PVP GU41 Testing notes

Discussion in 'Battle of the Legends (PvP)' started by xSpartacusx, Sep 19, 2014.

  1. Scorpion Well-Known Player

    Wonder why everyone is talking bout pve tanking in a pvp thread?
  2. xSpartacusx Well-Known Player

    I guess it depends on your playstyle. I´ve never been a tank that spec in survivability, but completely offensive. But that´s me.
    Is up to anyone playstyle, and what you want to do. Survive or be more offensive.
  3. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    Does PvP gear have white sockets for HT mods at all now or are they still there and will just be disabled in arenas?
  4. Ice Knight Well-Known Player

    No , there is no more HT for PVP or PVP gear.
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  5. Ice Knight Well-Known Player

    Healing and Power supers , arent doing that much because how high our health and power pools are now.

    And i made a thread on grounding powers over a year ago when they basically nerfed them all , and i remember a dev saying that they wanted it to be like it is now , and you could just kite around forever. I mean if they never nerf grounding , maybe people would of got kills in competitive matches , instead of it just being a turtle / kite fest. And the score would of never ended in 0-0 ties.
  6. Last Dragon Well-Known Player

    What this game really needs is better coding/servers. Honestly, when i see stuff me BLOCKBREAKING a guy who is already in the middle of lunge animation, it becomes obvious that it's not a problem of connection, but crappy game coding OR ****** servers. I play DotA competitively and even on US/China servers such things don't happen, yet here it's commonplace.

    DCUO PvP will never be anything more than a joke as long as this problem of animations not being consistent with actual actions exists...
  7. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    -_- that's the counter window. A while ago blocking was based on animation time and you could spam block with little to no consequences or risk at all and it promoted a slower paced defensive style of gameplay as opposed to the faster aggressive one we've got now.

    Obviously lag and latency can effect that but it most definitely intended. Without rolling the shortest a block window will be is .75 seconds iirc.
  8. Clutchmeister Loyal Player

    The reason why is because the game works differently, when you press a command you will typically experience input delay on those games. So basically, you tell your hero to move in a certain direction or use a particular ability and it will take however many miliseconds for the command to go through.

    I have also played both DotA and LoL competitively and there is certainly a difference playing on foreign servers, but with different things.
  9. chubbychase New Player

    Because people who don't understand what dominance is immediately associate it with pve? And it isn't "everyone," someone wasn't sure how to spec a tank for pvp but has (questionable?) experience with it in pve, and he/she tried to exemplify his/her question with that. Everything else that remotely metions pve is a response to that post...

    Willpower and aggro are not the same thing. By that logic, controllers would pull a lot of aggro constantly and healers would pull no aggro at all.

    For pvp, though, it goes back to what Spartacus posted: playstyle. I aim for survivability when playing in group as a tank, so I spec for health & dominance over other stats. Never played fire, however, so not sure tossing in resto would be more beneficial. Would be great if a fire player could speak on this matter.
  10. ObsidianChillSucks New Player

    another Scrim from test server giving a glimpse to what competitive 5s and pvp in general will feel like with all the proposed changes. There still has a lot to be desired about the cc effects but alot of the changes are on the right track.

    I would also like to touch on the subject that ive seen posted on a few different threads in regards to setups and USPC vs the other servers. The generic setup for the majority of dcuo is 1dps-1tank-1trol-2heal and the generic setup for the more competitive USPC 5s has been for the longest time 2troll-1tank-2heal. Now as weird as some may view that from the outside it in my opinion is more favourable setup with the right players, in the past we never needed a dps because our controllers could do just as much if not more than a dps in pvp but we also have the added advantage of more power, more debuffs, and greater changes to target the healers because of the confidence role boast. Now that changes with pvp with a controller in controller stance not getting any extra vit, not getting the role bonus its basically just debuffs so who knows that setup may change. But I just don't see the need to ridicule that setup but nonetheless /endopinion the video is unintentionally 2troll-1tank-2heal. vs 1dps-1tank-1trol-2heal.

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  11. LeRassTyphon Well-Known Player

    :( i watched your videos about the gu41 feel sad for pvp actually

    Those change keep going on the dps aspect like all change we got those time...


    this one is an exemple of what we losing with gu4:

    -less team play in the game all target are the same just focus on one
    -devs came with a great idea at first "The Hard Core Trinity" gu41 just make it like inexistantit a huege part of pvp dying here guys.

    1st videos : cat's fight
    2nd videos: chess play

  12. Senexys Well-Known Player

    New changes on test server about remorseless recovery and malediction/benediction damage based heals, a dev or anyone can say what percentage of your damage is now? because in the GU 41 patch notes it just says "reduced" but how much are reduced?

    • The Berserk supercharge ability has been reduced in PvP arenas to now echo back 25% of your outgoing damage.
    • Reduced the amount of Healing caused by Remorseless Recovery in Tank role while in PvP Arenas.

    • Reduced the amount of Healing caused by Corrupted Benediction and Cleansed Malediction in Healing role while in PvP Arenas.
  13. Volkenraider Loyal Player

    Have you tried going old school clipping since WM can be slightly more high risk if you keep getting countered? Can you get kills or is it too power hungry and just not viable doing it the old way?
  14. WockaFlockaPhil Dedicated Player

    The standard setup works so well (not in terms of winning or losing but rather the gameplay itself) in that it allows more diversity in powersets, allows for a greater chance of people dying (no 50-0 or 0-0 15 minute scrims), and in general allows both teams to be closer to even footing than if two teams run different setups.

    Though I will say, I am excited for barebones/no consumables, this was long overdue.
  15. Clutchmeister Loyal Player

    IMO you will lose far too much damage not utilising WM unless you're playing rage as a DPS.

    Let's not forget that the 2-1-1-1 setup beat the 2-1-2 setup that night as well :p I still wanna test out a three healer setup vs 3 DPS.
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  16. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    I think the tanks on usps wear dps gear, do uspc tanks wear dps too?
  17. DarkNovaBlaze Dedicated Player

    Surely, lawless is trolling. Right?
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  18. ThunderlesStorm New Player

    All the gear is the same now for everyone
  19. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    I know I'm asking about right now
  20. DarkNovaBlaze Dedicated Player

    I think it would be great if they completely removed Weapon Mastery from arenas. It was only put in the game because PvE DPS were complaining that some powers were able to put out more damage than others. It's really not needed in PvP.