Legends: Custom loadouts

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Avian, Sep 25, 2014.

  1. Avian Dedicated Player

    One thing that has been bugging me for a while is that we can't customize our legends characters. I'm not talking about visuals and stuff like that but the loadouts. What I suggest is that we are able to customize the loadout and rearange the powers so it fits each person better. No additional powers just the ability to swap the location of powers and maybe even remove some powers that you don't want from the loadout. I personally hate when I hit Huntress' 6th power that switches her weapon style and I'd love to get rid of it. I think this would be a neat addition to the Legends PvE as well.
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  2. Shadowdragon Devoted Player

    I posted something similar way back when we got the T5 iconics. Huntress had a lot of similar moves to a couple of my toons, but the loadouts were in different slots. I also try to map similar loadouts for all of my toons despite their power. For example, slot 4 is usually an AoE and slot 5 is a shield. It would be great if we could do it for legends toons too.
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  3. ChuckLess New Player


    The fixed loadout is one of the biggest reasons I don't play Legends. I like to have certain types of moves/powers on certain keys.
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  4. GJGBlackDragon Dedicated Player


    I hate iconics solos and don't like legends. Maybe (just maybe), it'll motivate me to play more that part of the content.

    If I would like to play an Iconic I rather play Injustice, Batman or any other game that got great graphics and better gameplay around them. Meanwhile, I keep playing my toon and keep ignoring that content.
  5. Delta795 New Player

    Gonna sound lime the old man yelling about his lawn...
    Is it really that hard to learn different button combos?
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  6. ChuckLess New Player

    Not if you play the same character all the time and often. Otherwise... um... yeah. It kinda is.
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  7. Wanning Comet Committed Player

    I would love to be able to rearrange the powers of the Legends toons to more optimally fit my style of play/keyboard habits. There are some legends I never play simply because I find the loadout of them arranged completely in the wrong way.

    Yes, you can learn to work with the loadouts as they are but it would be really nice to be able to tweak some of them to more closely match how one sets up their own toons' loadouts. I know I'm not the only one that sets up each toon's loadout with a certain method to make moving between alts more fluid.
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  8. Greenman_x Steadfast Player

    Its like the Devs know exactly what I like. Most legends toons are mapped exactly how I like them.

    Supers on R2 square is the most important.
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  9. Mistress of Magic Well-Known Player

    Wonder Woman 1H Sword loadout, please! :)
  10. Apocalyptic Rain New Player

    Hmm..you like two-face then? :p
  11. WhiteW0lf Devoted Player

    It's very different on PC, no triangles or exes or squares, our loadouts quite literally read, 1 2 3 4 5 6.

    Idk how other PC players do it, but I try to keep my Loadout in that exact order as much as possible. This is not possible with legends character unfortunately.
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  12. Greenman_x Steadfast Player

    I hate rifle...and coins.
  13. Baby Sister Committed Player

    This seems cool I would like to see a different between Donna Troy and wonder girl ! :)
  14. Avian Dedicated Player

    I think different weapon styles and such would require a lot more to implement since they would have to add new animations to the existing characters.

    Furthermore I think it would be great if alternative legends skins were just something you can purchase and then toggle when you select a legends character instead of having 4 Batmans in you character select.
  15. Dezaras Loyal Player

    I think they're working on alternate skins, instead of extra legend slots.

    That being said...

    I like the idea of alternating a legend loadout, and I like the idea of alternate skins. How about something, similar to the armoury system where we can save a certain loadout to a certain skin.
    Example: Future Batman could have a different saved loadout to, say, preorder Batman. Something that we could determine.

    Then again I doubt everybody will get an alternate skin so maybe not...
  16. Avian Dedicated Player

    Considering you really only have those 6 powers to work with I don't think an option to have 2 or more different loadouts would be necessary. Though the ability to save 1 specific loadout and then just choose what skin you want when you select the character would be neat.
  17. Apocalyptic Rain New Player

    XD AND Coins? Im Done..
  18. Sir Arcanium New Player

    Just moving the powers around would be nice but other times I would like to remove some or even pick from a list of possible powers. I mean almost every character has one or two powers that are useless, some worse than others. I mean in anything but a long match Saint Walker's SC is beyond useless. You almost never get the bar full enough to use it, and can still get stunned out of the SC and waste the charge. The cool down is about 3-5 min as well. It actually takes longer to cool down than to refill the SC to 100% for me most of the time.

    I could understand the trouble in manually altering the load outs, but come on. With all the reskins we have of batman and such why not at least give them slightly different power choices? How about something like a classic comic Superman who doesn't fly and is only fast and strong (aka would use super speed). Back in the day he out ran trains, and leaped over buildings.. hence that whole faster than a locomotive bit they used to use.