Selling of Feat's/SP

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Badname405, Sep 23, 2014.

  1. FESTER665 Devoted Player

    I've been here since launch and am only at 171..... I really need to PvP but am waiting for the new season to start to really get into it....

    It's all about the group honestly in PvP. I was just recently grinding away for my 50 wins in Ace Legends PvP and it was taking FOREVER.... Then I happened to land in a group of 3 league players from on here... He sent me a group message saying "Hey FESTER!" so I knew it was from these forums... We destroyed the other group, I said thanks for the group, he invited me to join them and we proceeded to rip off 12 wins in a row.

    I'm bad at PvP so it was nice to have a group that could help me out with stuff. Hoping I can squeeze in a few arena runs with them when the new season starts. :D
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  2. Forced Penance New Player

    I did the same thing, took us about an hour or two for us all to finish. We had a great time doing it and was one of the better pugs I have been in. A lot of joking, racing to the corner, watching people swap roles to see who could round up all the mobs faster, etc.
  3. Forced Penance New Player

    the marketplace set is only cosmetic, it does not apply towards the feat
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  4. Terri Ashra Committed Player

  5. The Doctor Loyal Player

    I'm helping a couple of friends farm clowns tomorrow night sometime. If you are USPS and at least 70 CR lemme know your name and I'll send you a tell before we start. Please try to be on mic or at least listening. Thank you.
  6. DCUController New Player

    true its taken me going on 3.5 years (i think) come april of 2015 to get just 140sp lol, but trust me when I say this Im damn proud of those 140sp :D
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  7. indee2025 New Player

    I don't see this happening...not because of the whiners out there, but because it doesn't make sense to allow folks to buy claims to achievements...honestly though, I abandoned my 106 CR Hero to roll a villain and after about 3 months of casual playing he's CR 104, 92 SP and I haven't even touched PVP. There's still a lot of easy PVP feats out there for me, ranging from activating a few turrets to knocking out certain characters with legends characters that are going to send my villain to 130+ SP in no time. In my opinion, the key is to check the feats, mark down what to do for the stupid easy ones and just knock them out. If you are organized it's much easier.
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  8. Radiohead New Player

    no. earn them it is not hard. time consuming but not hard
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  9. Xibo Loyal Player

    More expensive and no one will buy it, need to have a more low price but i dont defend this. Wih MoT is better.
  10. Chuccles New Player

    if you could take 30 minutes a day you could do toyman and ring war you should finish them both in like 3 months. its long i know but the fact that it doesnt take long to finish them is a huge help.gathering and reapers are completely understandable. i had a full 8 man group and it still took us 2 days. i refuse to devote my time to gathering until i have every single other obtainable feat in the game. 25000 is a monstrous number
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  11. Forced Penance New Player

    I don't want them to sell feats period. That was the cost I found to be acceptable IF they ever did, so that the company would make a killing off any such feat sold, and it would be prohibitive enough that every new player wouldn't be instantly capped.
  12. Xibo Loyal Player

    Ok but you can exactly avoid this unlocking feats with MoT or with a specify mark because no one of us agree that a new player, level 1, have 195 sp buying feats on the Marketplace, right?
  13. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    Utter BS. It shouldn't take a decently skilled player that long to get 130+ skill points (except for maybe the long grind ones...and those are designed to be done over time). You're not trying hard enough and you're not networking in the game to get people together who may be having the same issues as you. So instead you come here with the worst idea ever to basically take away one of the few things there is to do in the game.

    Why don't you try forming a group first, then when you're in the instance inform them of your intent to get feats. You might be surprised at how it'll work out. Also, look at your feat list...REALLY look at it. Look at the feats you can get by on those first. Try getting into PvP. Check out you tube videos or forum posts on how to get certain feats so that you can get an idea of what to do. Do something, anything proactive instead of asking for the Devs to waste time turning this game into a pathetic shadow of what it was by allowing people to buy feats they never actually earned.

    Seriously...what value would skill points have if you did nothing but open your wallet to earn them (unlocking feats from your other toons doesn't count...because you had to EARN it at least once in order to get it)????
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  14. Forced Penance New Player

    No, I don't want them them purchasable with in game currency at all. IF they were ever to be sold (and I don't want them sold at all) I want them sold in the MP, at a prohibitive cost.
  15. 3FacedMan New Player

    I think a "feat" display inside our huds when u enter a mission would do some good because 1. it takes too much damn time to go through all tabs looking for feats for a particular mission 2. not all the feats for a mission are in the same tab and 3. alot of feats primarily the ones under "episodes" tab dont tell u what mission u need to play in order to get them.
  16. BabyBoyzim Dedicated Player

    Sure brought this one back from the dead eh?
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  17. Jcal Dedicated Player

    Good lord!! How do people even find these threads; how does this even happen? lol
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  18. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Nice...8 years revive. Jeebus couldn't have done better. Sep 27, 2014 to Sept 19, 2022

    The funny thing is it's kind of off topic even. It's not really about buying's about a feat tracker. Something that there have been probably 100's of mentions in the last 8 years. Some I've suggested myself...I actually agree it would be nice. Probably some in the last few months even.

    I gotta ask, as mentioned above...are you actually reading through 10 years worth of forum posts and replying to any you think are interesting...or are you searching things out, find one that hits the target and just reply to it? Seriously...I really wonder how this works when an 8 year old thread comes back. It happens more often than you'd think.

    PS. Not saying you can't necro old threads...just wondering how this comes about. Necro threads are sometimes fun to see all the old names of people who USED to enjoy the game.
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  19. Dominic Blue Dedicated Player

    Holy necromancy Batman! But on the topic of thread if players were unhappy of buying capsules to get SP THEN, imagine those that still play today think of the state of the game NOW?
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  20. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    If only they knew then what we know now, ey Reinheld? XD
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