for the chests and feel bad about it.

    Please make open world treasure chest for treasure hunting. I don't care if it gave you a soda cola plus. I just want the feat to be obtained easier.

    Thanks, and hope everyone one has a great day.
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  2. DEMONIZER1 Loyal Player

    Keeps folks running the old content, won't happen no matter how good the idea is....

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  3. Schimaera Devoted Player

    Lol. Intergang Penthouse, T.O. Morrow's Hideout, Monarch Playing Cards Factory, and some others more are good places to farm Treasure Chests. Group up with someone, enter instance, destroy chest, disband group, re-group, rinse and repeat.

    Sorry my friend, but for such a request you won't get a like from me. Grinding feats are grindy. Grind through it or leave them out.


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  4. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    Um, if you're abandoning groups to get your treasure chests, you won't get a like from me. You are aware the duos you speak of have walk-ins, right? They're even all on the same block and take less than 30 seconds to go between. There are also a lot of low level instances with treasure chests that you can go into, get the chest, re-log, rinse and repeat.

    Seriously, stop abandoning other players in duos and work on the feat alone. No reason to hurt other players' experiences to get that feat. :-{
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  5. ermike Committed Player

    Check. . Today's make this game easier post is done. I'll already anticipating tomorrows
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  6. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    You got two today for the price of one:

  7. ermike Committed Player

    Lol.. just saw it and was about to post. This is why I blame nobody for leaving this game. Community is so weak and noobish. Literally cry about every aspect of the game. Hell, there was a thread after the LD fix about how LD was broken now bc the fly up the wall decoy glitch didnt work lol.
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  8. 1ndab0x176 New Player

    just walkin to the battle for earth duos, all the intergang content(low level not t6) then monarch. thats 7 chest. by the time u finish monarch the first ones are rdy again. also don't complete the content get ur chest then walk out. just takes time very easy to do.
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  9. ChuckLess New Player

    I'd understand posts like this if feats were few and far between, but there are sooo many out there. Stop asking for each one to be obtained right away.
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  10. Twilight Man New Player

    I dont like the idea of open world chests. Imagine the chest camping/stealing.
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  11. VintageWine Dedicated Player

    What everyone else said and also use YouTube and the forums to find the locations, that's what I did when I was grinding the feat + I think the feat counts no matter who gets the chest so yeah.
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  12. Chuccles New Player

    So you can spam the chest feat?! I wish somebody would told me this ive just been queing for the battle of the earth duos the whole time
  13. The Lone Stranger Devoted Player

    Please don't make me laugh like that when I'm taking a drink!
    I have to clean my monitor now!

    well played, sir...
    well played, indeed!
  14. kawe Loyal Player

    I know you mean it more in a joking way, but don't blame others for your missing research on a feat, and don't call a nerf on a feat that you just didn't know how to do (easier), a simple visit to google would have helped you.
    I was in the same situation 2 years ago. "How do I do this feat more convenient?" Found vid describing a chest farming route, done.
    This goes for a lot of these farming feats, there are more convenient ways, if you just look for it. :) And remember, some feats are meant to take their sweet time.

    But I must say, the severe lack of treasure chests in higher content is not fitting this feat. It's a long time feat, but chests are mainly in leveling and old content. Why is no treasure chest in Necro, or the t6 duos? It feels like they kinda forgot about these... The one that randomly pops up in ICW is nice... that's the first treasure chest in higher content since GATES if I remember correctly....
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  15. Locarthemanbeast Committed Player

    Villain side Sentinels of Magic Base Solo has one in there and as a T5 even it takes about 2 minutes tops to run from the beginning to the end to fight Fate. 1 chest every time you go in.
  16. The Lone Stranger Devoted Player

    Good point.
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  17. wulff420 New Player

    its so funny how some people are so adamant about wanting everything to be hard and others are so adamant about wanting everything to be easy lots of times i swing more for easy but wahtevs. open world chests like 1 per city that spawns absolutley anywhere at any given time could be cool. as for abandoning people that aint right you should run the content to the end and then do it again if you want to go that route. ques are a nightmare these days and more people need to que and finish the content they qued for!
  18. Chuccles New Player

    just asked a question. no blame was thrown and no nerf was even mentioned.
  19. Fools Fire Loyal Player

    I used to walk in Kandaq and Gates several times a day to try and get the chests. Yeah, you only get the gear once. But breaking it open still counted even if done more than once a week.
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  20. Sbel Devoted Player