Lag İssue @ PC

Discussion in 'Old Arkham (Bug Archive)' started by ComiCsFan, Sep 24, 2014.

  1. ComiCsFan New Player

    I was playing in gotham at omac zone. doing quests I attacked them ,
    lag came up and then all npc,omacs,ace chemicals whatever around maps are disappeared.
    except they can still dps , not me.
    I had same issue in alerts too.
    İs anyone having a problems like these?
  2. Ghaladh Dedicated Player

    Lags are a common issue in MMOs. There is really nothing you can do about it, unless of course they happen too often.
  3. ErnieB Loyal Player

    They've been a lot heavier since UD 40, and since yesterday when so many more started using plasm auras it got worst since the system is having more trouble rendering every character.
  4. ComiCsFan New Player

    I know but it is too often at the moment and I don't think its happens only for me. ı am on uspc btw.
  5. Kaiowas Nomad Active Player

    Then U should try being on ps3 ! Here the lag is just outrageous...just in HoD it lags in a choppy way and doing counters in pve is almost impossible at times, and not to mention doing U'r WM combos gets f*cked up by this lag.
    I'm on EUSP.
  6. ComiCsFan New Player

    :eek: So I may fell lucky in that case.